Have you ever seen an armadillo? Do you know how big they are?
Replying to: Discussion on same news item @ a non-satirical sport site -- QanontumFecesist Post ReplyForum


12/10/2021, 19:20:09

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It is true that armadillos have spread leprosy to humans in the United States (they are used as lab animals to study leprosy) but in order for a human to have sexual intercourse with an armadillo "his" penis would have to be the size of a cats penis or smaller. I am 100% sure the article is a fake.

From your link: "WNDR assumes however all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature of their content. All characters appearing in the articles in this website – even those based on real people – are entirely fictional and any resemblance between them and any persons, living, dead, or undead is purely a miracle."

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