

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Let me rephrase: it would be universally condemned by countries that actually
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Canis Majoris

08/02/2022, 17:48:28

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matter in the world, which mostly happens to be in the West. Your nonsensical escalating belligerency will have landed the US a massive windfall as it tries to gather a coalition of countries to oppose China; as I said, any fence-sitters will fence-sit no more after the nth time China manhandles yet another Taiwanese civilian ship for the purpose of nothing more than political theater. The US absolutely will call China's bluff and keep sending Nancy, Blinken, and others and will dare China to keep escalating, until China's image smells like pure unadulterated $hit all around the world. US wins, China loses. Grats.

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