Wonderful victory day parade :). Good to see Pakistani troops in there. We are grateful to be part of your victory day parade!! You made great sacrifices in WWII but west doesn't seems to accept what sacrifices Chinese people made. Long live china :) (看到巴基斯坦部队真好。对能够参加你们的胜利阅兵我们感到感激。。。中国万岁)
韩国观众: KoreanPride
22 hours ago
South Korea and China UNITE!!! (南韩与中国团结起来!!)
澳大利亚观众: Jackson Neaves
china is our largest trading partner...yet there's no Australian government representatives there. my government is a damn disgrace.
long live China and all those peace loving nations that attended.(中国是我们最大的贸易伙伴。。。但是阅兵却没有澳洲政府代表。我们政府真是TMD丢脸。中国与所有参加阅兵的热爱和平国家万岁!)
10 hours ago
Happy 70th anniversary! We should never forget, not like western civilization, greetings from Belgium. (胜利70周年快乐! 我们不应忘记---来自比利时)
塞尔维亚观众:Sigfodr Wanderer
7 hours ago
China has every right to hold military parade in honor of those 20 millions that lost their life's by hand of Japanese oppressors. Never forget what unit 731 did, never forgive. Glory to China, all best from Serbia. (永远不要忘记731部队,永远不要。光荣属于中国 -- 来自塞尔维亚的最佳祝福)(
Thomas Russell
10 hours ago (edited)
I am a USAF veteran, and I find it absolutely pathetic and shameful that the US and most of the sheep countries like Australia and other Western nations who always jump when the US says jump, refused to send dignitaries to this event. The saddest part...there were USAF veterans at this ceremony who were awarded medals by President Xi Jinping for their heroism and sacrifice in helping China in WW11. How utterly pathetic that the USA was not able to swallow their pride for one day and pay respect to their one time Military alliance with China. A proud day to be Chinese...a proud day for the South Korean people who did not bow to American pressure...a shameful day to call myself an American. (我是一个美国空军退役军人,美国与澳大利亚及其他美国让跳就跳的西方绵羊国家拒绝派代表参加这个活动,对此我感到绝对悲哀与羞耻。最令人伤心的是,这个庆祝活动中还有在二战中帮助过中国的美国老兵,习近平给他们颁发了奖章表彰他们的英勇与牺牲。美国连一天都不能放下他们的面子向他们曾经的战友表示敬意,这是多么可悲! 今天是中国人骄傲的一天,也是韩国人骄傲的一天 -- 他们没有想美国的压力低头。。。 今天我为自己是美国人而羞耻。)