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分享 中國核潛艦美軍P-8A 2015亞太深海生死圍城
8288 2013-5-28 19:12
中國核潛艦.美軍P-8A 2015亞太深海生死圍城 亞太深海獵殺戰場 2015全球40%常規潛艇埋伏 台12架.越南6架 美軍起封神秘P-3C封印基地 追獵美軍尼米茲航母 不明潛艇3次出沒日海域 獵人變成獵物 當年台海陽字號追獵宋級潛艦內幕 P-8A列深海800公尺潛艇 戰力勝100架反潛直升機 當年CIA送最新P-3電戰機 台灣人賣命.美國情報亨 潛龍諜影崛起 大洋幽靈新殺手P-8A海神揭密 一個島一個島拿回來 解放軍進攻菲佔南海8小島
个人分类: 新闻和政治-视频|4881 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 美籍華人 可辦多次往返中國簽證 ( 转帖)
热度 3 老阿姨 2013-5-20 15:57
出生地在台海兩岸的美籍華人,已可申請長期多次往返的中國簽證,這一獨惠華人的規定受到歡迎。根據中國駐紐約總領事館網站上的消息,中國公民的外籍配偶、子女以及所持護照的出生地為中國(含台、港、澳地區)的美籍華人及其配偶、子女,可申辦長期有效、多次入境商務、訪問簽證。 根據紐約中領館網站,目前根據中美「為商務、旅遊人員互發一年多次簽證協議」,美國公民可根據需要申請一次、兩次、半年多次和一年多次旅遊/訪問簽證。申請簽證時須提供中國境內親屬出具的邀請函及親屬身分證件複印件以及結婚證書、出生證明等配偶、子女關係證明文件,詳情可查詢網頁﹕www.nyconsulate.prchina.org/chn/lsyw/lszjxx/sbqz/zgqzjj/。 根據中國公安部出入境管理局,從1月1日起,包括美國等45個國家公民持有本人有效國際旅行證件和72小時內已確定日期及座位的前往第三國(地區)聯程機票、自北京首都機場過境前往第三國(地區)或者自上海浦東、虹橋機場過境前往第三國(地區)可免簽過境。據透露,繼北京和上海之後,廣州白雲國際機場近期也將實行72小時過境免簽,但具體日期仍待定。有關過境免簽問題,可查詢公安部出入境管理局網站http://www.mps.gov.cn/n16/n84147/n84196/3487899.html。 針對有僑胞對回中國的簽證存在疑問,紐約中領館簽證組歡迎僑胞通過電子郵箱提出建議並就個案提問,也歡迎查詢中領館網站,網頁上有大量豐富訊息供僑胞參考。如果僑胞對簽證有建議,可發電郵給中領館簽證組﹕visadirector@gmail.com,諮詢可發電郵至﹕cnnyconsulate@mfa.gov.cn。
8353 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 習近平南海清場 中國首座海上深水氣田平台
热度 1 8288 2013-5-10 12:32
中國首座海上深水氣田平台 2778公里遠征南海 水泡 槍極大逃殺 陸警越 菲連南海海龜都不准抓 去南海不安全?習近平的南海大清場訊號 12天2778公里 18樓高 重26000噸 荔灣3-1鎮南海 菲能源自主60% 越年賺6千億 全靠南海下龍宮寶藏 習近平南海開立山寨 神秘大陸漁船破壞越南勘探船 海洋石油981 荔灣3-1 中國南海探油聯合艦隊 鈦合金外殼蛟龍號 探測高精海圖幫中國核潛艦開路 巡弋南海最南曾母暗沙 習近平南海鐵拳井岡山艦 南海奪島立體作戰 央視驚爆核心指揮井岡山號
个人分类: 新闻和政治-视频|5285 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 《皮囊》解读青少年成长中的问题
热度 1 8288 2013-5-5 16:01
这是一部讲述当下青少年成长和生存状态的电影,影片分别通过三个有机联系又分别独立的 ­故事中来解读当代青少年成长中遇到的来自各个方面的问题,而正是面对这些成长道路中的 ­问题,让他们从中学会了宽容,体谅,责任,放手等等之后,他们才渐渐走上了一条成熟的 ­道路。【文化丝绸之路】This is a film about the adolescent growth and survival status, film respectively through the story of three organic connection and independently to a reading of contemporary adolescence in encountered in the problem from various aspects, and it is in the face of the growing problem of road, let they learn tolerance, understanding, responsibilities, and to let it go, and so on, they will grow into a mature way.
个人分类: 娱乐|4395 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 中國〝不計一切完工〞的遼寧號
8288 2013-4-30 10:52
个人分类: 新闻和政治-视频|4154 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 中日钓岛争夺战开始攻防转换(zt)
wx1wx2 2013-4-26 15:29
http://news.sinovision.net/portal.php?mod=viewaid=252146 中日钓岛争夺战开始攻防转换 时间: 2013-4-25 14:00 23 日上午,中国海监船编队与日本海上保安厅巡逻船在钓鱼岛海域上演“驱逐与反驱逐”。   新加坡《联合早报》 4 月 25 日载文《中日钓鱼岛争夺战“攻防转换”》,摘要如下:   中国舆论和军事学者认为,中日在钓鱼岛(日本称“尖阁诸岛”)控制权的争夺战中已经出现“攻防转换”,中国海监船在钓鱼岛 12 海里水域附近出击,让部分中国舆论大感振奋。   被视为鹰派的军事专家罗援少将建议,中国要表现出“武松打虎”的英雄气概,“遏制日本的嚣张气焰”。中共机关报《人民日报》下属《环球时报》发表社评称,“整场比赛的时间和主导权牢牢握在中国人的手中”, 中国应当重拾对“小日本的战略藐视。” 美国:致力维护日本安全   美国昨天表明将致力于维护日本的安全。据法新社报道,在北京访问的美军参谋长联席会议主席登普西( Martin Dempsey )昨天告诉媒体,他向中国领导人表明,美国将遵守与日本之间条约的承诺。   报道没有说明登普西指的是什么条约,但一般相信是指“美日安保条约”。据报道,登普西也关注,中日在钓鱼岛问题上的隔空叫阵,可能失控并演变成军事冲突。   在中日钓鱼岛主权纠纷升温的时候,日本媒体报道指,美日计划 6 月在美国加州举行夺岛演练。中国外交部发言人华春莹昨天回答媒体询问时回应,“任何外来压力都不能动摇中国政府和人民维护国家主权的意志和决心”,“对于日本挑衅的行为,中国政府必将坚决地应对”。   日本 80 多名右翼人士前天搭船抵达钓鱼岛海域,中国罕见地派出 8 艘海监船进入钓鱼岛 12 海里海域驱赶。中国媒体在相关报道中,均以胜利者姿态强调:中国海监编队成功将日右翼分子驱离,并继续在钓鱼岛海域巡航。 罗援:或抓捕进入钓鱼岛船只   罗援少将在接受人民网访问时表示,在钓鱼岛问题上已经出现一种“攻防转换”,以前是日本比较主动,中国比较被动,现在中国应该抓住机会进一步宣示主权,对进入钓鱼岛 12 海里以内的船只进行警告、驱赶,甚至抓捕。 罗援还分析称,现在有一种观点认为“由于中国采取强硬措施,才造成了日本的反弹”,这完全是无稽之谈。他说,“日本实际就像景阳冈的老虎,你斗它,它会吃人;你不斗它,它也吃人”,但是如果中国表现出“武松打虎”的英雄气概,就会在一定程度上遏制日本的嚣张气焰。 谈到中国军队在钓鱼岛问题中扮演的角色,罗援表示中国的北海舰队、东海舰队、南海舰队都在钓鱼岛附近“磨刀”,进行海上训练。他认为,三大舰队必要的时候,可形成一个“拳头”以更有效地维护中国的主权和领土完整。   被视为民族主义色彩较强烈的《环球时报》昨天在社评中,直接以“小日本”这个贬义性用词称呼日本。   该社评说,“反制日本挑衅,但决不和日本生大气,这是中国人对日本的应有战略态度。大气应当让日本人去生,我们应重拾对它的战略俯视甚至藐视,它对中国来说,就是个‘小日本’”。   社评也呼吁,中国应创造一些专门对付日本的外交杠杆,使得它们能清晰表达中国在历史和主权问题上的国家意志,让“中日冲突在‘中场’就控制在中国的脚下”。   部分中国媒体和网络论坛还强调一个细节——“ 14000 吨的主权宣示”。中国派出 8 艘海监船,总排水量达 14000 吨;日本派出 13 艘巡逻船,总排水量达 9970 吨,中国《国际金融报》的报道认为,“对峙胜负变成了一个简单的算术题,钓鱼岛控制权之争,最后一定是国力之争”。 学者王栋:双方不要误判要划底线   日本不承认钓鱼岛存在主权争议,中国不放弃常态化巡航执法,外界担忧中日在钓鱼岛问题上维持“既危险又脆弱”的平衡随时可能被打破,导致局部性擦枪走火。   接受本报访问的中国人民大学国际关系学院教授时殷弘分析指出,中日谁都不会让步,因此“对抗不会结束,别想结能打开”,双方只能努力使对抗变成“可控的对抗”,避免对抗升级为大规模军事冲突。   北京大学东北亚战略研究中心主任王栋受访时也认为,中日短期内很难有明显的外交突破,双方只能在危机管控上“不要产生误判,要划下底线”。   日本右翼人士声称到钓鱼岛进行渔业研究,不会登上钓鱼岛。王栋认为,这应是日本首相安倍“划的一条线”,一方面迎合日本右翼的需求,另一方面避免事件升级,因为“登岛意味着中国的反应会很强烈”。
个人分类: 保钓抗日|4894 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 中美望厦条约为何禁止鸦片?
热度 6 岳东晓 2013-4-21 02:50
1844年,中美签订了《望厦条约》,中国历史称为美国强加给中国的第一个不平等条约。该条约英文版全文见于这个链接: http://www.zhenzhubay.com/blog-2-14307.html 。中文版在: http://www.zhenzhubay.com/blog-2-14306.html 。有兴趣、懂英文或中文的可以逐条阅读。 首先要交代一下历史背景。1844年,中国是世界经济第一强国。根据 这个研究数据 ,1820年,中国GDP为美国的19倍;这个网页没有列出1844年的数据,但是到1870年,中国的GDP仍然是美国的两倍。因此,现代人回顾这段历史,不能根据后来的发展来看,而要根据当时的状况。当时,中国经济实力强而美国弱。 中国人在阅读中国对外史时,不能完全以挨打弱者的心态解读 。 望厦条约第三十三条内容是:【美国公民凡试图在没有开放对外贸易的中国港口进行暗中交易,或者进行鸦片及其他违禁品交易的,将由中国政府处置,不受美国政府的任何支持或者保护;美国政府将采取措施防止其国旗被其他国家人等滥用作为违反帝国法律的掩护 】。这里 的“帝国”当然是清帝国。 为什么在望厦条约中有禁烟一条?网上网民对此的解读大多是:鸦片反正是被英国人掌控了,美国人沾不了光,于是做了个顺水人情,还当了卫道士。美国人狡猾、虚伪。 这样的解释有一系列问题,首先它是对美国的意图进行主观揣测,其次它完全是从一个弱者的角度看待这个条约。 其言下之意是如果《望厦条约》中有任何合理之处,那是美国主子假装善人、大爷恩赐给清廷的孙子的。换言之,这完全是一种弱者心理,而这种弱者心理应该是甲午战争之后中国的全面失败造成的 。 鸦片战争之后,在湘军主持下,中国开展了一系列引进先进技术的所谓洋务活动,包括工业化的武器生产。1876年湘军经过激烈战斗、逼退俄国毛子、收复新疆就是这个发展的结果。1885年,中法战争中,在中国军进攻下,法军被迫放弃谅山,导致法国总理下台。甲午战争前夕,中国拥有亚洲实力最雄厚的海军,包括两艘7000吨铁甲舰,以及10艘2千吨以上的巡洋舰,端的是船坚炮利,完全不可小视。甲午战争日本向中国开战,当时西方的军事评论家普遍认为日本是在自杀。 甲午海战,北洋水师的巨炮实际上给日本海军重创,而本身损失不大,主力舰都在,后来是因为躲在军港不出战,所谓弃战保船,被日军陆军给俘虏了 。清朝的真正奔溃是在甲午战争之后。 回归到1844年,资料表明,美国商人同样参与了鸦片贸易,其鸦片来源为伊朗等地。而且当时美国的国内法律也没有禁止鸦片。 根据这个网页 ,美国国内到1875年才开始立法限制鸦片的进口与吸食。 那么怎么解释 望厦条约第33条禁烟条款?网上有另一种说法,说是美国人民反对英国发动鸦片战争,对中国人民同情。这又是一种基于对他人主观意愿的揣测。 考虑到当时中美经济实力的对比(中国经济总量的巨大优势),那么望厦条约第33条的 最为合理的解释是:清朝谈判官员要求加入这一反毒条款,而美国谈判人员同意了 。 《望厦条约》第18条规定:美国公民学习帝国的语言、购买中国的任何书籍均为合法。 为什么条约中有这一条?是否清廷之前禁止外国人学习汉语、购买中文书籍?以 弱者心理 ,可能解释为美国人学习中文是准备对中国传教、宣传民主自由、颠覆清朝专制统治、进行文化侵略。但这一条也许仅仅因为美国人想更方便地与世界GDP第一的强国做生意罢了。
