
岳东晓 (已有 1,096,573 人访问过博主空间)



作者:岳东晓  于 2011-9-20 02:27 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村 作者分类:桑兰案评论|通用分类:法律相关|已有14评论




























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回复 paci 2011-9-20 07:00

回复 Lisaa 2011-9-20 07:42
回复 chico 2011-9-20 11:57
“善不积,不足以成名;恶不积,不足以灭身。” 有些人不听劝,就只能让他随顺自己的习气了。个人因果,个人负责。
回复 neo42 2011-9-21 07:00
I can not like Sang Lan for at least a few reasons. One although she was not the lawyer, she can not say that suing Liu and Xie was  totally because that Haiming tricked her. It hurts even more, when Sang Lan would fabricate facts and wrongly accuse somebody who helped her so much for sexually harassing her. Even if she was not the only source of the evil, she certainly was one of them. Two, although she can play with legal tricks not to pay her rent, to treat a landlord who gave her such a nice place to stay with her expected stay being so short is amoral at least and extremely mean.  This tells me what a scumbag sang lan has been. It is because of this instead of her being disabled that many of us here are disgusted by Sang Lan. She is much more handicapped in her morality. I supported you in He Mei case, because I know how parents feel about their children. I can't agree with you on Sang Lan being so innocent.
回复 allen_w_liu 2011-9-22 07:05
回复 Picard 2011-9-22 16:10
neo42: I can not like Sang Lan for at least a few reasons. One although she was not the lawyer, she can not say that suing Liu and Xie was because of totally ...
I don’t agree with you. As you said, Sang Lan is not a lawyer. Hai Ming has all the responsibility for what he has submitted to the court. Hai Ming has never mentioned Sang Lan suing Liu and Xie against his advice. I also have read Sang Lan’s testimony in sexual contacts with Xue. I think it is believable, given their intimate photos I saw before. At least you don’t know yourself whether Sang Lan has fabricated the stories.

You have accused Sang Lan an evil. It is too much. On the cases like this, it is better err on the side of caution. There is no danger for Liu and Xie to lose their life but some money if they were wrongly accused. US courts will protect them. But Sang Lan would live with the wrong for her whole life if these things were true. Which is more important, the money or a person’s life?

However, what troubled me the most were the languages some people used against Sang Lan. They have so much enjoyed exploiting the female sex and handicap that ”trapped” Sang Lan. Why didn’t you accuse them the evil? Who were these people anyway?
回复 Lisaa 2011-9-23 12:37
neo42: I can not like Sang Lan for at least a few reasons. One although she was not the lawyer, she can not say that suing Liu and Xie was because of totally ...
What made you so sure that Sang Lan fabricated the facts of being sexually harassed? What were your facts? If you are not a witness then it is simply not your place to say whether or not Sang Lan was sexually harassed. If you made your conclusion based on speculations, then don’t talk about morality, you have none. Regarding Sang Lan not paying her rent, it was all Hai Ming’s words, we can’t just take his words for it, we haven’t heard Sang Lan’s side of story. Hai Ming has been proven not to be trustworthy, and has been out of his freaking mind since beginning.  

It is unbelievable that many people think they are so morally superior, they have the right to judge someone they don’t even know! Most of these people claimed that they are nice and moral , then before the truth comes out , could you be  truly kind persons and have a little compassion for a severely handicapped person, stop attacking someone you have never met! It won’t kill ya!!
回复 neo42 2011-9-23 19:10
Picard: I don’t agree with you. As you said, Sang Lan is not a lawyer. Hai Ming has all the responsibility for what he has submitted to the court. Hai Ming h ...
Greeting and thanks for your feedback.

When Sang was asked if she was indeed sexually harassed by Xie, her answer was "how can that be false." No she blame Haiming for misguided her for her accusation of Xie and Liu. This tells two things, at least to me. One accusing Liu and Xie was wrong (and she's being counter suited by Xie's lawyer). Two Sang Lan is trying to deny her own responsibilities in making the accusation.

I do not like Haiming. I think he should be hold responsible and believe he will pay the price. But the real victims in this case were Xie and Liu and their family who took care of Sang Lan when she needed only to be accused of sexual harassment in the end. As handicapped as Sang Lan, as stupid and dishonest as Haiming, both shall pay for what they did to the others. This is why I choose not to err with neither Sang nor Hai. I choose consciousness.

I have not belittled Sang because she's a woman or handicapped. I respect both of those but simply can not respect anybody who would bite the hands that once feeding her just in order to squeeze out some lousy dollars. I dislike Sang Lan just the same way I dislike Xu Laotai in the Peng Yu case, just the way I dislike any disgraceful money diggers and hustlers. This is also the very reason I dislike Haiming and some other interests driven instead of consciousness driven smarties. In my mind, people like these are not only hurting the image of Chinese but also hurting the normal trust among people.  Thus I along with many other integrite men and women feel shamed by this cheap soap opera starred by Sang and Haiming. Sang can be a man or a woman, old or young, Chinese or Venusian, handicapped or super-powered, and that will not factor a thing.

