the massacre, dead bodies were all over the places in NanJing city. Not only
motor-vehicles were difficult to move, it was even hard to walk around. Japanese
then negotiated with the International Committee requesting help for disposing
the bodies. The International Committee organized some refugees to bury to
bodies, they began to clear the roads and bury the dead under the scrutiny
of the Japanese. But there were too few people, the work could only be carried
out on major streets. On other streets, bodies were heaped to be handled
later. These were the body heaps seen by western reporters.
[...] In January 1938, NanJing massacre was condemned by the world. Japanese government had to admit the killing,raping, looting, arson and destruction done by the Japanese army in NanJing. And it summoned back over eighty ranking officers back to Japan. But no one was punished. On the other hand, it ordered the International Committee at NanJing to dispose the bodies inside and outside the city, bury or burn. From Feburary of 1938, burial of the body heaps began. Usually a big pit is dug, and then hundres of bodies were pushed in, coverd with earth, and that was it. The humanitarian organizations that participated in the burial kept detailed record of the places of burial and the number of bodies, which accounted over half of the total number ( 300,000 ) of people who was massacred by the Japanese.