this Faux News article brings up one good point that we should note
Replying to: Why China’s spectacular moon landing is so significant -- cyber horse Post ReplyForum

cyber horse

01/04/2019, 14:03:45

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According to the article, colonization of the moon can happen relatively soon.

As of today, that country in East Asia, has the you know what, $$$$$ ... which can make it happen.

A Chinese moon base, a Chinese moon colony, obviously it will speak Mandarin Chinese (maybe some Cantonese and other regional dialects too)!!

On earth lingua franca is English. On the moon then lingua franca is Mandarin Chinese if the China builds the moon base before anyone else.

(To put things into perspective, the Americans cannot even build one single danm wall).

You know what that means?

That means this forum has to practice its Chinese!

Okay, lets altogether, practice some right now! Quick Mandarin lessons!

1. Zao shang!
translation: Good Morning!

2. Ni hao!
translation: How are you!

3. Chi fan mei you?
translation: Have you eaten yet?

4. All your base belong to us!
translation: All your base belong to us!

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