Ah... The seagull...
Replying to: (Comrades,a treat)20 yrs ago,a certain'china xpert'wrote a classic comedy script -- ChairmanMaohamet Post ReplyForum


09/30/2019, 18:37:58

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Here are my replies to some of his pieces:


{5 April, 1997




The Asia Times


The Asian Wall Street Journal








The articles published in the Asia Times titled "Russia must realize the 'Asian alternative' does not exist" (26/03/97) and in the Asian Wall Street Journal titled "China's Creeping Assertiveness" (27/03/97) show Gerald Segal, at least, now realizes that the white West has committed the supreme folly of having strangled Russia which is "primarily a European country by culture and inclination" and is, therefore, one of their own, only to have facilitated the rise of China, which is of a totally different race and has scores yet to equalize with the Western imperialists.



The contrasts between China and Russia are many-- not just those mentioned by Segal. While the former Russian Empire kowtowed to the West and thereby ensured its downfall, China did exactly the opposite and prospered as a result.



China's "good fortune" is therefore not being "in the booming East Asia"-- it is the booming China that makes "the booming East Asia" in the first place-- but because its leaders foster a healthy contempt for the West.



This has obvious consequences: Russia wins despise from all over the world while China wins respect from its neighbours and instills fear in its former oppressors, as Segal himself amply exemplifies.



For all these reasons, China has every right to feel that "history is on its side" and looks forward to the day when it is powerful enough to right all the wrongs done by the white West to the Non-white world.



Segal and his ilk are now trying in vain to halt this "powerful historical force" by spurting out anti-Chinese diatribes. They "must realize" that the West is no longer "in the driving seat" of history.



The defunct process of "constrainment", which really is containment by another name, advocated by Segal may have proved successful against the former Soviet Union-- only after China gave its support. But when such policies were tried on the "weak" China by way of Korea and Vietnam, the foremost Western hegemon got bloodied nose and broken teeth in return.



What Segal is advocating is therefore "wrong and dangerous"-- for the West, that is. China is a lot stronger today.



The futility of Segal's effort can be seen by recalling Dr Mahathir once remarked that China has never colonized or oppressed the countries in the region. If followed, Segal's advice will have the effect of diverting the attention of these countries to a non-existent threat so that their past colonial oppressors could creep up on them from behind.



Those with stiff backbones understand only too well how the genuine Americans have become the "Indians" and the genuine Australians been reduced to mere "Aborigines".



Didn't Segal say some "naive" people signed, in 1995, a "defense pact with Australia" in order to "look after their own security"? The "Aborigines" and the "Indians" had also "put their faith" in Anglo-Saxon promises and reasonableness. The results are there for all to see. This "demonstrates a single clear pattern and lesson for East Asia". "Prospective victims" beware.



The white West knows that the actions of fools "suit its purposes" very well. China might not want to "bail out" such morons as it had done for the Vietnamese.



That 44% of Japanese "identifying China as a threat" is not at all surprising-- So did "Unit 731". That 44% no doubt includes a lot of its admirers, its former members and their descendants. It merely proves that the Japanese have learnt from their Western mentors the art of blaming their victims for the crimes they had committed against them.



Yet, all these do not discourage Segal from making up such fiction as "China never gives up territory", when he knows full well that the pre-revolution China ceded huge tracts of land to the imperialist Russia-- the land which Lenin had promised to return to China but never did.



Post-revolution China also relinquished Outer Mongolia, which has become the now independent country of Mongolia. Neighbouring countries, which were weaker than China but were willing to negotiate on territorial issues, more often got more territory from China than they ceded.



Therefore, those Russians who can do arithmetic need not worry. The "strategic portions" of land are merely the small price they should pay for establishing a Sino-Russian "strategic partnership". "Make no mistake", "NATO expansion" will ensure its success. Only "daydreaming" Seagulls [sic] think otherwise.








**Censored by "The Free Press", Refused publication**







*So, Indonesia signed a defense pact with Australia in order to "look after their own security"! Heheheeeeeeee. As it turns out, the one who is busy at dismembering Indonesia today is not China. This is an example of Segal’s “conventional wisdom” defied (09/10/99).



