Romantic Comics Caused the Sexual Rev in the60s&Made Women Crave for intercourse
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05/17/2021, 19:07:21

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How Romantic Comics Caused the Sexual Revolution in the 1960’s and Made Women Crave for Intercourse

***The following research paper is based on the strictest methods of Creation Science and as a totally unbiased scientific text, it may contain coarse language and rough images that may disturb the fragile mind of a woman or a child or a common uneducated sinner***
In the 1960’s a tremendous wave of unprecedented sin flooded our world. We were introduced to contraception, miniskirts, pacifism, the Stonewall debacle and especially women who started doing intercourse for misplaced physical pleasure instead of incubating fetuses. The reasons behind this disastrous development have been in obscurity until now. Recently, I came into possession of tens of thousands of “Romance comics” from the 1950’s and 60’s. I spent many a night immersed in these tales of young women searching romantic love, all purely for intellectual and Spiritual reasons. Although these comics apparently followed the “Comics code” of not showing full frontal nudity or intercourse, it soon became apparent that during these decades, the morals of America’s Youth deteriorated because of young women who read these un-Biblical stories. Just one word was enough to trigger the déluge of debachery.

That word was “dick“. Had it been “Jesus“, everything would be better now. Ronald Reagan would be alive, nukes would have been deployed and Jesus might even have returned. This was done in a most subtle manner. It all began reasonably well with warnings against premarital fornication.

This was apparently innocent, but please, look at the panel above in more detail. “Don’t… be kissed on a first date”. OK, but why kiss at all? Why kiss on a second date? Why date and simply not marry?! The seed of seduction lies within the withered lips of this old she-hyena. Kissing should have been activity among brethren, it is the original and true form of “bromance”.

1 Thessalonians 5:26
Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.

This was the trigger. Soon everything changed into open discussion of penetration. Of course, it is totally OK to be penetrated in a Biblical manner, God knew that women would not be able to contain themselves.

Genesis 3:16
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.

The covers remained chaste.

But inside, the young women only craved – sorry to say this – to gain access to tallywhackers, to penisesLust and desire are inevitable consequences of the Fall (Genesis 3:6) and they should be contained. At first, they were. The women cried in desperation but did not act upon their impulses.

Gradually, the impulses grew and the thought of receiving penetration by a turgid, male copulatory organ of Caucasian descent became stronger and stronger. It was “all anyone would really want”! Obviously, who would not enjoy physically being ravished by a True Christian™ masculine manly man?!

Eventually, as expected, the weak minds or women began to fall apart. There was no-one to prevent them from committing harlotry. In fact, women started to encourage each other to seek out for penile pleasures. BELOW IS THE STARTING POINT OF THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION! Can we not sue the authors of these panels?

Once a young girl had succumbed to cooter demons, there has been no way back. More and more images appeared where women continued to boast about the loss of their vaginal virtue.

They started to emancipate and talk back to their chaste, True Christian™ parents!

This was futile and, in fact, as it turned out, the mothers had also been harlots all along!

Eventually, the comics made it clear that receiving “dick” was the default state of things and the women ignored all warnings. They boasted how they would continue fornicating into the far future.

Even the wages of sin did not deter these frantically fornicating females.

Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

***NOW: The science. The following paragraph will require reading comprehension skills that may be beyond those of the common sinner, the woman or the child!***
Many will try to dismiss there results by stating that “Dick” is simply a nickname of “Richard” and that its meaning has been associated to “penis” only in modern times. That is NOT true™. Dick menat penis as early as in the 19th century. THESE PEOPLE KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING BUT THE IDIOTS WHO MONITORED THE COMICS CODE WERE BIBLICALLY ILLITERATE AND FAILED TO SEE THE TRUE MEANING OF THESE PANELS.

A: First things first. The term “dick” has been a euphemism for the penis since at least as far back as the 19th century. Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang dates the “penis” sense of the word to the mid-19th century. Two other sources, the Oxford English Dictionary and the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, give citations from 1891 and 1888, respectively. But sexual slang, with its euphemistic character and its tendency to show up in speech long before it appears in print, is hard to pin down. Though there’s no solid evidence that “dick” meant “penis” before the 19th century, one scholar has suggested that the usage might have been around much further back, in the 14th century.

What can we do? We can start revising the texts of these comics. Only one change is required to make it right. Let us just change “Dick” into “Jesus”. Everything would be OK. E.g.:”Right, if I get tired of Jesus… which I won’t” would be perfect? It would turn these porn magazines into innocent Bromances! Or would it?

No, it is too late.

As expected, the floodwaters did not recede this time. Once all women had been introduced to the constant availability of “dick” and their vaginas were filled with Satan’s minions to the brim, the demons had no more dwelling places but continued to multiply and diversify. Hence, from the common vaginal demon, the rectal demon was born by microevolution. Men started to crave for penetration, too!

And not just young, comely manly youngsters but also formerly Godly elders!

Thus, the homosexual man developed and has now taken over the copulatory circus of prostatic penetration. Some dozens of these vile panels in the comics was all it took to cause the worst plague mankind has ever encountered. Our only cure is to send our thoughts and prayers to those afflicted.

***The source material is available at my home for loan and study.***

Yours in Christ,



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