It's not exactly a natural career progression but Norm Self made the unusual move from priest to porn star.

What's more, he did it at the ripe old age of 83 shortly after coming out as gay.

And he's described the experience of having sex with strangers on camera as both "delightful" and "splendid".

Norm grew up in a religious household in North Carolina, joining the clergy at the age of 18.

He was married to a woman for 28 years but realised he was gay in 1997 when he came across a group of men while working as a college campus minister. Seeing them come out, he thought: "I'm a gay man."

Twenty years later, in 2017, he made his first X-rated movie.

Norm shared his story in the 2019 Channel 5 documentary, OAPS On The Game: The Sex Business.

He recalled: "My housemate asked me if I’d be in a film.

"I was invited in and all of a sudden all this attention comes to me.

“It’s almost like having a party, that’s one of the things I admire about this way of doing porn.

“We are going to have sex anyway so why not make it a liberating and bonding experience instead of hiding it away in the shadows?"

Hiding in the shadows had been something Norm knew all too well and he wants to give others the confidence to be themselves.

The former clergyman, now 88, has a number of adult films under his belt.

Speaking to Huffington Post after making his first movie, he said: "It was splendid! How could it not be?

"[I was in] a blessed rural setting, surrounded by a cast and crew of loving, competent, supportive brothers intent on sharing the good news of the healing power of pleasure.

"What could be more delightful? And if you’ve seen the video, with the two adorable models 'performing', what else could be lacking?"

Norm, who doesn't get paid for his movies, told the Channel 5 documentary that he was nervous about what the church might think about his new 'job' but he took the plunge to break taboos.

He said: “I thought who might be offended and who might want to write me out of the address book, but I don’t worry because that’s their struggle.

“My problem with the church is that it’s rare that sex is treated as a joyous part of spiritual life.”

He continued: "If I accept the 'title' of 'minister of erotic education' it would mean the eradication of false messages installed by society that sex is at best suspect, and at worst evil — and that its practice is severely constrained to reproduction of the species and not to be enjoyed.

"Moreover, sexual behaviours and practices can be learned for the enjoyment and enhancement of this kind of play — for the benefit of all partners!"

When asked if he would participate in more videos in future, Norm told Huffington Post: "Absolutely!

"[And I’ll keep doing it] until the sex-negative norms are removed from our society’s vocabulary and replaced with the implicit message that our birthright is to enjoy erotic joy and bliss.

"We who have experienced that owe it to our sisters and brothers to share that good news with all who will hear it!