This is a prediction that “defied conventional wisdom”. Guess who made it? Not dear old Gerald! (11/11/99)}












The editors








Gerald Segal’s jealous bitching (South China Morning Post, 14 September 1999; Newsweek, September 1999) was to be expected-- after China punctured the Brit’s colonial ego over Hong Kong without having to fire a single shot. His observation of old China’s demise should have given him a sign of where the country he calls home is heading, now that it has been through more than half a century of relative decline.



Lucky for China, it is on its way up again. China’s progress is particularly rapid in the past twenty years after it had discarded the Western shackle of communism for a dose of oriental common sense. Its success is proved even by many “dubious” Western statistics of the Seagull [sic] type, which managed to show that, after being the fastest growing economy in the world for the past two decades, China ended up having a lower share of the world economy than when the reform started. Common sense can again give a truer picture.




Not only that, the trade and investment statistics quoted by Segal himself show how little China depends on the input from the rest of the world, and from the west in particular, in order to thrive. The contrast is made even more revealing when China is compared with the “gross failure” of the British system next-door, which Segal pretends not to notice, or the former Soviet Union (and its legacy Russia), which managed to pressed its self-destruct button by submitting to the dictates of the West. Of course, any person with half a brain would not trust in statistics the way Segal does- whether of Chinese or Western origin. A serious and thoughtful scholar would trust his own eyes and judgement by comparing the actual material and psychological well-being between the past and the present, and between examples inside and outside China. Segal obvious has not undertaken any study of this kind. Bird-brain analysis leads him to spurt out “useless” propaganda fit only for showing in the “free press” which, no doubt, will censor this letter.



Western ideologies of whatever kind are not to be trusted. More proofs of this dictum can be found during the recent recession of the Asian economies. Those who had succumbed to Western dictates (e.g. South Korean and Indonesia) lost their pants as well as their sovereignty, while those who defied them (e.g. Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore) kept their rice bowls as well as their dignity. Mainland China, which actually banned Western predatory capital, came out the least affected.



Segal is nevertheless correct in saying that China’s military spending is very low and, therefore, cannot constitute a predatory “first-rate” military power. This only serves to debunk Western propaganda, which constantly slanders China as a threat. Some people in his own camp will not be pleased.



What irks him even more is the fact that, despite his obvious displeasure and jealousy, the whole world pays attention to China rather than to the ex-great Britain, which has now degenerated to being a spineless lackey of the global bully-man. Low military spending will not handicap national defense. He only has to recall those very interesting examples when “first-rate” white powers attempted to subjugate nth-class Asian powers in Vietnam and Afghanistan. All it needs is that that country’s people have enough backbone to allow it to stand up to such superpower thuggery and thereby wins victory and earns respect. Segal’s home country also proves this truth by being the negative example.



Chinese ghosts of the nineteenth century ought to feel vindicated and can now rest in peace. While their own descendants have utterly rejected the Ah-Q spirit of theirs, the proud citizens of the once-great Britain is now adopting this mentality as their national character.











**Censored by "The Free Press", Refused publication**}

















The Editor

International Herald Tribune







Michael Richardson's mournful article (IHT, 09/11/99) tells us more about himself than about Segal. The demise of Segal is indeed a great loss to whiteman-kind, but to claim that he “defied conventional wisdom” is nothing less than turning oneself into a box of Kiwi shoe-polish-- Richardson manages to make both shine by smearing himself onto Segal's dead body.



What Segal had spurted out was nothing more extraordinary than those of Richardson or other propagandists of the demoncratic [sic] West. Sometime before July 1997, I sat in front of the TV set in Hong Kong and watched him declare that this place was China’s “soft underbelly”. As we now know, Hong Kong has turned out to be the hole on Britain’s backside, which the "over-ranked power", i.e. China, could poke at will and got away with doing so too. Conventional wisdom was defied here-- but not by Segal.



His lecture to India about Pakistan being “a basket case” is even funnier. Both these countries have, of course, inherited the “British system” and are run by Anglophiles trained in the same old schools. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what calling Pakistan "a basket case" says about India. You don’t have to scratch you head either to works out what that says about the Britain itself..



What Segal could see and “dared to express” was unremarkable enough. What he failed to see and the “free press” (like the IHT) dares not print are the real stuff that defy conventional wisdom. Genghis K has a few of the latter.



Segal was lucky to have been taken away by cancer before these mocking satires struggled free from the censorship imposed by the "free press" and reached him. Otherwise, he would have flipped his "soft underbelly" over in a totally different manner.








