Canis Majoris
12/28/2019, 00:36:12
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offensive ASW. As in, you don't go hunting subs armed with ASW missiles. They are essentially a defensive weapon for when subs are hunting YOU, not the other way around. The reason is simple, and it has to do with range. 20-30km maximum ASW missile range is not really a sufficiently safe distance to conduct ASW from since sub-launched torpedoes outrange you and they could easily get close enough to get a spread of torpedoes off before you know they're there, or even if you do, before you can attack them with ASW missiles. Sub-launched ASCMs make close-range sub-hunting an even more harrowing proposition since you have almost no time at all to defend against a random pop-up ASCM coming at you from, say, 20km away. Offensive ASW nowadays is essentially a helicopter armed with a dipping sonar and a couple torpedoes, or a MPA with a MAD stinger flying low, or another submarine. China is apparently also developing a rapid response ASW network consisting of SOSUS-like detectors paired with shore-based long range ASW missiles (the ones with the wings).