

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Too bad there's just a decomposing rat turd in your cranial cavity
Replying to: Too bad your demented brain failed u, pls go see a doctor -- Mao Clone Post ReplyForum


01/06/2023, 09:46:11

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You are too dumb to understand what you read.

That's a fact.

The fact that you consider a fact to be "silly words" highlights your stupidity.

I said Corsair made it sound like an aircraft from a video game.  I did not say he said it came from a video game, as you stupidly misunderstood it.

I suggest you travel to Ukraine and go clear out some minefields.  Best way to make use of you. 

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