I don't mind people siding with Sang Lan neither. This is a world of variety and for many kinds. I just wish and sincerely root for that in the end the justice will prevail.
回复 neo42 2011-9-25 01:31
Lisaa: What made you so sure that Sang Lan fabricated the facts of being sexually harassed? What were your facts? If you are not a witness then it is simply  ...

Honestly, I find myself quite incapable of, very much reluctant and too proud to argue with somebody who "看不出桑兰有多坏。"  Let me put it this way, we are different people carrying different sets of values and therefore share too little ground for a debate. Thanks for commenting on my comments, you are entitled to your belief just as much as 桑兰 is entitled to hers. That is ALL I want to say.
回复 Lisaa 2011-9-26 22:15
neo42: "桑兰最大的不幸是没选对律师,找了个没职业道德的律师,语言又不通,很多事大概是海明的误导。桑兰本来就够不幸的了,海明又来插上一刀子。我看不出桑兰 ...
You are certainly entitled to your opinions, however, you should take responsibility for what you said on a public forum  and should always make comments base on facts, otherwise you just committed slander. It has nothing to do with different values or common grounds. In your mind you already convicted Sang Lan with false accusations, and again what were your facts? Because many people said so on Internet? or you had the facts? If you did have facts, would you mind to spit them out? If you didn’t , then stop being so judgmental and opinionated. Put aside you strong bias and think really hard, what did Sang Lan do wrong?   I’ll hold my ground, I just don’t see that so far. I, too hope justice will prevail.  

Hai Ming reported Sang Lan being sexually harassed by Xue to the authority and made it a criminal case without Sang Lan’s consent, and later Hai Ming publicized her statement against her will. I believe Sang Lan was not prepared to sue for sexual harassment, she probably thought her chastity was more important than seeking justice,  but Hai Ming gave her no choice. The case was dismissed and so Sang Lan blamed Hai Ming for misleading, that was reasonable. There was no contradictory between Sang Lan said she was indeed sexually harassed and she blamed  Hai Ming for misleading her in the sexual harassment case. Many people do not believe that Xue sexually harassed Sang Lan, they think why would anyone sexually assault a disabled and incontinent person? Well, have you heard about some animals who would sexually assault people as young as babies and as old as 70, 80 years-old women who laid unconsciously in nursing homes? I don’t know what happened to Sang lan, but anything could happen. Especially seeing that intimate picture of her and Xue, I do believe it could happen.

Many people who hate Sang Lan because she has sued her guardians who once took her in and cared for her. These people only saw that her guardians helped her, but could it be possible that they might also hurt her? If Sang Lan wrongfully accused the defendants, I don’t think she could easily get away with it. She has to provide substantiated support to her accusation.

If someone once helped you, and later the person also hurt you, what would you do? Do you think you should forever be grateful and put up with that person forever? Does Chinese moral base line tell you that you could never sue a person who once helped you? No matter how bad the person hurts you later? In Sang Lan’s case, why can’t she sue her guardians? Or did you make assumption that all her guardians did was helping her? Base on what? Do you always know everything that happened to your close friends and family members? I don’t think so.  How could you know what happened between Sang Lan and her guardians? You and others who accused Sang Lan being evil is without merit, so far there is no proof that Sang Lan has lied and her only intention is money, until then be a true conscientious and moral person and stop making unsubstantiated comments towards Sang Lan.  She has gone through a lot. She deserves the benefit of the doubt. Don’t be so hard headed! Be fair!
回复 wuyansg 2011-11-19 17:26
Lisaa: 桑兰最大的不幸是没选对律师,找了个没职业道德的律师,语言又不通,很多事大概是海明的误导。桑兰本来就够不幸的了,海明又来插上一刀子。我看不出桑兰有多坏。
同意。 桑兰是很不幸的,无论是肉体还是精神上。 海明太恶毒了
回复 Lisaa 2011-11-21 11:40
Wow, 你还在看这么早的贴子啊?是啊,海明是个很不可理遇的势力小人,桑兰算是倒了大霉。
回复 Lisaa 2011-11-21 11:41
wuyansg: 同意。 桑兰是很不幸的,无论是肉体还是精神上。 海明太恶毒了
Wow, 你还在看这么早的贴子啊?是啊,海明是个很不可理遇的势力小人,桑兰算是倒了大霉。
回复 wuyansg 2011-11-22 10:36
Lisaa: Wow, 你还在看这么早的贴子啊?是啊,海明是个很不可理遇的势力小人,桑兰算是倒了大霉。

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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