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Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

the Hauwei versus USA scoreboard an update of the news
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cyber horse

02/12/2019, 11:20:28

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Last week Thursday, stories appeared in the news where there was a false report of Italy banning Huawei followed quickly by a firm denial from the government there were such plans. Then the Germans came out and stated their position, which was consistent with all their other public comments about Hauwei, there weren't many, and nothing changed, they still intended to use Hauwei for their 5G rollout. The Germans wanted more assurances over network security.

What is a network? If you are reading this message, you have logged into a network. Connectivity, speed of data transfer, latency, and of course security. You logged in after all with user name and password. So was all this security talk solely anti-Hauwei, or just normal network considerations?

That intense battle in the media and from the US government behind closed doors, basically finished that Thursday 7th Feb 2019. The Asia Times article sums it up at the very beginning. Other reports the next few days, still held out the hope even though it was 99% over, but today more news about the situation of Hauwei future business in Europe and it is what it is.

The article (posted below) about Ireland had an interesting fact that Hauwei was used in almost half of European telecom companies. Since Europe rejected USA demands of a ban on Hauwei, that clearly implies that after this negative PR campaign, Hauwei will probably increase business in Europe if more telecoms want 5G to keep pace with their competitors.

The article from Reuters about the German government stating their process, and when they get done with their bureaucracy everything will proceed.

Then the Financial Times article from an insider, more or less is saying England will not ban Hauwei, and it probably was an idea that did not have much support.

The Fortune.com article reports on a story from the Wall Street Journal that rural wireless carriers in the USA rely heavily on Huawei and they do not want it banned. That simple fact alone, makes the American strategy outrageous. If American companies did not agree, what chance did they have of convincing foreign companies on their soil? Of course that stupid reporter still held out hope that Hauwei would be banned in Germnay. Fvck off, that is what the Germans basically said, lolz.

A main point of the media is to sell newspapers so to speak. If there is conflict, that sells. The news being fake or not, does not really matter. So have to expect the Liberal media to keep this fight between Hauwei and the USA alive, even though it is over.

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