个人分类: 地缘政治|8996 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 中美望厦条约英文版
热度 1 岳东晓 2013-4-20 12:33
在网上找了半天,居然找不到中美望厦条约的全文,最后只找到英文影印本,OCR之后,得到文本如下 TREATY WITH CHINA. THE United States of America and the Ta Tsing Empire, desiring tc establish firm, lasting, and sincere friendship between the two nations, have resolved to fix, in a manner clear and positive, by means of a treaty or general convention of peace, amity, and commerce, the rules which shall in future be mutually observed in the intercourse of their respective countries :-For which most desirable object, the President of the United States has conferred full powers on their Commissioner Caleb Cushing, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to China j and the August Sovereign of the Ta Tsing Empire on his Minister and Commissioner Extraordinary Tsiyeng, of the Imperial House, a vice Guardian of the Heir Apparent, Governor-general of the Two Kwang, and Superintendant General of the trade and foreign intercourse of the five ports. And the said Commissioners, after having exchanged their said full powers, and duly considered the premises, have agreed to the following articles: ARTICLE I. There shall be a perfect, permanent, universal peace, and a sincere and cordial amity, between the United States of America on the one part, and the Ta Tsing Empire on the other part, and between their people respectively, without exception of persons or places. ARTICLE II. Citizens of the United States resorting to China for the purposes of commerce will pay the duties of import and export prescribed in the Tariff, which is fixed by and made a part of this Treaty. They shall, in no case, be subject to other or higher duties than are or shall be required of the people of any other nation whatever. Fees and charges of every sort are wholly abolished, and officers of the revenue, who may be guilty of exaction, shall be punished according to the laws of China. If the Chinese Government desire to modify, in any respect, the said Tariff, such modification shall be made only in consultation with consuls or other functionaries thereto duly authorized in behalf of the United States, and with consent thereof. And if additional advantages or privileges of whatever description, be conceded hereafter by China to any other nation, the United States, and the citizens thereof, shall be entitled thereupon, to a complete, equal, and impartial participation in the same. ARTICLE III. The citizens of the United States are permitted to frequent the five ports of Kwang-chow, Amoy, Fuchow, Ningpo, and Shanghai, and to reside with their families and trade there, and to proceed at pleasure with their vessels and merchandize to and from any foreign port and either of the said five ports, and from either of the said five ports to any other of them. But said vessels shall not unlawfully enter the other ports of China, nor carryon a clandestine and fraudulent trade along the coasts thereof. And any vessel belonging to a citizen of the United States, which violates this provision, shall, with her cargo, be subject to confiscation to the Chinese Government. ARTICLE IV. For the superintendence and regulation of the concerns of the citizens of the United States doing business at the said five ports, the Government of the United States may appoint consuls, or other officers at the same, who shall be duly recognized as such by the officers of the Chinese Government, and shall hold official intercourse and correspondence with the latter, either personal or in writing, as occasions may require on terms of equality and reciprocal respect. If disrespectfully treated or aggrieved in any way by the local authorities, said officers on the one hand shall have the right to make representation of the same to the superior officers of the Chinese Government, who will see that full inquiry and strict justice be had in the premises; and on the other hand the said consuls will carefully avoid all acts of unnecessary offence to or collision with, the officers and people of China. ARTICLE V. At each of the said five ports, citizens of the United States lawfully engaged in commerce, shall be permitted to import from their own or any other ports into China, and sell there, and purchase therein, and export to their own or any other ports, all manner of merchandize, of which the importation or exportation is not prohibited by this Treaty, paying the duties which are prescribed by the Tariff hereinbefore established, and no other charges