Don't know what you mean by "local context"
Replying to: 1)I'm talking about'mono-ethnic'state from a local context2)Ain't u tired of BS -- ChairmanMaohamet Post ReplyForum


01/20/2019, 18:08:20

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since a "state" naturally is not a local context. I apologize for stereotyping Chinese-Americans as all originating in Taishan, some are descended from Foshan or Jiangmen immigrants or even Hakkas, but those who can not trace their ancestry to Guangdong are not Chinese-Americans. Using data from China as a whole is not applicable to Chinese-Americans since they tend to be shorter than the average Chinese. The Chinese-Americans did not suffer from nutritional problems 70 years ago or today, and therefore their height must be due to heritable factors not environmental factors.

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