There's more than a kernel of truth there:
Replying to: Obviously I read it. -- Canis Majoris Post ReplyForum


10/12/2018, 20:35:57

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Obviously this guy has drunk too much jewspiracy Kool-Aid. In this regard I 100% agree with you. Moreover, he does seem like an incel, and possibly an autistic school-shooter type as well.

Nonetheless, this doesn't diminish the truth of his other assertions. Chinese kids growing up in the US inevitably face intense social ostracism, to the point that many are indeed incels, and mass spree killers are disproportionately of Asiatic origin. It's also true that they have no country, being too foreign to be even seen as American by Americans yet deliberately distance themselves from Chinese. Due to their psychological trauma (I have never met a single ABC in my life who did not suffer from some sort of mental illness) the proportions of ABCs who succeed at anything in life is very small. That their parents are completely unaware, or are in denial (due to blindly thinkg America is heaven), of the overt and subtle social factors against Chinese in the US is of no help whatsoever. It's only going to get worse as China strengthens vs. the US. I don't think there is much hope for the majority of these people, even if you disagree. And I don't know why you keep trying to downplay all the problems in the first place.

Gmachine is an antisemitic and antisocial asshat, but what made him into one? Ask yourself why so many Asian male bloggers are basically anti-Jewish alt-right. Then ask yourself if you want your children to be this way.

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