whatsoever. ARTICLE VI. Whenever any merchant vessel belonging to the United States shall enter either of the said five ports for trade, her papers shall be lodged with the consul, or person charged with affairs, who will report the same to the Commissioner of Customs; and tonnage duty shall be paid on said vessel at the rate of five mace per ton, if she be over one hundred and fifty tons burden; and one mace per ton if she be of the burden of one hundred and fifty tons or under, according to the amount of her tonnage as specified in the register; said payment to be in full of the former charges of measurement and other fees, which are wholly abolished. And if any vessel, which having anchored at one of the said ports, and there paid tonnage duty, shall have occasion to go to any others of the said ports to complete the disposal of her cargo, the consul, or person charged with affairs, will report the same to the Commissioner of Customs, who, on the departure of the said vessel, will note in the port-clearance that the tonnage duties have been paid, and report the same to the other custom-houses; in which case on entering another port the said vessel will only pay duty there on her cargo, but shall not be subject to the payment of tonnage duty a second time. ARTICLE VII. No tonnage duty shall be required on boats belonging to citizens of the United States, employed in the conveyance of passengers, baggage, letters, and articles of provision, or others not subject to duty, to or from any of the five ports. All cargo-boats, however, conveying merchandize subject to duty, shall pay the regular tonnage duty of one mace per ton, provided they belong to citizens of the United States, but not if hired by them from subjects of China. ARTICLE VIII. Citizens of the United States, for their vessels bound in, shall be allowed to engage pilots, who will report said vessels at the passes, and take them into port; and, when the lawful duties have all been paid, they may engage pilots to leave port. It shall be lawful for them to hire, at pleasure, servants, compradors, linguists, and writers, and passage or cargo boats, and to employ laborers, seamen, and persons for whatever necessary service, for a reasonable compensation, to be agreed 011 by the parties, or settled by application to the consular officer of their government, without interference on the part of the local officers of the Chinese government. ARTICLE IX. Whenever merchant vessels belonging to the United States shall have entered port, the superintendent of customs will, if he see fit, appoint custom-house officers to guard said vessels, who may live on board the ship or their own boats, at their convenience; but provision for the subsistence of said officers shall be made by the superintendent of customs, and they shall not be entitled to any allowance from the vessel or owner thereof; and they shall be subject to suitable punishment for any exaction practised by them in violation of this regulation. ARTICLE X. Whenever a merchant vessel belonging to the United States shall cast anchor in either of said ports, the supercargo, master, or consignee, will, within forty-eight hours, deposit the ship's papers in the hands of the consul or person charged with the affairs of the United States, who will cause to be communicated to the superintendent of customs a true report of the name and tonnage of such vessel, the names of her men, and of the cargo on board; which being done, the superintendent will give a permit for the discharge of her cargo. And the master, supercargo, or consignee, if he proceed to discharge the cargo without such permit, shall incur a fine of five hundred dollars; and the goods so discharged without permit shall be subject to forfeiture to the Chinese government. But if the master of any vessel in port desire to discharge a part only of the cargo, it shall be lawful for him to do so, paying duties on such part only, and to proceed with the remainder to any other ports. Or, if the master so desire, he may, within forty-eight hours after the arrival of the vessel, but not later, decide to depart without breaking bulk; in which case he will not be subject to pay tonnage or other duties or charges, until, on his arrival at another port, he shall proceed to discharge cargo, when he will pay the duties on vessel and cargo, according to law. And the tonnage duties shall be held to be due after the expiration of said forty-eight hours. ARTICLE XI. The superintendent of customs, in order to the collection of the pro. per duties, will, on application made to him through the consul, appoint suitable officers, who shall proceed, in the presence of the captain, supercargo, or consignee, to make a just and fair examination of all goods in the act of being discharged for importation, or laden for exportation on board any merchant vessel of the• United States. And if dispute occur in regard to the value of goods subject to an ad valorem duty, or in regard to the amount of tare, and the same cannot be satisfactorily arranged by the parties, the question may, within twenty-four hours, and not