打官司确实不是请客吃饭,海明律师还是谨慎的好。你看看,莫虎律师经验可比你丰富多了,他自己还曾经被判罚1万美金,而且法庭还特意命令不允许其客户代他支付。那还不是rule 11 sanction,主要因为他的客户不配合。Rule 11 就更严重了。虽然后来巡回法院以下级法院没有给他DUE PROCESS为由vacate了这个命令、并且remand for further proceedings,但要知道联邦法官权力是很大的,sanction 这种东西,一般来说上诉法院的审查标准是abuse of discretion,推翻的难度大。从这个角度,莫虎律师是有实战经验的--他能在巡回法院争取到vacate下级法院的罚款就是一例。
这次莫虎律师的rule 11我看他是志在必得。海明把TURNER从罪大恶极一下子说成清白无辜,法官会怎么想?你想回北京当“农民工”还不一定有人要呢?在中国打工是要户口的。在网上拍胸脯、给自己打气是没有用的。莫虎要制你,你就说是下重手,你告人家难到就很温柔?打官司这种事情,一旦开战,说穿了,是个你死我活的斗争,是很残酷的。男人的成长往往是要经过痛苦的。没有这个受伤的思想准备,就不要当原告。
【MEMORANDUM OPINION # 76275 granting [26-1] motion to strike the defendant's affirmative defense of lack of personal jurisdiction, pursuant to Rule 37(b)(2), denying [14-1] motion to dismiss the complaint for lack of personal jurisdiction .. plaintiffs shall recover from **** and its counsel, jointly and severally, the reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, as fixed by the Court pursuant to motion made not later than **** of these motions and of litigating the jurisdictional issue. ****'s counsel, Hugh H. Mo shall pay sanctions to the Clerk of the Court on or before **** in the amount of $10,000. **** shall not directly or indirectly reimburse counsel, and counsel shall not seek or accept reimbursement, for any part of the $10,000 sanction imposed on him pursuant to this order. SO ORDERED.****】
【JUDGMENT # ****,....ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED: that pltffs have judgment against deft and its attorney, Hugh H. Mo, jointly and severally in the sum of $16,143.67, for attorney's fees and expenses.】