
岳东晓 (已有 1,096,171 人访问过博主空间)



作者:岳东晓  于 2012-5-7 13:34 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村 作者分类:历史军事|通用分类:热点杂谈|已有8评论

关键词:历史, 台湾, 志愿军战俘


根据《Korea, The War Before Vietnam》一书记载,大量国民党特务被麦克阿瑟输入战俘营,在战俘营内施行血腥恐怖,强迫志愿军战俘去台湾。其基本策略就是对表达愿意回国的志愿军 进行残酷迫害,甚至加以杀害。当时主持战俘甄别的中立国家组织NNRC建议将已经表达愿望的战俘分离出来,而不是让其回到原战俘营与其他战俘住在一起。对 此,美国强烈反对,因为他们知道,如果把战俘中的国民党分子与其他人分开,则很多战俘会选择回国(” then very appreciable numbers of the prisoners may switch and elect repatriation")。由于美国的反对,NNRC的建议未能被采纳。


相关事实参见下列专著: 《Korea, The War Before Vietnam》。

《Korea, The War Before Vietnam》, Callum A. MacDonald  (geo-politic study based on official documents, many recently declassfied,  honest and scholarly on many political issues)    

"In the Chinese camps, the leaders were ex-Guomindong [Kuo-Min-Tang, KMT] soldiers drafted into the PLA after 1949,... this group used 'brutal force' to attain control and force POWs to express their loyalty to the Guomindong. Terror was reinforced by manipulation of essential supplies which were distributed by compound leaders. The choice for the average POW was often to conform or to starve. The situation was tolerated by the camp administration which ... was sympathetic to the anti-communist cause....The Chinese [KMT camp leaders] were in contact with Taiwan through Guomindong personnel in the camp administration".

How did KMT agents get there? From files of the Far East Command, "In January 1951 MacArthur requested 20 linguists  from Taiwan who were selected by Jiang's Ministry of Defense. In February 1951 he asked additional 55 and despatched a staff officer to Taiwan to coordinate psychological warfare programmes with Guomindong regime. Muccio recalled that 75 personnel were recruited on Taiwan who were 'doubtless members of the Chang Kai-Shek's Gestapo'."

"After the cease-fire, repatriate POWs were exchanged in OPERATION BIG SWITCH and the non-repatriates turned over to the NNRC [Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission] and the Indian Custodial Force in the DMZ for 'explanations'. The Americans recognised that ...Once outside the UNC control there was no guarantee that large numbers of POWs would not opt for repatriation.... Their main worry was that the prisoners would somehow be separated from the anti-communist leadership which had imposed order in the compounds."

To avert the situation in which many POWs switch to repatriate, US mounted a intensive propaganda campaign with the assistance of the KMT regime, camp leaders held screening to weed any 'communist elements' which remained.

NNRC proposed a rule to segregate POWs who received explanation from those who had not. Americans consider this to be extremely dangerous and objected to it strongly. US news correspondents at Panmunjom warned, "If the Communists succeed in separating anti-Communist leaders from [their] respective compounds, then very appreciable numbers of the prisoners may switch and elect repatriation".

The Americans scored a victory in opposing the NNRC proposal, the anti-Communists elements would appear at the beginning of the explanation and disrupt the proceedings. "Thus the explanations were marked by abuse and violence."  "As a result, the mass of POWs was never interviewed. " "Of the Chinese 2085 out of 14700 were screened".

"In a separate report, the Swedes and Swiss agreed that 'The attitude of prisoners of war in respect of explanations has...been influenced and coordinated by organizations of a political nature....acts of violence and even murders have been committed." 

So, almost 2/3 of the Chinese POWs were sent to Taiwan.

Upon this victory, US government proclaimed: "They will remember that freedom is the popular choice, and the desire for freedom can overcome even the most intense indoctrination and brutal discipline. We in the free world have a special right to feel proud today. we have stood by a principle and won."    










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回复 蓝天绿地 2012-5-7 15:14
后来有的人从台湾去了美国,听说Stony Brooks State  University of NY 当年有个小中国食品商店,华人学生经常光顾,老板曾是志愿军班长。


回复 VANO 2012-5-7 22:43
回复 8288 2012-5-8 01:20
VANO: 有没有关于朝鲜战争的电影?介绍一个链接吧。
回复 岳东晓 2012-5-8 03:02
蓝天绿地: 后来有的人从台湾去了美国,听说Stony Brooks State  University of NY 当年有个小中国食品商店,华人学生经常光顾,老板曾是志愿军班长。

我看过凤凰卫视的中 ...

回复 蓝天绿地 2012-5-8 03:20
岳东晓: “估计他们会说战俘回去会枪毙,另外战俘许多人本来就是国民党部队收遍的。”

这样是不能让人背景离乡的。国民党的做法是对那些坚决要求回国的以极为残忍的手法 ...
回复 VANO 2012-5-8 05:21
回复 yuandao 2012-5-8 19:49
回复 呆子 2012-5-25 13:13

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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