afterwards, be referred to the said consul to adjust with the superintendent of customs. ARTICLE XII. Sets of standard balances, and also weights and measures, duly prepared, stamped, and sealed, according to the standard of the custom at Canton, shall be delivered by the superintendents of customs to the consuls at each of the five ports, to secure uniformity, and prevent confusion in measures and weights of merchandize. ARTICLE XIII. The tonnage duty on vessels belonging to citizens of the United States shall be paid on their being admitted to entry. Duties of import shall be paid on the discharge of the goods, and duties of export on the lading of the same. .When all such duties shall have been paid, and not before, the superintendant of customs shall give a port-clearance, and the consul shall return the ship's papers, so that she may depart on her voyage. The duties shall be paid to the shroffs authorized by the Chinese government to receive the same in its behalf. Duties payable by merchants of the United States shall be received either in sycee silver or in foreign money, at the rate of exchange as ascertained by the regulations now in force. And imported goods, on their resale or transit in any part of the empire, shall be subject to the imposition of no other duty than they are accustomed to pay at the date of this treaty. ARTICLE XIV. No goods on board any merchant vessel of the United States in port are to be transhipped to another vessel, unless there be particular occasion therefor; in which case, the occasion shall be certified by the consul to the superintendant of customs, who may appoint officers to examine into the facts, and permit the transhipment. And if any goods be transhipped without such application, inquiry, and permit, they shall be subject to be forfeited to the Chinese government. ARTICLE XV. The former limitation of the trade of foreign nations to certain persons appointed at Canton by the Government, and commonly called hong-merchants, having been abolished, citizens of the United States engaged in the purchase or sale of goods of import or export, are admitted to trade with any and all subjects of China without distinction; they shall not be subject to any new limitations, nor impeded in their business by monopolies or other injurious restrictions. ARTICLE XVI. The Chinese Government will not hold itself responsible for any debts which may happen to be due from subjects of China to citizens of the United States, or for frauds committed by them: but citizens of the United States may seek redress in law; and on suitable representation being made to the Chinese local authorities through the consul, they will cause due examination in the premises, and take all proper steps to compel satisfaction. But in case the debtor be dead, or without property, or have absconded, the creditor cannot be indemnified according to the old system of the co-hong so called. And if citizens of the United States be indebted to subjects of China, the latter may seek redress in the same way through the consul, but without any responsibility for the debt on the part of the United States. ARTICLE XVII. Citizens of the United States residing or sojourning at any of the ports open to foreign commerce, shall enjoy all proper accommodation in obtaining houses and places of business, or in hiring sites from the inhabitants on which to construct houses and places of business, and also hospitals, churches and cemeteries. The local authorities of the two Governments shall select in concert the sites for the foregoing objects, having due regard to the feelings of the people in the location thereof: and the parties interested will fix the rent by mutual agreement, the proprietors on the one hand not demanding any exorbitant price, nor the merchants on the other unreasonably insisting on particular spots, but each conducting with justice and moderation. And any desecration' of said cemeteries by subjects of China shall be severely punished according to law. At the places of anchorage of the vessels of the United States, the citizens of the United States, merchants, seamen, or others sojourning there, may pass and repass in the immediate neighborhood; but they shall not at their pleasure make excursions into the country among the villages at large, nor shall they repair to public marts for the purpose of disposing of goods unlawfully and in fraud of the revenue. And, in order to the preservation of the public peace, the local officers of government at each of the five ports, shall, in concert with the consuls, define the limits beyond which it shall not be lawful for citizens of the United States to go. ARTICLE XVIII. It shall be lawful for the officers or citizens of the United States to employ scholars and people of any part of China without distinction of persons, to teach any of the languages of the empire, and to assist in literary labors; and the persons so employed shall not, for that cause, be subject to any injury on the part either of the government or of individuals: and it shall in like manner be lawful for citizens of the United States to purchase all