my 2 cents - basically Hauwei beat the US government in Europe
Replying to: Germany does not want to exclude Huawei from 5G buildout. -- cyber horse Post ReplyForum

cyber horse

02/07/2019, 06:56:06

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The news from Italy of the Hauwei ban from "sources" was fake news. The correct term should be dezinformatsiya.

It was reported by the German paper Handelsblatt once before that it strongly hinted that Germany was leaning to ban Hauwei. However, that was just one report out of the blue indicating that. Did not see anything supporting that afterwards over several weeks. The German authorities did not reveal much until now. Seems like the Germans had no intentions of banning Hauwei but try to get assurances from CCP over data security. They said nothing all along because they never changed their minds.

So what is left of this anti-Huawei campaign launched by the Americans against this single Chinese company? That is a good question.

Two months from now, countries across Europe and Asia will further their plans to roll out 5G, while all the Americans can do is to go and continue their court cases against Hauwei. Some strategy that is.

That makes this whole thing so bizarre. Hauwei just had the superior tech. American attacked with lawyers. What exactly is that going to do? Then they bet so much, bet so much of their credibility and prestige on this.

Watch, questions about NATO's survival will surface sooner or later over this Hauwei incident.

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