7/23, 一年了,那些失去亲人的亲属还好吗? 听一首Elton John 的candle in the wind,也不知道合适不 合适 反正是表表我的心意- 愿逝者安息,伤者平安。 我们没有忘记 ...
早上醒来,哎,又是Monday 要是能再睡会多好呀, 可是,星期一的早上,开会,计划一周的工作, 到了办公室我好像还没完全醒呢,哈哈。 电台里传来了这首say you say me 的歌, Lionel Richie,久违啦,好久好久没有听到他的歌了, 开会也一直想着这歌,哈哈。 愿能ease your Monday。。。。。 I al ... first time I heard your laugh my ears heard a song first time I saw your beauty my eyes sang along first time we walked in the woods echoed by birds chorus ...
what a beautiful song! we all have heard this many many times. every time, I stop whatever I am doing, and listen till it ends and say to myself, what a wonderful voice!! I see trees of green........ red roses too ...