manner of books in China. ARTICLE XIX. All citizens of the United States in China, peaceably attending to their affairs, being placed on a- Common footing of amity and goodwill with subjects of China, shall receive and enjoy, for themselves and every thing appertaining to them, the special protection of the local authorities of Government, who shall defend them from all insult or injury of any sort on the part of the Chinese. If their dwellings or property be threatened or attacked by mobs, incendiaries, or other violent or lawless persons, the local officers, on requisition of the consul, will immediately despatch a military force to disperse the rioters, and will apprehend the guilty individuals, and punish them with the utmost rigor of the law. ARTICLE XX. Citizens of the United States who may have imported merchandize into any of the free ports of China, and paid the duty thereon, if they desire to re-export the same, in part or in whole, to any other of the said ports, shall be entitled to make application, through their consul, to the superintendant of Customs, who, in order to prevent frauds on the revenue, shall cause examination to be made by suitable officers to see that the duties paid on such goods, as entered on the custom-house books, correspond with the representation made, and that the goods remain with their original marks unchanged, and shall then make a memorandum in the port-clearance, of the goods, and the amount of duties paid on the same, and deliver the same to the merchant; and shall also certify the facts to the officers of customs of the other ports. All which being done, on the arrival in port of the vessel in which the goods are laden, and every thing being found on examination there to correspond. she shall be permitted to break bulk and land the said goods, without being subject to the payment of any additional duty thereon. But if, 011 such examination, the superintendent of customs shall detect any fraud on the revenue in the case, then the goods shall be subject to forfeiture and confiscation to the Chinese Government. ARTICLE XXI. Subjects of China who may be guilty of any criminal act towards citizens of the United States, shall be arrested and punished by the Chinese authorities according to the laws of China: and citizens of the United States who may commit any crime in China, shall be subject to be tried and punished only by the consul, or other public functionary of the United States, thereto authorized according to the laws of the United States. And in order to the prevention of all controversy and disaffection, justice shall be equitably and impartially administered on both sides. ARTICLE XXII. Relations of peace and amity between the United States and China being established by this treaty, and the vessels of the United States being admitted to trade freely to and from the five ports of China open to foreign commerce, it is further agreed that in case at any time hereafter, China should be at war with any foreign nation whatever, and for that cause should exclude such nation from entering her ports, still the vessels of the United States shall not the less continue to pursue their commerce in freedom and security, and to transport goods to and from the ports of the belligerent parties, full respect being paid to the neutrality of the flag of the United States: Provided that the said flag shall not protect vessels engaged in the transportation of officers or soldiers in the enemy's service; nor shall said flag be fraudulently used to enable the enemy's ships with their cargoes to enter the ports of China; but all such vessels so offending shall be subject to forfeiture and confiscation to the Chinese Government. ARTICLE XXIII. The consuls of the United States at each of the five ports open to foreign trade, shall make annually to the respective Governors-general thereof, a detailed report of the number of vessels belonging to the United States which have entered and left said ports during the year, and of the amount and value of goods imported or exported in said vessels, for transmission to and inspection of the Board of Revenue. ARTICLE XXIV. If citizens of the United States have special occasion to address any communication to the Chinese local officers of Government, they shall submit the same to their consul, or other officer, to determine if the language be proper and respectful, and the matter just and right; in which event he shall transmit the same to the appropriate authorities for their consideration and action in the premises. In like manner, if subjects of China have special occasion to address the consul of the United States, they shall submit the communication to the local authorities of their own Government, to determine if the language be respectful and proper, and the matter just and right; in which case the said authorities will transmit the same to the consul, or other officer, for his consideration and action in the premises. And if controversies arise between citizens of the United States and subjects of China, which cannot be amicably settled otherwise, the same shall be examined and decided