

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Ukraine just assured that Putin will..
Replying to: Ukraine ambassador to Jap honor war crimials in Yasunkuni -- motif Post ReplyForum


09/05/2024, 00:58:20

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..get ALOT more support from China -materiel and otherwise and Japan can be sure that next Russian/Japn  conflict over Kuriles etc -China will be against Japan-nota bene  Japan-your little story of 47 Ronin about vengeance served cold and later at a most appropriate time was served to "Dai" Nippon in 1945 by newly victorious /resurgent Russia (Operation August Storm) for your sneak arttack on Port Arthur and Tsushima where Stalin and Georgi Zhukov ripped Japan a new a$$hole and destroyed the Kwantung Army .The China of today is even more resurgent and vengeful. for past wrongs done  to her.

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