然而东部城市的普通美国人确实有机会了解中国并研究中国文物。 他们甚至可以在
中国移民出现之前在美国土地上见到中国人。 这是因为,在 1850 年之前,少数有
Excursions to China in Early America
Before the start of the steamship era, only American merchants, missionaries, and government
officials undertook the long voyage to China. Yet ordinary Americans in eastern cities did have
opportunities to learn about China and examine Chinese artifacts. They could even meet Chinese
people on American soil before the advent of Chinese immigration. That is because a handful of
enterprising American merchants and government officials brought Chinese collections and even
Chinese people to the United States for display before 1850. This presentation tells the story
of these early, and quite curious, Sino-American encounters.