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Jesus the son of Cleopatra and Julius Caesar ??
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Mao Clone

12/12/2017, 23:46:29

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Was Jesus – Caesarian – the son of Cleopatra & Julius Caesar

Was Jesus Christ – Caesarian – the son of Cleapoatra and Julius Caesar?

I was never convinced Jesus existed until I was reading a book on assasinations, a book I picked up at random for £2 for a long train journey. I read about the assasination of Julius Caesar and there were sketchy details about the son he had with Cleopatra – named Caesarian. I already knew some had made comparisons with Julius Caesar and Jesus Christ, claiming Caesar and Jesus shared many similiar qualities, with the initials JC some had even speculated Jesus had been designed, modeled from the great leader Caesar…

So reading my book on assasination and it’s the first I’ve heard of Caesarian, I thought that strange, as what an incredibly special child that must have been, born unto the two greatest leaders that ever graced the earth – Cleopatra of Egypt and Julius Caesar of Rome.. I wondered if it possible that this child could infact be what we have come to know as Jesus Christ, it all seemed to make sense including explaining the Jesus/Horus connection. I couldn’t wait to get off the train & find information on the dates/birth/deaths to see if my thoery was a posibility.. I’ve never been so anxious.. I was like “OMG, OMG, OMG.. this is some discovery”.. the very thought made me shake with excitement, anticipation, it all made sense.. but I needed to know more..

The Jesus/Horus connection.. if you’re not already familiar with this just google search. When it becomes clear Jesus & Horus shared the same attributes, it becomes clear there is a link with Egyptian mythology and Christian mythology (this goes deeper and extends to the ‘trinity’ of God Mary & Jesus being similar to the trinity of Osiris, Isis & Horus).

So I researched more and I couldn’t find anything that suggested Jesus could have been Caesarian. But what I read almost confirmed what I thought. I read ‘Cleopatra considered herself and son Caesarian to be the incarnations of Egyptian Gods Isis and Horus’…. **WHOAH!!!**  that was the connection I needed.. This confirmed Caesarian was considered Horus… Just like Jesus is considered Horus. This proved all 3 are linked (Horus, Jesus, Caesarian) into one, they are it seems, one of the same.

He was considered both a Sun God (Horus) in Egyptian terms and a Son of God in Roman terms (son of Roman God Julius Caesar).

As the most important person on earth as heir to both the Roman and Egyptian empire I imaging there were concerns for his safety. There is a theory which suggest he (Ceasarian) was sent into hiding in India & Tibet where he learned Budhist style teachings and parables whilst with the Monks. (This co-incides with the bible as there are 17 years of Jesus life missing from the bible – see also – Nicolas Notovitch who published a book called The Unknown Life of Christ in 1894 which states there is evidence to suggest that’s where he was).

Returning to the mediterainian some 17 years later Caesarian with name changed to Jesus Christ (taking the JC initials of his father) went about his budhist style teachings and claimed he was the Son of God. This true because he was the son of Roman god Julius ceasar.

He formed a following of those who believed he should be the rightful heir to the empire, they supported him as their leader, both in Egypt and in Rome. These followers formed the early cult of Jesus (note: no walking on water or miracles at this time, they supported him in beleif he was their rightful leader. But they were persecuted by opposing authorites of Rome. Until some hundreds of years later when the Roman Emperor Constantine declaired acceptance of the Jesus cult and the minority became the majority. And by doing so re-gained supreme control over the empire and beyond.

I’ve come to wonder if early churches were build on pagan sites, not to quash them as is the belief, but to ascend them, as the early Jesus cult was  pagan, they include much pagan architecture, the pagan cross, the green man, sun symbology etc. Early churches could well have been built as pagan places of worship and history books ‘amended’, it’s possible. I believe The Jesus Cult which had grown but become devided into those who believed Jesus was The Sun God and those who believed he was The Son of God. There were conflicts in what Jesus and God were, so Constantine formed a counsil (The 1st Council of Nicaea) and invited all the bishops to decide what Jesus and God should be. It was decided there that Jesus should embody both the Pagan God (like Egypt) and the Person God (like Rome) which is what we know Jesus as today, both a mystical figure and a real living person. This decision kept everyone happy and united the conflicting beliefs into the one God. The One God we are familiar with today. THIS ‘ONE GOD’ CONQUERED THE WEST, WITH CHRISTIANITY, making it THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. (interestingly this unity is on the back of an American dollar bill – see my Eye of Horus post)

This is what I have come to suspect after much research.

