
岳东晓 (已有 1,096,692 人访问过博主空间)



作者:岳东晓  于 2011-7-31 00:20 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村 通用分类:热点杂谈|已有1评论

鲁重贤经常在网上宣传其一篇文章,其连接在http://www.cqfyl.com/pdf/lu2.pdf。其简介写到:“a newly discovered force from the sun. We show that such a force would be due to a charge - mass interaction, which is based on general relativity. For a charge q and another particle of mass m, the static repulsive force is derived to be q2m/r3, where r is the distance between them.”



我将信将疑,想起了GOOGLE。使用“Reissner–Nordström repulsion”立刻找到一篇1982年一个以色列人写的论文 (C. L. Pekeris, June 14, 1982 Proc. NatL Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 79, pp. 6404-6408, October 1982)。连接在http://www.pnas.org/content/79/20/6404.full.pdf 其中的方程62,给出了牛顿近似下的一个带电物体的势的详细推导,其中含一项为 -1/2G MQ^2/r^2。这一项取梯度就是鲁重贤论文中的r^-3排斥力(鲁的文中没有推导过程)。

另外,我随便找了一本相对论的课本:General Relavity -An Introduction for Physicists by M.P. Hobson 等,在该书的12.6节给出了带电球对称物体的度规。12.8节给出了一个粒子在该引力场径向运动的方程(该书的方程12.52),此方程与鲁重贤称为"charge-mass"作用的结果相同。



Minkes are normally ignored by society. But the advent of internet has provided Minkes a potent delivery meachanism to spread their frivolous ideas to the uneducated and gullible. C_Y_Lo is such a Minke, who thrived on by attacking C. N. Yang and other great physicists. But this time, he attracted my attention.

I have written quite a few artciles on C_y_lo. Each time, I analysed C_Y_Lo's own words and showed that he is clueless. For instance, C_y_Lo did not understand Yang-Mills paper and claimed that Yang-Mills theory is invalid because Pauli said there was a mass problem. Of course, C_Y_lo is wrong. To expect a Minke to be right would be insanely misguided.

But that was only the conclusion after careful analysis. In the process, I have explained the Yang-Mills theory and its modern applications in both QCD and electroweak theory. I fully explained why C_Y_lo was clueless.

C_y_lo's response is usually follows this pattern : (1) you are ____ (fill with some derogative term); (2) read zhou Peiyuan's paper; (3) read Weinberg's paper; (4) read C_y_lo's another paper.

C_y_lo states that Weinberg's paper proves that Yang's gauge invariance theory is invalid. This is odd. Weinberg is an ardent student of Yang-Mills school. It is well known that Weinberg used a SU(2)xU(1) Yang-Mills theory and developed a successful theory of the electroweak interaction.

So I read the Weinberg paper which Lo cited as disapproving Yang's gauage theory. It turned out that it was the paper for the SU(2)xU(1) Yang-Mills field I just mentioned. It was a paper which made Yang-Mills theory shine. In this paper, Weinberg couples Yang-Mills with the so called Higgs mechanism. The Higgs mechanism is actually another triumph of Yang-Mill gauge theory.

By requiring local Yang-Mills gauge invariance, the massless gauge bosons "eat" the massless Goldstone bosons in the Higgs fiels and become massive. Furthermore, the non-zero vacuum value of the Higgs field can be coupled to the Dirac field to give a mass to the Fermions. A fully gauge invariant theory thus gives all the secrets of nature man knows so far.

Lo thinks I exposed him because I want to defend C.N. Yang, as if this is some personal fight. He got it wrong. Minke are just vermins for the true sciences. Whenever they pose threats to the reputation and dignity of sciences, any educated member of the society ought to stand up and defend the sciences. There is nothing personal here both ways.

In fact, Lo ought to thank me for providing such free education. If a Minke wants to steal the glory of science, he should at least learn to understand the basics.

C_Y_lo also touts something he calls "charge-mass" repulsion force. Some of his "noodle threads" lauded this as the discovery of the Fifth force of nature. After taking the effort to glimpse through his paper, I noted that the key equation he claimed to have derived was a well known textbook exercise, C_Y_Lo probably just copied down the final result, and then misinterpreted it.

C_Y-Lo won't give up. But his words are madder and emptier.

Should we expect a Minke to honetsly admit his cluelessness?











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回复 曼哈顿 2011-7-31 12:45

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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