
岳东晓 (已有 1,098,557 人访问过博主空间)



作者:岳东晓  于 2011-4-30 07:48 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村 通用分类:热点杂谈|已有7评论

Urodynamics/Incontinence/Female Urology: Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction 

Moderated Poster 

Source of Funding: Ministrelli Program for Urology Research and Education (MPURE) 


Kenneth Peters,Kevin Feber, Benjamin Girdler, William Nantau, Evan Kass, Jose Gonzalez, Gary Trock ,Ananias Diokno,Royal Oak, MI 

INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: The concept of restoring bladder and bowel function inspina bifida by the creation of a skin-CNS-bladder reflex arc by an intradural lumbar to sacral motor root microanastomosis was introduced by Xiao. We report our three-year experience with the novel procedure. 

METHODS: Nine patients (3 males, 6 females) with median age of 8 (range 6 to 37) years enrolled in this institutional review board approved protocol. After extensive preoperative evaluation, lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting was performed using intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. Postoperative evaluation included follow-up questionnaires,urodynamic testing (UDT), voiding diaries, renal function studies and bowel assessment. 

RESULTS: Of the 9 patients, 5 patients had defect closure within 24 hours of birth, 3 had intrauterine closure and 1 had no prior surgery. Mean operative time was 183 (range 127-278) minutes. No intraoperative complications occurred. One patient developed permanent foot drop and 8 had transient lower extremity weakness. By 12 months, 7 of 9 had a documented cutaneous to bladder reflex. At 3 years, 2 patients did not return for follow-up and were considered non-responders. Seven patients returned for 36-month evaluation. On UDT, maximum cystometric capacity improved from mean 210 cc to 293 cc. At baseline 4/7 had neurogenic detrusor overactivity (NDO); at 36 months 1/7 had NDO. Median compliance improved from 12.2 ml/H20 to 28.4 ml/H2O and 3 with a baseline compliance of less than 10 had normalization (7 to 34.3, 9.4 to 21.2, and 8.3 to 28.4). At baseline, 2/7 were able to void with an average void of 23 cc. At 36 months, 6/7 no longer required catheterization and 6/7 reported mean voided volume of 156cc on voiding diaries. Uroflow demonstrated a mean voided volume of 248 cc with a 93 cc post void residual and a voiding efficiency of 73%. All 6 patients were voiding > 59% of their bladder capacity. 5 of 7 require some valsalva to void. 6/7 subjects had persistent stress incontinence with 1 subject dry, 3 with occasional leak, 3 frequent leaks. At baseline, 3/7 considered their bowels normal and 1/7 were continent of stool. At 36-months 6/7 considered bowels normal and 4/7 continent of stool. Antimuscarinics were stopped in all subjects except the 1 with persistent NDO. Renal ultrasounds and serum creatinines remained stable. No long-term complications were identified and 6/7 would undergo the procedure again. 


Lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting can improve bladder and bowel function in patients withneurogenic bladder associated with spina bifida. 










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回复 wcat 2011-4-30 08:14
回复 tutu0077 2011-4-30 09:46
回复 goodoctor 2011-4-30 10:14
回复 岳东晓 2011-4-30 11:52
回复 wcat 2011-4-30 17:26
回复 hanfeng109 2011-5-2 02:54
wcat: 怎么觉得科学素养是如此欠缺!有像肖这样做科学研究的吗?拿不出像样的结果只靠自吹自擂,别人置疑就上法院告,雇人打。你也是这样做研究的吗?方舟子做的是十分 ...
回复 liubaxintian 2011-5-2 10:36
This paper was actually published last year

2010 Journal of Urology 184 (2), pp. 702-707  
Outcomes of Lumbar to Sacral Nerve Rerouting for Spina Bifida  Kenneth M. Peters, Benjamin Girdler, Cindy Turzewski, Gary Trock, Kevin Feber, William Nantau, Brian Bush, Jose Gonzalez, Evan Kass, Juan de Benito, Ananias Diokno

Restoring bladder and bowel function in spina bifida by creation of a skin-central nervous system-bladder reflex arc via lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting has a reported success rate of 87% in China. We report 1-year results of the first North American trial on nerve rerouting.

Materials and Methods
Nine subjects were enrolled in the study. Intradural lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting was performed. Subjects underwent urodynamic testing with stimulation of the cutaneous dermatome and careful neurological followup. Adverse events were closely monitored along with changes in bowel and bladder function.

At 1 year 7 patients (78%) had a reproducible increase in bladder pressure with stimulation of the dermatome. Two patients were able to stop catheterization and all safely stopped antimuscarinics. No patient achieved complete urinary continence. The majority of subjects reported improved bowel function. One patient was continent of stool at baseline and 4 were continent at 1 year. Of the patients 89% had variable weakness of lower extremity muscle groups at 1 month. One child had persistent foot drop and the remainder returned to baseline by 12 months.

This is the first known North American trial on lumbar to sacral nerve rerouting to restore bladder and bowel function in patients with spina bifida. Although the majority of subjects experienced lower extremity weakness immediately postoperatively, most returned to baseline within 12 months. The exception was 1 patient with a persistent foot drop. Seven subjects had a reproducible bladder contraction with stimulation of the appropriate dermatome, proving the development of a somatic to visceral reflex. The impact of this surgery on improvement in quality of life still needs to be determined. This procedure should remain on a research protocol, and more patients and longer followup are needed to understand fully the associated risk/benefit ratio.

C. G. Xiao provided guidance in developing the trial and expertise in training the surgeons involved.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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