苹果申请“iPad Mini”商标,结果被USPTO拒绝,其拒绝信如下:
结果是,不仅'IPad mini"没有被批准,连iPad也似乎遭到了否定:
【The term “IPAD” is descriptive when applied to applicant’s goods because the prefix “I” denotes “internet.”... The term “PAD” is also descriptive of the applied for goods. The term
“pad” refers to a “pad computer” or “internet pad device”, terms used
synonymously to refer to tablet computers, or “a complete computer
contained in a touch screen.” Please see the attached dictionary
definition. In addition, the attached excerpts from third party
websites show descriptive use of the term “pad” in connection with
tablet computers. This marketplace evidence shows that the term “pad”
would be perceived by consumers as descriptive of “pad computers” with
internet and interactive capability. Applicant’s goods are identified
as “a handheld digital mobile electronic device comprising tablet