conformably to justice and equity by the public officers of the two nations acting in conjunction. ARTICLE XXV. All questions in regard to rights, whether of property or person, arising between citizens of the United States in China, shall be subject to the jurisdiction and regulated by the authorities of their own Government. And all controversies occurring in China between citizens of the United States and the subjects of any other Government, shall be regulated by the treaties existing between the United States and such Governments, respectively, without interference on the part of China. ARTICLE XXVI. Merchant vessels of the United States lying in the waters of the five ports of China open to foreign commerce, will be under the jurisdiction of the officers of their own Government j who, with the masters and owners thereof, will manage the same without control on the part of China. For injuries done to the citizens or the commerce of the United States by any foreign power, the Chinese Government will not hold itself bound to make reparation. But if the merchant-vessels of the United States, while within the waters over which the Chinese Government exercises jurisdiction, be plundered by robbers or pirates, then the Chinese local authorities, civil and military, on receiving information thereof, will arrest the said robbers or pirates, and punish them according to law, and will cause all the property which can be recovered, to be placed in the hands of the nearest consul, or other officer of the United States, to be by him restored to the true owner. But if, by reason of the extent of territory and numerous population of China, it should, in any case, happen that the robbers cannot be apprehended, or the property only in part recovered, then the law will take its course in regard to the local authorities, but the Chinese Government will not make indemnity for the goods lost. ARTICLE XXVII. If any vessel of the United States shall be wrecked or stranded on the coast of China, and be subjected to plunder or other damage, the proper officers of Government on receiving information of the fact, will immediately adopt measures for their relief and security; and the persons on board shall receive friendly treatment, and be enabled at once to repair to the most convenient of the free ports, and shall enjoy all facilities for obtaining supplies of provisions and water. And if a vessel shall be forced in whatever way to take refuge in any port other than one of the free ports, then in like manner the persons on board shall receive friendly treatment, and the means of safety and security. ARTICLE XXVIII. Citizens of the United States, their vessels and property, shall not be subject to any embargo; nor shall they be seized or forcibly detained for any pretense of the public service; but they shall be suffered to prosecute their commerce in quiet, and without molestation or embarrassment. ARTICLE XXIX. The local authorities of the Chinese Government will cause to be apprehended all mutineers or deserters from on board the vessels of the United States in China, and will deliver them up to the consuls or other officers for punishment. And if criminals, subjects of China, take refuge in the houses or on board the vessels of citizens of the United States, they shall not be harbored or concealed, but shall be delivered up to justice, on due requisition by the Chinese local officers addressed to those of the United States. The merchants, seamen, and other citizens of the United States shall be under the superintendence of the appropriate officers of their government. If individuals of either nation commit acts of violence and disorder, use arms to the injury of others, or create disturbances endangering life, the officers of the two governments will exert themselves to enforce order, and to maintain the public peace, by doing impartial justice in the premises. ARTICLE XXX. The superior authorities of the United States and of China in corresponding together, shall do so, in terms of equality, and in'the form of mutual communication (chau hwui) .The consuls, and the local officers, Civil and military, in corresponding together, shall likewise employ. the. style and form of mutual communication, (chau hwui.) When inferior officers of the one government address superior officers of the other, they shall do in the style and form of memorial, (shin chin) Private individuals, in addressing superior officers, shall employ the style of petition, (pin ching.) In no case shall any terms or style be suffered which shall be offensive or disrespectful to either party. And it is agreed that no presents, under any pretext or form whatever, shall ever be demanded of the United States by China, or of China by the United States. ARTICLE XXXI. Communications from the government of the United States to the court of China shall be transmitted through the medium of the Imperial Commissioner charged with the superintendence of the concerns of foreign nations with China, or through the Governor-general of the Liang Kwang, that of Min and Cheh, or that of the Liang Kiang. ARTICLE XXXII. Whenever