Flags of the European Union and China are on display as European Commission officials and Chinese President Xi Jinping approve an investment pact between China and the EU on December 30, 2020, in Brussels, Belgium. Photo: AFP / Dursun Aydemir / Anadolu Agency
Courtesy of David Baverez

David Baverez (left) is a Hong Kong-based private investor, writer and essayist. Since 2012, he has been assisting various startups focused on investment opportunities in Asia. 

A graduate of the French business school HEC and INSEAD, he was serving as a portfolio manager at Fidelity Investments in London and Boston, then became founding partner of KDA Capital. 

Baverez is author of three books, Génération tonique, Paris-Pékin Express and Beijing Express: How to understand new China. He is also a well-known columnist for several French newspapers, including L’Opinion and Les Echos, as well as Forbes and Medium.

He spoke to Asia Times on the future of relations between Europe and China. The following is the first installment of that interview.

Adriel Kasonta: After a long, messy, and quite exhausting EU-UK divorce process, the latter is no longer member of the bloc. What are your thoughts on this?