

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

It tries to claim its the biggest all solid fuel orbital rocket but that's silly
Replying to: I'd say its irrelevant to the claim of 最大固体“运载”火箭 -- motif Post ReplyForum

Mao Clone

01/11/2024, 14:06:40

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+ points of solid fuel: 1)its cheaper 2)Higher readiness

– points:1)lower specific impulse ,ie less energy/mass in the sense speeding up the rocket 2)Its not adjustable in thrust magnitude nor could b stopped once ignited-------------to launch a satellite of a certain mass to a designated orbit(&height), the final and small stage must be adjustable/tunable, ie liquid fuelled.

Solid fueled military ballistic rocket adjust the range by the trajectory elevation angle (the bigger one also could be exhaust gas vectored) which is workable

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