

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Re: Obviously I read it.
Replying to: Obviously I read it. -- Canis Majoris Post ReplyForum


10/07/2018, 16:54:49

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Lol what do you consider as "success?" A solid six figure salary at a brand name company? I've had that and so have many Chinese in America. That's not rare at all. Tenured professor in a legit STEM field at a good university is much rarer yet a good number of Chinese have achieved that as well. STEM academia is one of the friendliest and most meritocratic places for Chinese in America. It's in the corporate world in non strictly STEM roles where there is a conspicuous ceiling. Chinese are visibly disadvantaged when it comes to getting promoted into upper management and starting their own companies. They have very little chance outside of STEM, especially in media, law, politics.

The highly successful Chinese in America tend to be immigrants who did up through undergraduate in China, out of a combination of selection for STEM ability and the Chinese Chinese network and roots. They have the Chinese immigrant community in America and China as a fallback. But their children, if raised in America, won't really have that. Their children by and large end up in a crossfire between two cultures and nations largely in contradiction, without a coherent identity or group. Yes, many of them are very smart and competent, winning some serious academic prizes in school. The Chinese-American kids are dominating math and programming contests and other science olympiads as well. I was one of them, and I talk to people who were much more so. But the real world isn't meritocratic the way school is. Even in academia, Chinese face some crudely race-related disadvantages.

Something else. No matter how well they do individually, they don't really have belonging as a part of a nation. No matter how "white" they act or how American they believe themselves to be, most actual Americans will never treat them like a real American. Their career performance and advancement is largely conditional on their acceptance of and subordination and contribution to the aims and actions of the US led liberal democratic order which is in direct contradiction to their interest and dignity as a human being. Their kids will be, face it, ethnically cleansed via an upbringing in America.

The reality is that the extremely successful Chinese in America, those who make it to or near the top in an American institution, actually have far less power and influence than a white person in the same position out of their distinct minority status. Many if not most of them had to sacrifice to some extent the collective Chinese interest via their political behavior just to get there. And they won't get to pass on what they accumulated to the next generation anywhere near as easily. So even in the rare case that a Chinese hits it big in America, there is much less in the way of continuity.

In summary, there can be some individual success but there cannot be genuine collective group success. The latter would require Chinese to attain political power in bulk in a white country whose greatest competitor is their ancestral homeland, which is not going to happen.


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