It appears that Russia may already hold a massive 12,000 tonnes of gold, a much larger gold hoard than the United States. That may explain the strength of the Russian ruble which has shocked Western leaders and market watchers.

Russia & China Together Now Hold A Jaw-Dropping 32,000 Tonnes Of Gold
April 2 (King World News) – Alasdair Macleod:  “I’m informed by my contacts that Russia has probably got more gold than the US Treasury. The figure that is mentioned to me from a reliable source is the Russians have about 12,000 tonnes of gold. This is a major bit of news. Because if we tie that together with China, which I reckon has at least 20,000 tonnes of undeclared gold, then we are looking at the partnership between Russia and China effectively controlling gold. And remember gold is money and it is nobody else’s liability. And if we look at what is going on…t
o listen to Alasdair Macleod discuss the massive Russian and Chinese gold hoard as well as the game-changing event in the gold market this week