**Censored by "The Free Press", Refused publication**}



{5 April, 1997




The Asia Times


The Asian Wall Street Journal








The articles published in the Asia Times titled "Russia must realize the 'Asian alternative' does not exist" (26/03/97) and in the Asian Wall Street Journal titled "China's Creeping Assertiveness" (27/03/97) show Gerald Segal, at least, now realizes that the white West has committed the supreme folly of having strangled Russia which is "primarily a European country by culture and inclination" and is, therefore, one of their own, only to have facilitated the rise of China, which is of a totally different race and has scores yet to equalize with the Western imperialists.



The contrasts between China and Russia are many-- not just those mentioned by Segal. While the former Russian Empire kowtowed to the West and thereby ensured its downfall, China did exactly the opposite and prospered as a result.



China's "good fortune" is therefore not being "in the booming East Asia"-- it is the booming China that makes "the booming East Asia" in the first place-- but because its leaders foster a healthy contempt for the West.



This has obvious consequences: Russia wins despise from all over the world while China wins respect from its neighbours and instills fear in its former oppressors, as Segal himself amply exemplifies.



For all these reasons, China has every right to feel that "history is on its side" and looks forward to the day when it is powerful enough to right all the wrongs done by the white West to the Non-white world.



Segal and his ilk are now trying in vain to halt this "powerful historical force" by spurting out anti-Chinese diatribes. They "must realize" that the West is no longer "in the driving seat" of history.



The defunct process of "constrainment", which really is containment by another name, advocated by Segal may have proved successful against the former Soviet Union-- only after China gave its support. But when such policies were tried on the "weak" China by way of Korea and Vietnam, the foremost Western hegemon got bloodied nose and broken teeth in return.



What Segal is advocating is therefore "wrong and dangerous"-- for the West, that is. China is a lot stronger today.



The futility of Segal's effort can be seen by recalling Dr Mahathir once remarked that China has never colonized or oppressed the countries in the region. If followed, Segal's advice will have the effect of diverting the attention of these countries to a non-existent threat so that their past colonial oppressors could creep up on them from behind.



Those with stiff backbones understand only too well how the genuine Americans have become the "Indians" and the genuine Australians been reduced to mere "Aborigines".



Didn't Segal say some "naive" people signed, in 1995, a "defense pact with Australia" in order to "look after their own security"? The "Aborigines" and the "Indians" had also "put their faith" in Anglo-Saxon promises and reasonableness. The results are there for all to see. This "demonstrates a single clear pattern and lesson for East Asia". "Prospective victims" beware.



The white West knows that the actions of fools "suit its purposes" very well. China might not want to "bail out" such morons as it had done for the Vietnamese.



That 44% of Japanese "identifying China as a threat" is not at all surprising-- So did "Unit 731". That 44% no doubt includes a lot of its admirers, its former members and their descendants. It merely proves that the Japanese have learnt from their Western mentors the art of blaming their victims for the crimes they had committed against them.



Yet, all these do not discourage Segal from making up such fiction as "China never gives up territory", when he knows full well that the pre-revolution China ceded huge tracts of land to the imperialist Russia-- the land which Lenin had promised to return to China but never did.



Post-revolution China also relinquished Outer Mongolia, which has become the now independent country of Mongolia. Neighbouring countries, which were weaker than China but were willing to negotiate on territorial issues, more often got more territory from China than they ceded.



Therefore, those Russians who can do arithmetic need not worry. The "strategic portions" of land are merely the small price they should pay for establishing a Sino-Russian "strategic partnership". "Make no mistake", "NATO expansion" will ensure its success. Only "daydreaming" Seagulls [sic] think otherwise.








**Censored by "The Free Press", Refused publication**







*So, Indonesia signed a defense pact with Australia in order to "look after their own security"! Heheheeeeeeee. As it turns out, the one who is busy at dismembering Indonesia today is not China. This is an example of Segal’s “conventional wisdom” defied (09/10/99).



This is a prediction that “defied conventional wisdom”. Guess who made it? Not dear old Gerald! (11/11/99)}












The editors








Gerald Segal’s jealous bitching (South China Morning Post, 14 September 1999; Newsweek, September 1999) was to be expected-- after China punctured the Brit’s colonial ego over Hong Kong without having to fire a single shot. His observation of old China’s demise should have given him a sign of where the country he calls home is heading, now that it has been through more than half a century of relative decline.