ships of war of the United States, in cruizing for the protection of the commerce of their country, shall arrive at any of the ports of China, the commanders of said ships and the superior local authorities of Government, shall hold intercourse together in terms of equality and courtesy, in token of the friendly relations of their respective nations. And the said ships of war shall enjoy all suitable facilities on the part of the Chinese Government in the purchase of provisions, procuring water, and making repairs if occasion require. ARTICLE XXXIII. Citizens of the United States, who shall attempt to trade clandestinely with such of the ports of China as are not open to foreign commerce, or who shall trade in opium or any other contraband article of merchandize, shall be subject to be dealt with by the Chinese Government, without being entitled to any countenance or protection from that of the United States; and the United States will take measures to prevent their flag from being abused by the subjects of other nations, as a cover for the violation of the laws of the Empire. ARTICLE XXXIV. When the present convention shall have been definitively concluded, it shall be obligatory on both Powers, and its provisions shall not be altered without grave cause; but, inasmuch as the circumstances of the several ports of China open to foreign commerce are different, experience may show that inconsiderable modifications are requisite in those parts which relate to commerce and navigation: in which case, the two Governments will, at the expiration of twelve years from the date of said convention, treat amicably concerning the same, by the means of suitable persons appointed to conduct such negotiation. And when ratified, this Treaty shall be faithfully observed in all its parts by the United States and China, and by every citizen and subject of each. And no individual State of the United States can appoint or send a minister to China to call in question the provisions of the same. The present treaty of peace, amity, and .commerce, shall be ratified and approved by the President of the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by the August Sovereign of the Ta Tsing Empire, and the ratifications shall be exchanged, within eighteen months from the date of the signature thereof, or sooner if possible. . In faith whereof, We, the respective Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, and of the Ta Tsing Empire, as aforesaid. have signed and sealed these presents. Done at Wang Hiya, this third day of July, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four; and of Taoukwang, the twenty-fourth year, fifth month, and eighteenth day. TSIYENG,
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分享 中美望厦条约
热度 1 岳东晓 2013-4-20 11:37
一、嗣后大清与大合众国及两国民人,无论在何地方,均应互相友爱,真诚和好,共保万万年太平无事。   二、合众国来中国贸易之民人所纳出口、入口货物之税饷,俱照现定例册,不得多于各国。一切规费全行革除,如有海关胥役需索,中国照例治罪。倘中国日后欲将税例更变,须与合众国领事等官议允。如另有利益及于各国,合众国民人应一体均沾,用昭平允。   三、嗣后合众国民人,俱淮其挚带家眷,赴广州、福州、厦门、宁波、上海共五港口居住贸易,其五港口之船只,装载货物,互相往来,俱听其便;但五港口外,不得有一船驶入别港,擅自游弋,又不得与沿海奸民,私相交易;如有违犯此条禁令者,应按现定条例,将船只、货物俱归中国入官。   四、合众国民人既准赴五港口贸易,应须各设领事等官管理本国民人事宜;中国地方官应加款接;遇有交涉事件,或公文往来,或会晤面商,务须两得其平。如地方官有欺藐该领事各官等情,准该领事等将委曲申诉中国大宪,秉公查办;但该领事等官亦不得率意任性致与中国官民动多抵牾。   五、合众国民人在五港口贸易,除中国例禁不准携带进口、出口之货物外,其余各项货物,均准其由本国或别国贩运进口售卖,并准其将中国货物贩运出口,赴本国或别国售卖,均照规定条约纳饷,不得另有别项规费。   六、凡合众国船只赴五港口贸易者,均由领事等官查验船牌,报明海关,按所载吨数输纳船钞,计所载货物在一百五十吨以上者,每吨纳钞银五钱,不及一百五十吨者,每吨纳钞银一钱,所有以前丈量及各项规费全行裁革。或有船只进口,已在本港海关纳完钞银,因货未全销,复载往别口转售者,领事等官报明海关,于该船出口时,将钞已纳完之处在红牌内注明,并行文别口海关查照,候该船进别口时,止纳货税,不输船钞,以免重征。   七、凡合众国民人,在各港口以本国三板等船附搭客商,运带行李、书信及例不纳税之零星食物者,其船只均不须输纳船钞外,若载有货物,即应按不及一百五十吨之数,每吨纳银一钱,若雇用内地艇只,不在按吨纳钞之例。   八、凡合众国民人贸易船只进口,准其自雇引水,赴关隘处所,报明带进;候税钞全完,仍令引水随时带出。其雇觅跟随、买办及延请通事、书手,雇用内地艇只,搬运货物,附载客商,或添雇工匠、厮役、水手人等,均属事所必需,例所不禁,应各听其便,所有工价若干,由该商民等自行定议,或请各领事官酌办,中国地方官勿庸经理。   九、合众国贸易船只到口,一经引水带进,即由海关酌派妥役随船管押,该役或搭坐商船,或自雇艇只随同行走,均听其便;其所需食用,由海关按日给银,不得需索商船丝毫规费,违者计赃科罪。   十、合众国商船进口,或船主,或货主,或代办商人,限二日之内,将船牌、货单等件,呈递本国领事等官存贮,该领事即将船名、人名及所载吨数、货色详细开明,照会海关,方准领取牌照,开舱起货。倘有未领牌照之先擅行起货者,即罚洋银五百大圆,并将擅行卸运之货一概归中国入官。或有商船进口,止起一分货物者,按其所起一分之货输纳税饷,未起之货均准其载往别口售卖。倘有进口并未开舱即欲他往者,限二日之内即行出口,不得停留,亦不征收税饷、船钞,均候到别口发售,再行照例输纳。倘进口船已逾二日之限,即须输纳船钞,仍由海关填发红牌,知照别口,以免重征。   十一、合众国商船贩货进口、出口,均将起货、下货日期呈报领事等官,由领事等官转报海关,届期派委官役,眼同该船主、货主或代办商人等,秉公将货物验明,以便按例征税。若内有估价定税之货,或因议价高下不等,除皮多寡不齐,致有辨论不能了结者,限该商于即日内禀报领事官,俾得通知海关,会商酌夺。若禀报稽迟,即不为准理。   十二、合众国各口领事官处,应由中国海关发给丈尺、秤码各一副,以备丈量长短、权衡轻重之用,即照粤海关部颁之式盖戳镌字,五口一律,以免参差滋弊。   十三、合众国商船进口后,于领牌起货时,应即将船钞交清。其进口货物,于起货时完税,出口货物,于下货时完税。统俟税钞全完,海关给发红单,由领事官验明,再行发还船牌,准该商船出口回国。其完纳税银,由中国官设银号代纳,或以纹银纳饷,或以洋银折交,均照规定章程办理。其进口货物由中国商人转贩内地者,经过各关,均照旧例纳税,不得另有加增。   十四、合众国商船停泊口内,不准互相剥货,倘有必须剥过别船者,由该商呈报领事官,报明海关,委员查验明确,方准剥运,倘不票明候验辄行剥连者,即将其剥运之货一并归中国入官。   十五、各国通商旧例归广州官设洋行经理,现经议定将洋行名目裁撤,所有合众国民人贩货进口、出口,均准其自与中国商民任便交易,不加限制,以杜包揽把持之弊。   十六、中国商人遇有拖欠合众国人债项,或诓骗财物,听合众国人自向讨取,不能官为保偿;若控告到官,中国地方官接到领事官照会,即应秉公查明,催追还欠。倘欠债之人实已身亡产绝,诓骗之犯实已逃匿无踪,合众国人不得报洋行代赔之旧例,呈请着赔。若合众国人有拖欠、诓骗华商财物之事,仿照此例办理,领事官亦不保偿。   十七、合众国民人在五港口贸易,或久居,或暂住,均准其租赁民房,或租地自行建楼,并设立医馆、礼拜堂及殡葬之外。必须由中国地方官会同领事等官,体察民情,择定地基;听合众国人与内民公平议定租息,内民不得抬价掯勒,远人勿许强租硬占,务须各出情愿,以昭公允;倘坟墓或被中国民人毁掘,中国地方官严拿照例治罪。其合众国人泊船寄居处所,商民、水手人等止准在近地行走,不准远赴内地乡村,任意闲游,尤不得赴市镇私行贸易;应由五港口地方官,各就民情地势,与领事官议定界址,不许逾越,以期永久彼此相安。   十八、准合合众国官民延请中国各方士民人等教习各方语音,并帮办文墨事件,不论所延请者系何等样人,中国地方官民等均不得稍有阻挠、陷害等情;并准其采买中国各项书籍。   