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分享 9月,秋高气爽
热度 4 岳东晓 2016-12-4 04:11
9月,秋高气爽,某天,瞎逛,树上有鸟在叫,地上有只老鼠在吱。 突然想起,还有事情,承诺了的事情。立刻叫送票使者,必须今日将票送达。 对方或许欣然接受。然后。。。纸上照出了出猥琐。 第二天,送票员递交了送达证明。 票之外,还有一个东西,叫着单。碰到奸恶之徒,拿了票,不接单,也就可以为非作歹任逍遥了。 于是请人送单。送了三次,都不成。快递员报告说,对方装了窥视器,听到里面有人,但不应。 僵局。 10月31日,西方的万圣节。这是一个为人不做亏心事,半夜不怕鬼敲门的日子。每到这个节日,太阳落山,夜幕降临,天真的儿童们会挨家挨户地敲门 , 狰狞的面具下是纯洁的心灵。trick or treat? 得到的是 Happy Halloween 的微笑。无邪的孩子们。没有经过文革的孩子们。从小有爱的孩子们。教养良好的孩子们。 上午,明镜高堂。 “阅卷知彼等正在苇鸡中伤... 账单何时送达?” “力争近日完成!” “善!” “谢!” 离开高堂,前往买糖。糖是甜的,甜的就是有益吗?儿童吃糖太多,不好。 晚上,有人敲门,啊,要糖的小朋友来了。给糖。小朋友们开心地走了。 再晚,接报。 “成了!” “成了?” “成了!惊恐” 万里,野鸡窝外。 有灯。 “trick or treat?” “trick or treat?” 。。。 鸡窝关灯。。。。 或许野鸡不懂英语? 蛇鼠之辈! 浪费我笔墨!
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分享 OmniNAS KD20 SSH ACCESS using PuTTY
岳东晓 2015-6-7 14:45
Shuttle OmniNAS KD20 Command Execution Following the trick at this page, I wrote a simple script which can be used to upload files and execute commands on the KD20 NAS, the download link is: kd20hack.zip . Just unzip the file and open the HTML file with a browser. The following is how to use the script: Description: use this tool to upload a file or execute a command on OmniNAS KD20 running Firmware Version : 2.38.20140728 . Usage: (1) To upload a file to the "disk" folder, do not enter any commands. (2) To execute a command, you have to also select a file. The path to the "disk" share is /share/atonnas/disk/ . To enable SSH access, following these steps 1) create a RSA private + public key pair using PuTTY Key Generator ; save the private key on PC, upload the public key to the KD20 NAS, say with filename "pub.key". 2) copy the public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys (sudo mkdir /root/.ssh/; sudo cat //share/atonnas/disk/pub.key /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ) Then start sshd on the NAS by executing "sudo /bin/sshd"
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