The recent FT-1 launched by Northwestern Polytechnical University team on Jul 5, tested an RBCC engine transiting in four operation mode.

A RBCC engine is applicable in a reusable spacecraft such as the first stage of the two stages to orbit Tengyun space plane.

Tengyun model in exhibition.

Tengyun's target: launch weight 180 ton, 2 ton LEO payload; first stage RBCC, second stage rocket power; horizontal take-off, horizontal landing.

Tengyun sub-orbital vertical launch horizontal landing was tested on Jul 15 last year.

Is this the Tengyun space plane?

Application in SSTO space plane, it will take off horizontally from an airfield, rocket + ramjet take it to Mach 2+, then operating in turbine + ramjet in Mach 5+, then liquid fuel rocket accelerate it from Mach 10+ to Mach 25+ to enter orbit. Re-entry takes the form of unpowered glide. Once in atmosphere, it operate in powered flight with the RBCC engine to land horizontally.

Another application is in a twin engine SSTO HTHL spacecraft.