

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

LMAO that's great!
Replying to: Happy birthday! let me repost this BR classic:'Why China Has No Future' -- Mao Clone Post ReplyForum


07/09/2017, 12:28:15

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In the year 2000, CMF members were saying the Arjun was a piece of crap after 20 years of development. Now, 17 years later, the Arjun is still an unbelievabel piece of crap.

Also, this gem:

"We have a far superior government structure, that is world acclaimed, our democratic government gives us more edge in scientific and cultural progress. It gives us more freedom of speech more diverse ideas and secularism. China does not have a future its consistent oppression against its people and the restriction of free thought will always cause great discontent within and bring it to the brink of anarchy. This is evident from a recent survey that shown that only 9% of Chinese were happy with their standard of living, where as the democracies in this world(except for Russia) were the most happiest.....In this era of scientific growth, China will struggle to succeed with its communist regime and will have to resort once again, to stealing technologies- This time from India."

-overly optimistic yindu, 12/29/2000.


Also, this:

"Economy: PRC's economy is at least 3 times larger than that of India. PRC has a 200 billion foreign trade reserve, India, almost to zilch"

-Cao Cao, 12/30/2000

I like how in 2017, PRC's economy is at least 4.9 times larger than that of India. Unfortunately, India now has 386 billion in forex reserves while poor PRC only has 3...trillion in forex.

Meanwhile, in 2017, filthy yindees still don't know how to use the toilet.

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