十九、嗣后合众国民人在中国安分贸易,与中国民人互相友爱,地方官自必时加保护,令其身家全安,并查禁匪徒不得欺凌骚挠。倘有内地不法匪徒逞凶放火,焚烧洋楼,掠夺财物,领事官速即报明地方官,派拨兵役弹压查拿,并将焚抢匪徒按例严办。   二十、合众国民人运货进口,既经纳清税饷,倘有欲将已卸之货运往别口售卖者,禀明领事官转报海关,检查货税底薄相符,委员验明实系原包、原货,并无拆动抽换情弊,即将某若干担已完税若干之处填入牌照,发该商收执,一面行文别口海关查照。俟该船进口,查验符合,即准开舱出售,免其重纳税饷。若有影射夹带情事,经海关查出,罚货入官。   二十一、嗣后中国民人与合众国民人有争斗、词讼、交涉事件、中国民人由中国地方官捉拿审讯,照中国例治罪;合众国民人由领事等官捉拿审讯,照本国例治罪;但须两得其平,秉公断结,不得各存偏护,致启争端。   二十二、合众国现与中国订明和好,五处港口听其船只往来贸易。倘日后另有别国与中国不和,中国止应禁阻不和之国不准来五口交贸,其合众国人自往别国贸易,或贩运其国之货物前来五口,中国应认明合众国旗号,便准入港;惟合众国商船不得私带别国一兵进口,及听受别国商人贿嘱,换给旗号,代为运货入口贸易;倘有犯此禁令,听中国查出拿办。   二十三、每届中国年终,分驻五港口各领事官应将合众国一年出入口船只、货物数目及估定价值,详细开报各本省总督,转咨户部,以凭查验。   二十四、合众国民人因有要事向中国地方官办诉,先禀明领事等官,查明禀内字句明顺、事在情理者,即为转行地方官查办。中国商民因有要事向领事等官办诉,先禀明地方官,查明禀内字句明顺、事在情理者,即为转行领事等官查办。倘遇有中国人与合众国人因事相争不能以和平调处者,即须两国官员查明,公议察夺。   二十五、合众国民人在中国各港口,自因财产涉讼,由本国领事等官讯明办理;若合众国民人在中国与别国贸易之人因事争论者,应听两造查照各本国所立条约办理,中国官员均不得过问。   二十六、合众国贸易船只进中国五港口湾泊,仍归各领事等官督同船主人等经管,中国无从统辖。倘遇有外洋别国凌害合众国贸易民人,中国不能代为报复。若合众国商船在中国所辖内洋被盗抢劫者,中国地方文武官一经闻报,即须严拿强盗,照例治罪,起获原赃,无论多少,均交近地领事等官,全付本人收回;但中国地广人稠,万一正盗不能缉获,或有盗无赃,及起赃不全,中国地方官例有处分,不能赔还赃物。   二十七、合众国贸易船只,若在中国洋面,遭风触礁搁浅,遇盗致有损坏,沿海地方官查知,即应设法拯救,酌加抚恤,俾得驶至本港口修整,一切采买米粮,汲取淡水,均不得稍为禁阻,如该商船在外洋损坏,漂至中国沿海地方者,经官查明,亦应一体抚恤,妥为办理。   二十八、合众国民人贸易船只、财物在中国五港口者,地方官均不强取威胁,如封船公用等事,应听其安生贸易,免致苦果。   二十九、合众国民人,间有在船上,不安本分,离船逃走,至内地避匿者,中国地方官即派役拿送领事等官治罪。若有中国犯法民人逃至合众国人寓馆及商船潜匿者,中国地方官查出,即行文领事等官捉拿送回,均不得稍有庇匿。至合众国商民、水手人等,均归领事等官随时稽查约束。倘两国人有倚强滋事,轻用火器伤人,致酿斗杀重案,两国官员均应执法严办,不得稍有偏徇,致令众心不服。   三十、嗣役中国大臣与合众国大臣公文往来,应照平行之礼,用“照会”字样。领事等官与中国地方官公文往来,亦用“照会”字样。申报大宪,用“申陈”字样。若平民禀报官宪,仍用“禀呈”字样。均不得欺藐不恭,有伤公谊。至两国均不得互相征索礼物。   三十一、合众国日后若有国书递达中国朝廷者,应由中国办理外国事务之钦差大臣,或两广、闽浙、两江总督等大臣将原书代奏。   三十二、嗣后合众国如有兵船巡查贸易至中国各港口者,其兵船之水师提督及水师大员与中国该处港口之文武大宪均以平行之礼相待,以示和好之谊;该船如有采卖食物、汲取淡水等项,中国均不得禁阻,如或兵船损坏,亦准修补。   三十三、合众国民人凡有擅自向别处不开关之港口私行贸易及走私漏税,或携带鸦片及别项违禁货物至中国者,听中国地方官自行办理治罪,合众国官民均不得稍有袒护;若别国船只冒合众国旗号做不法贸易者,合众国自应设法禁止。   三十四、和约一经议定,两国各宜遵守,不得轻有更改;至各口情形不一,所有贸易及海面各款恐不无稍有变通之处,应俟十二年后,两国派员公平酌办。又和约既经批准后,两国官民人等均应恪遵;至合众国中各国均不得遗员到来,另有异议。   以上关涉太平、和好、贸易、海面各款条约,应俟各大臣奏明大清大皇帝批准,大合众国大伯理玺天德既得各国选举国会长公会大臣议定允肯批准。限以十八个月即将两国君上批准之条约互换,若能早互换,尤为善美。兹将现定条约先由大清国钦差大臣太子少保两广总督部堂总理五口通商善后事宜办理外国事务宗室耆,大合众国钦差全权大臣驻中华顾圣,钤盖关防印信,书名画押,以昭信守。须至和约者。道光二十四年五月十八日,即我主耶稣基理师督降生后纪年之一千八百四十四年七月初三日,在望厦铃盖关防。   海关税则(略)   附注   本章程见《海关中外条约》,卷1,页677—690。英文本见《海关中外条约》,与汉文本列在同页上。   本章程因在望厦村签订,通常称为《望厦条约》。一八四五年十二月三十一日在广州交换批准。
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分享 由清华才女朱令中铊事件想到的
热度 16 麦燕萍 2013-4-19 11:25
复旦投毒案将 19 年前的 朱令中铊事件再次带回到人们的视线, 面对记者, 朱妈妈的懊悔自责让人动容: 我不是一个合格的母亲, 我没有保护好我的一双女儿。 我的教育太过于阳光, 让孩子天真地轻信了一切。 我想到了我成长大院里的叔叔阿姨们, 包括我的父母亲。 作为老一代知识分子, 他们也是同样的单纯、善良、坚忍, 甚至有点迂腐。 从小他们就教育我们, 对人要包容忍让, 尽量看到别人的闪光点等等, 唯独还有告知我们如何去设防。 等我们走上了社会, 独立地面对这个世界, 屡屡被骗被伤害的时候, 才惊觉象牙塔里有关人性的教育 是多么严重的缺失! 我想到了美丽而勇敢的张纯如, 这个第一个将南京大屠杀 全面推介给西方社会的传奇女子。 在正值盛年、事业成功之际, 却在汽车里了结了自己短暂的一生。 因为,她越是深入的了解真相, 就越发现人性的丑陋! 她终于不堪重负而选择放弃! 如果我有孩子, 我一定要告诉他 / 她: 人之初,本性恶 ! 要学会自我保护, 如果你即美丽又有才华, 那么最好的方法就是远离人群。 如果不能够做到, 那么请务必牢记: 害人之心不可有, 防人之心万万不可无! (备注:欲了解朱令事件更多的详情,请上百度朱令吧: http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%D6%EC%C1%EEfr=ala0 , 在这里我呼吁一下:希望更多海外华人关注此事,当局就有可能重审,尽早将真凶抓拿归案)。
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分享 杜甫诗歌朗诵
热度 8 燕山红场 2013-4-7 06:51
http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XNTM5MDYyMTky/v.swf 这是在2012年底,在莫斯科市,俄罗斯科学院远东研究所中国厅-俄中友好协会主办的纪念杜甫诞辰的活动中的汉语朗诵。
个人分类: 燕山红场文库|5595 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 “人为地”何指?
热度 5 wx1wx2 2013-3-25 03:47
奥 习 会谈中,习 告诉奥巴马,朋友要有朋友之道,不要人为地扩大分歧。他甚至还引述华盛顿的话说:衡量朋友真正的标准是行动,而不是言语。 习强调,“亚太国家最关心的是保持经济繁荣、维护经济增长和区域合作势头。在人心思安定、人心思发展之际,人为地突出军事安全议程,刻意加强军事部署、强化军事同盟,恐怕并不是本地区绝大多数国家希望看到的”, 地球人都知道,这个人为地,指的是希拉里 受倭寇蛊惑, 支持 不洁之手 的行为。 说钓鱼岛主权属于日本,除了倭寇倭奴谁也开不了口。希拉里这般的妇人都开不了口,奥巴马这个男子汉 更是羞于撒泼。 既然主权归属问题 羞于启齿 难以表态,那么, “刻意地”军事部署、强化日美军事同盟、 支持投降的日本霸占战胜国中国领土的行为,就是“人为的”助恶助倭了。 希拉里:咱来个“主权归属不表态”,汉语叫做"不说就不说!不讲理就不讲理"! 奥巴马:不表态、不讲理,如何装扮公道? 克林顿: 你 是我媳妇,别撒泼、霸道么。 希拉里:我对媳妇权归属不表态!
个人分类: 保钓抗日|16868 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 高唱一首国际歌
热度 13 晓亮 2013-3-24 10:31
当载着中国领导人的专机降落莫斯科机场时,莫斯科的电台用一种亲切的声音报道了这个到达的消息: 欢迎您,习同志。 看到习近平主席的夫人--彭丽媛从飞机走出来,日本老百姓惊呆了。来自中国的政治清风使得日本政坛有点坐立不安,星期五一整天各大电视,报纸都在报道中国领导人访问俄罗斯,以及中国第一夫人的一举一动,特别是彭丽媛的演唱。国际歌是中苏两国老百姓都特别熟悉的,几十年前,中苏两国人民唱着这首歌,打败了日本侵略者。 一直以来的中国领导严谨的印象被新领导人的中国范儿打破了。日本观众都在打听第一夫人的身上的大衣是中国国产的还是海外定制的,手上的黑包包是中国国产的,还是世界名牌,这些点点滴滴都是日本观众关心的。自然而然大家也会把中国的第一夫人与日本首相夫人相比,虽然两国文化的不同,但是从评论员们的赞美,中国第一夫人的印象分很高,她的形象被日本各界接受了。 在访问之前,日本就有媒体对中国第一夫人出访给出了很多猜想,其中大多数是按照美国总统第一夫人外出的规格来描写。并且当中国国家主席降落在俄罗斯机场时,日本媒体特地用了一个专门的镜头,全程抓拍中国第一夫人的一举一动。晚间新闻用很长时间段介绍关于中国领导人的出访话题,其中第一夫人彭丽媛就占了很长的篇幅:……中国第一夫人服装代表了中国的时装潮流,当她下飞机时是穿着与国家主席一样的黑色大衣,但是在春天即将来临的寒冬莫斯科,第一夫人的脖子上那条深草绿的围巾,预示着中国来访即将带来春天,像一个报春的燕子…… 日本的政治动荡使得日本首相很难能外出长时间地访问,特别是与第一夫人一起出访。小泉纯一郎是日本近几年在位很长久的首相,但是因为没有夫人,所以出访时只能让他妹妹一起陪同出访,失去了展示日本软实力的机会。以前谈到中国的领导人出访大家都把王光美作为中国的第一夫人的形象代表,她亲民,睿智,现在缅甸,斯里兰卡的民众都还记得她。现在当另一位亲民的第一夫人登上国际舞台,日本怎么会不着急? 日本那些评论家在高喊: 安倍昭惠,你夫君要你一起出访非洲了,不要再在小酒屋陪酒聊天了! 日本媒体在谈中国第一夫人的和蔼可亲的时候,向安倍首相发出了警告,日本正在与中国因钓鱼岛在国际各个场所争取支持,俗话说:得道者多助,失道者寡助。
7858 次阅读|6 个评论
分享 中英互译:赠人玫瑰,手留余香
热度 31 宜修 2013-3-22 11:12
中译英: 赠人玫瑰手有余香 —— You share rose get fun —— 再音译成中文: 鱼香肉丝盖饭
个人分类: 啼笑皆非|15075 次阅读|29 个评论
分享 中國特色的政改 緩慢匍匐前進
8288 2013-3-18 10:31
个人分类: 新闻和政治-视频|3873 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 安倍不得不承认,中日围绕钓鱼岛存在“问题”和“课题”
热度 12 锅盖 2013-3-15 20:49
7907 次阅读|10 个评论


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