As far as I know the bible was written just before it went to print on the Gutenburg press (1450’s). All books are written by human people.

There is a lot of ambiguity in the bible. A lot of the unexplained and the majority doesn’t make sense. But it does make sense if you understand the basics of Egyptian Mythology and realise from above this his how Christianity came to be.

Orisis – Isis – Horus

Julius Caesar – Cleapatra – Caesarian

God – Mary – Jesus

They are all the same holy trinity. God the father, the virgin mother and the sun/son child.

So that’s what Christianity is, an amalgamation of Egyptian astrological mythology and historical facts. This unity has conquered the west. This unity is on the back of American dollar bills, we see the pope with his fish hat, the green man in churches, we celebrate the pagan festivals under guise of Christian faith.. etc, etc etc..

Which is quite incredible.

In the words of a friend (I don’t copy without credit) “Take a good Wiff … sniff… sniff… you smell that? That’s what you have been eating for many years. Here try some fresh vegetables and clean water to follow, it might taste bad at first but it’s better than walking on water and raising dead people. Remember you do not swallow government medicine it’s a suppository!”

I remember my first encounter with something of this nature and scoffed..  It’s really hard to your head around it, but when you do it’s quite something. It’s the most incredible story you’ll ever come to realise.


Q. Jesus wasn’t born at the same time as Caesarian so they can’t be the same person.

A. BC/AD dating is suppose to be Before Christ and After Christ, no one knows if this means his birth or his death. There is no 0 (zero) BD/AD dating and the Julian Calendar came into use 45BC. BC/AD dating was devised in 500 but not widely used until 800. BC/AD dating refers to both the Julian calendar and the Gregorian one, it is recognised there are errors and confusion and it is not accurate, some say an error of 30-45 years. It’s impossible to know but it’s knows there are errors. Julius Caesar lived 100 -44 BC and Cleopatra 69 -30BC with the recognised errors and confusion in calendars the dates are around the same.

Q. You were sent from Satan to test our faith in God

A. Damn, you found me out.

(The origins of the satan myth are rooted in Egyptian mythology as the mytholocial god Set)

Q. It doesn’t matter who Jesus was what matters is the message that gave his life for others. It’s a message of respect and peace.

A. We want to live, it’s human nature, but all it takes is training/brainwashing – Soldiers buy into the idea of sacrificing their life for Queen & country, more recently for oil & US corporations (corporatocracy) in war, muslims buy into the idea of giving their life in suicide bombings, there is no peace in that. There is no peace in religion.

Q. My friend is psychic so God & dead people must exist and be in spirt.

A. No your friend is not psychic. This is psychology of beliefs, subjective validation & cold reading techniques.



Q. What does it matter?

A. It matter that people know, that’s all.

What I’ve given above is the bare skeleton, it’s the back bone of how I have come to believe Christianity has come to be. But it also comes warpped in skin. In the metaphores, the stories and beliefs and more, but that’s psychology and theology and neurology and for another day..

Please check out some stuff here.

The Egyptian Trinity

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus and http://freethoughtnation.com/contributing-writers/63-acharya-s/378-horus-is-the-sun-god



The Roman/Egyptian Trinity




We already know the Holy Trinity – God, Mary, Jesus

Set/Satan origins


The 1st Counsil of Nicaea


The Egyptian/Roman unity on US $1 dollar bill


(there is A LOT of information of that picture, see the falcon, the sun disk, the wheat, the owl, click zoom and find the owl)

Some pagan symbolism/festival in Chriatian religion






BC/AD dating


Missing years of Jesus




The Three Kings


Then understand the 12 contellations (stars in the sky)  Aries, Taurus etc.. they travel round with the sun, just like the 12 apostles travelled around with the sun. Thomas means twin and represents the constellation Gemini (for example). And the four gospels of Mathew/Mark/Luke/John are the 4 mythical sons of Horus.. And not forgetting the 10 deadly sins are lifted straight from the Egyptian book of the dead. etc etc..


Enough already. I absolutely conclude. I would have been charged for herecy some years ago and sentenced to death for even muttering the above. Governments sill have a way of disposing of trouble makers and Christians still have a way of persecuting those blasphemous. If I disappear please someone come and find me or at least pass on the text above. Thanks 🙂


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