Two aspects: 1)Human as meat animals 2)To recycle euthanasia bio-mass/protein as food
1)Human as meat animal
I got the followings from the web:
---"Unlike laying hens (kept for egg production) which live for about a year, broilers only live for several weeks before they are slaughtered. In the EU, the slaughter age ranges from 21 to 170 days (typically around 5 to 7 weeks).
"In the US - the average slaughter age is 47 days at a weight of 2.6kg"
--"Pigs are slaughtered at different ages. Generally they can be divided into piglets, which are 1.5 to 3 months old; the fattening pigs, intended for pork and bacon, which are 4 months to one year old; and finally the older pigs, such as sows (female pigs) and boars (uncastrated male pigs)."
--"The highest quality beef comes from animals that are under 36 months of age. Old cows produce highly acceptable beef if properly fattened and processed. "
Farmers slaughter the animals when carcass weight:total fodder weight ratio is most optimal or highest; the fastest the animals grow to size the better; for chickens, pigs, cattles, the optimal slaughter age are respectively about 6-7 weeks, 4-12 months, 3 years.
The fodder to animal weight ratios at time of slaughter for chicken, pigs, cattle are around respectively 2 to 2.5:1, 3 to 3.5:1, 8:1 ...(for cattle, I read agri-scientists are working on to improve it to 5:1)
Homos(sapien or not)are much worse as meat animals. First of all, humans aren't usually meaty or muscular, most importantly humans take a long time to grow to size. If I were an ET alien 'homosapien' farmer, I doubt the slaughter age would be less than 10 yrs or the fodder to animal mass ratio would be > 30:1
---Very uneconomical unless homosapien meat is a highy priced delicacy to ET aliens like caviar to homosapiens
2)To recycle euthanasia bio-mass/protein as food
The global death rate is about 0.8%/yr. Even if all of them are euthanasia, it could hardly constitute a major food source as in the movie.