Canis Majoris
01/24/2021, 21:33:54
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Actually what I mean is that the 093A could have just been a 093 hull that was modified during an intermediate level maintenance period to incorporate the new hydrodynamic sail cusp. No hull cutting is needed since the sail cusp is merely at the interface between the hull and the sail, so it should have been an easy mod to incorporate especially as it would not require dry dock time, and may have been worth it to do prior to a midlife overhaul if it significant reduces the sub's acoustic signature. The time period of 8 years between sighting the 093 and 093A is actually about the right amount of time for such an intermediate level maintenance period to occur. The sail cusp on the 093A is also not nearly as 'designed-in', i.e. not nearly as flared/streamlined/blended to the sail and hull, as the ones on subsequent 093 mods, so I think it's certainly within the realm of possibility that 093A is just a refitted 093.