Work meeting to speed up the certification of CJ-1000A engine has been held in Oct 9 at AECC. Certification for subsequent engine projects was also planned in the meeting.

In case you're hiding under a rock, CJ-1000A is the domestic engine to substitute the CFM Leap-1C engine currently in use by C-919.

Subsequent engine project to be certified include CJ-1000B extended range version. CJ-1000B probably a few years later, perhaps 2026.

Designed max thrust 14 ton. tested max thrust 14.5 ton.

Expected to be fitted on C-919 by 2024. My guess is certified by 2023, Fit onto C-919 for testing by 2024. Then C-919 + CJ-1000A certified by around 2025-2026?

Some source think the CJ-1000A certification could happen in this year, and C-919 + CJ-1000A certification could happen by 2025.

Words are some time back the CJ-1000A has began test flight onboard a Y-20 test bed. No photo to show for it.

Onboard Y-20 or not I dunno, but it began test flight this year is almost certainty.

The CFM-Leap1C engine currently in use by C-919. My guess is sanction of Leap-1C is probably coming soon.

The C-919 received certification on Sep 29.

C-919 completed all its test flight.

C-919 elephant walk.

C-919 assembly line.

Aside from C-919, Y-20F-100 is a civilian cargo transporter version of Y-20 that will use CJ-1000A.