Lucky for China, it is on its way up again. China’s progress is particularly rapid in the past twenty years after it had discarded the Western shackle of communism for a dose of oriental common sense. Its success is proved even by many “dubious” Western statistics of the Seagull [sic] type, which managed to show that, after being the fastest growing economy in the world for the past two decades, China ended up having a lower share of the world economy than when the reform started. Common sense can again give a truer picture.




Not only that, the trade and investment statistics quoted by Segal himself show how little China depends on the input from the rest of the world, and from the west in particular, in order to thrive. The contrast is made even more revealing when China is compared with the “gross failure” of the British system next-door, which Segal pretends not to notice, or the former Soviet Union (and its legacy Russia), which managed to pressed its self-destruct button by submitting to the dictates of the West. Of course, any person with half a brain would not trust in statistics the way Segal does- whether of Chinese or Western origin. A serious and thoughtful scholar would trust his own eyes and judgement by comparing the actual material and psychological well-being between the past and the present, and between examples inside and outside China. Segal obvious has not undertaken any study of this kind. Bird-brain analysis leads him to spurt out “useless” propaganda fit only for showing in the “free press” which, no doubt, will censor this letter.



Western ideologies of whatever kind are not to be trusted. More proofs of this dictum can be found during the recent recession of the Asian economies. Those who had succumbed to Western dictates (e.g. South Korean and Indonesia) lost their pants as well as their sovereignty, while those who defied them (e.g. Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore) kept their rice bowls as well as their dignity. Mainland China, which actually banned Western predatory capital, came out the least affected.



Segal is nevertheless correct in saying that China’s military spending is very low and, therefore, cannot constitute a predatory “first-rate” military power. This only serves to debunk Western propaganda, which constantly slanders China as a threat. Some people in his own camp will not be pleased.



What irks him even more is the fact that, despite his obvious displeasure and jealousy, the whole world pays attention to China rather than to the ex-great Britain, which has now degenerated to being a spineless lackey of the global bully-man. Low military spending will not handicap national defense. He only has to recall those very interesting examples when “first-rate” white powers attempted to subjugate nth-class Asian powers in Vietnam and Afghanistan. All it needs is that that country’s people have enough backbone to allow it to stand up to such superpower thuggery and thereby wins victory and earns respect. Segal’s home country also proves this truth by being the negative example.



Chinese ghosts of the nineteenth century ought to feel vindicated and can now rest in peace. While their own descendants have utterly rejected the Ah-Q spirit of theirs, the proud citizens of the once-great Britain is now adopting this mentality as their national character.











**Censored by "The Free Press", Refused publication**}

















The Editor

International Herald Tribune







Michael Richardson's mournful article (IHT, 09/11/99) tells us more about himself than about Segal. The demise of Segal is indeed a great loss to whiteman-kind, but to claim that he “defied conventional wisdom” is nothing less than turning oneself into a box of Kiwi shoe-polish-- Richardson manages to make both shine by smearing himself onto Segal's dead body.



What Segal had spurted out was nothing more extraordinary than those of Richardson or other propagandists of the demoncratic [sic] West. Sometime before July 1997, I sat in front of the TV set in Hong Kong and watched him declare that this place was China’s “soft underbelly”. As we now know, Hong Kong has turned out to be the hole on Britain’s backside, which the "over-ranked power", i.e. China, could poke at will and got away with doing so too. Conventional wisdom was defied here-- but not by Segal.



His lecture to India about Pakistan being “a basket case” is even funnier. Both these countries have, of course, inherited the “British system” and are run by Anglophiles trained in the same old schools. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what calling Pakistan "a basket case" says about India. You don’t have to scratch you head either to works out what that says about the Britain itself..



What Segal could see and “dared to express” was unremarkable enough. What he failed to see and the “free press” (like the IHT) dares not print are the real stuff that defy conventional wisdom. Genghis K has a few of the latter.



Segal was lucky to have been taken away by cancer before these mocking satires struggled free from the censorship imposed by the "free press" and reached him. Otherwise, he would have flipped his "soft underbelly" over in a totally different manner.








**Censored by "The Free Press", Refused publication**}







His lecture to India about Pakistan being “a basket case” is even funnier if you care to look and find out how far ahead India really is. And, of course, both these countries have inherited the “British system” and are run by Anglophiles trained in the same old schools. You don’t have to scratch you head to figure out what this says about the British themselves.



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