

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Different world altogether
Replying to: The mistake of FSU were geostrategic 1)Xcessive military spendings -- Mao Clone Post ReplyForum


09/03/2022, 10:57:24

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IIRC 400,000 Soviet troops backed by Mongolia,massive amounts of tanks advanced helicopters/aircraft like Su24 "Fencers",Frontal Aviation and of course SRF brigades supported by Bio/Chemica troops-The USSR's goal was not to occupy China but to detach DongBei provinces from China(i/eWW2's August Storm campaign against Japanese Kwantung Army in then Manchuria and threaten all of Chinese cities with nuclear attack.My library is outdated with volumes from 80's-90's -how times have changed-for China infinitely better in all spheres

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