This is significant.
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02/09/2019, 08:45:40

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  1. All the scholars and the former diplomats who signed the open letter to Xi are eating crow now. No one would dare to support Canada other than American officials.
  2. It is almost with certainty Meng will NOT be extradited. If the story did not break and the court decides to allow the extradition, Canadian JUstice Minister can quash the order. Canada would appear to have an independent foreign policy and be an honest broker. Now, Canada is just another hypocrite and even if they quash the extradition order it would be perceived to kowtow to China.
  3. This would have devastating effects on Canada's effort to gain a seat on the UN Security Council. As a middle power, it has nothing other than her credibility and neutrality. Without them, Canada is a nobody.
  4. Other countries such as Saudi Arabia are watching closely and learned a valuable lesson on how to deal with Canada. The daily life of Canada on the international stage is going to be a lot more complicated and difficult.
  5. Finally, I doubt China would be so forgiving after all the troubles Meng's case has generated.

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