海明到底诽谤了桑兰什么呢? 这个问题,我刚才看了一下,一共有六句话。 Defendant’s Blog on September 25, 2011: “But, what disgusted me the most was Lan Sang allowed Jian Huang to sexually ill-treat her dog Xiaomei. That day during a meal at their home, the two of them said that Xi ...
起诉 翰山酷网侵权、诽谤的状纸 中有一个部分 “JURISDICTION”(管辖权),论述联邦法院的管辖权,其中SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION ("争议管辖权”)部分写道: This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this matter pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§1331 and 1338(a), as this action arises o ...
刚有网友问到杨文彬案的缘由。我简介一下。 南京化工学院毕业,德国 Univ Paderborn 毕业的、家住加拿大 North York 的杨文彬在互联网上不断对我进行诽谤,并多次要求到美国加州跟我打官司,要在加州法院消灭我,他好留名美国法律界,让美国PACER上永载他杨文彬的大名。 杨文彬在互联网上也算是个”名人” ...
美国最高法院以 5:4 票数裁决,各州不得禁止同性婚姻。 Obergefell v. Hodges 首席法官 John Roberts: “ Under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be.... The fundamental right to marry does not include a right to makeState ch ...