From that first article, Modi actually is reported to have said this excerpt below in his speech. It was at the Modi&US Event. WTF?!
Just when we think there could not even be more ass kissing, we get news of this.
Anyways, Modi said this:
>> Addressing the Indian diaspora at Nassau Coliseum in New York, Long Island at Modi&US Event, he said, "For the world, AI means artificial intelligence, but for me, AI also means American-Indian spirit. This is the new 'AI' power of the world....I salute the Indian diaspora here."
Clearly, there is an effort to team up.
Back to the original question posed, what does "A.I.=America+India" mean?
Besides the effort to team up, there is a deeper message.
This picture, describes it all. We know what is the house, and who is outside trying to get in.
Metaphorically speaking.
Those skeletons are smiling, because they know they will get something to eat.