US President Joe Biden speaks in support of Israel. Picture: CTV Screengrab

The White House lit up with spooky colors and inflatable pumpkins for Halloween last month. President Joe Biden handed out chocolate boxes to costume-clad kids who lined up to meet him, and adorably feigned horror at some of their costumes. Among the kids were Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s son, who came dressed as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, and daughter, who came dressed as Ukraine itself. 

Nobody came to Biden’s party dressed as Israel or Palestine, where, half a world away, the war was getting even more horrific, with Israel beginning to target the most densely populated areas of Gaza as part of its retaliation to the Hamas terror attacks that killed 1,400 Israelis on October 7.

Israeli air strikes pounded Gaza’s largest refugee camp, flattening apartment buildings and triggering apocalyptic scenes. Children were seen carrying other injured children to safety amid hysterical screams, picking their way through the gray dust and the fresh rubble scattered with the dead and the dying.

Six times as many children have been killed in Gaza in the three weeks of the conflict than the total number of children killed in the entire Ukraine war. More than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed so far in Gaza, which the UNICEF calls a “graveyard” for children, who account for more than 40% of the dead.

The UN Children’s Fund estimates 420 children are killed or injured in Gaza every day, “a number which should shake each of us to our core.” An unshaken Biden, who has extended unconditional support and military assistance to Israel and has opposed a ceasefire, has feigned disbelief at the numbers.

That puts him at odds with the outpouring of global condemnation at the impunity with which civilian lives are being erased in what the United Nations calls “collective punishment.” Israeli historian Raz Segal, who studies Holocaust and modern genocide, calls it a “textbook case of genocide.”  

Even national leaders, many of them close US allies, are not mincing their words and are breaking ranks with the American policy of de facto carte blanche. As the war intensifies and the body bags pile up, US double standards on the victims of Ukraine and Gaza invasions become glaringly obvious, especially in the Global South that is often subject to American sermons on liberty and human rights.

These days the only thing the leading custodian of the liberal international order seems to be liberal with is brown bodies.