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Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Is the EuroZone doomed to fail? Not sure myself. History not one it side.
Replying to: Recent Example:Brexit damages globalist interest&is labelled as anti-immigrant -- ChairmanMaoHamet Post ReplyForum

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07/06/2016, 12:49:51

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The Anlgos, never thought this would succeed, but they never like the Europeans. This article is not bad, because most article from Anglos able the Eurozoe failing tends to go back to "I don't like Eurozone therefore they fail" kinds of sentiments.

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James West: Don, thanks for joining us again today.

Don Coxe: Pleasure to be with you!

James West: Don, let’s talk about Brexit, and if you could categorize it in the context of history and politics and geopolitical implications.

Don Coxe: Well, what this is, is the most fascinating new demonstration of a well-established principle in history, what’s called La Traihison des Clercs. It was a French philosopher who came up with the concept, and it’s the treason of the clerisy. And the clerisy are the repositories of the intellectual tradition, and therefore the soul, of countries.

What happened here was that it turned out, as we discovered with the reaction to the vote, that the clerisy in Britain and in Europe all shared the same views, and the rage that they expressed was a rage against the people. After all, this was a 52 to 48 vote in Britain, and the people were well informed on what the issues were, and despite all the talk and everything, that’s not far off from where the polls were three months ago. These people came out, it was a tremendous turnout, 76 per cent on a day of bad weather. These people came out because they felt strongly that their traditions were being challenged, and they were being challenged by the elites.

So the fury that’s been unleashed on this is because, you think of it: the eurozone was itself a product of an intellectual elite, because you came up with this currency which Henry Kissinger said could never work, because you created a free trade zone of these countries where they had varying levels of capacity to produce, they had varying levels of balance sheet, honesty of government, all of these things, and you created a free trade zone which meant that the best would continue to win against the worst. And therefore, in order to keep the currency, the best would have to start bailing out the worst, and that’s exactly the way it’s unfolded.

But they are continuing to present this idea as if this is some sacred trust handed down to them. It’s only been around since Jacques Delors came up with the idea, and once Margaret Thatcher understood it wasn’t just a free trade zone, she said this is socialism by the back Delors, and walked out. And a week later her Tory party dumped her and said they were going to join the Euro. And then when they looked at it, they thought, maybe that’s not such a good idea. It turned out to be the only smart thing that crowd did.

James West: Right. Okay. So let’s dwell for a moment on, what do you think is the perceived mandate on the part of this elite intellectual class, that they cling so desperately to an idea that just mathematically can’t work? Where is their mandate coming from in their own imagination?

Don Coxe: What the mandate is coming from is from a very fine thing, which is that there’s been two horrible World Wars starting in Europe, with devastating destruction, wiping out economies and nearly civilizations. So the idea that started with the European coal and steel community went on of having an effective form of union within Europe so they wouldn’t go to war with each other. That was a great idea. A great idea intellectually, and a great idea of the soul. In effect, they were going back to Charlemagne, so going back to 800 A.D., to the Holy Roman Empire, which as Voltaire said was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire. But it did reduce the amount of wars at that time.

So this was an idea of having sort of a united Europe. The problem was that they imposed this on people who spoke different languages, different levels of education, and very different abilities to function in a free trade zone as technology were evolving. So what happened was, for example, we’ve had now like eight straight years where Italy has been in a recession. Italy has the fifth-largest debt in the world, and the recent Roman election looked like it was going to go through and the party candidate was set forth, then it turned out with like a month to go, they found out he was a Mafioso. And so what we had was a radical female in there — best result they had in Rome in a long time.

It illustrates the problem that you have when you’ve got deep cultural problems and deeply involved political things, and you’re trying to impose a standard of excellence from above. And you do it from where, of all places? You do it from Brussels. You know, for one of the last three years, there’s been no government in Belgium, because the Flemings and the Walloons can’t get along with each other.

So here you have that the headquarters of the European Union are in a country which, from time to time, doesn’t really exist as a functioning government, and then in addition, when they had terrorist attacks, the terrorists went there because they said this is beautiful. The Flemings and the Walloon police don’t talk to each other; this could be great for us. It was. And they were able to carry off two sensational sets of crimes, and this is the headquarters of the European Union. As a matter of fact, the second one was only blocks away from the centre of the EU.

So what you did by putting it into a country which wasn’t a real country, right from the beginning, you gave the symbol that this was an artificial attempt of intellectuals to create something which would repeal 800 years of history. A noble idea. But then you got to the practicalities, and what happened with Britain was that they voted it down, and then they had polls running on the continent, and they find out that one country after another now is thinking of leaving.

What happened? And in each case, you see, it’s not the intellectuals. Ordinarily, political battles in Europe are intellectuals fighting with each other in different parties. In this case, the intellectuals were overwhelmingly united with this, but they were united against the people, and that is what is the startling precedent here, which is that you’ve got this defiance of the people by the elites, and therefore it cannot hold. It’s doomed.

James West: And that’s the essence of the La Traihison des Clercs?

Don Coxe: That’s right.

James West: Okay. So the spirit of the desire, then, is based on the foundation of the idea that neighbours in commerce will not likely soon be neighbours at war. But in a union that is artificially enforced, whereby some of the neighbours are just naturally more productive and therefore wealthier than those, and they must support the weaker ones with their wealth, then the ones who are suddenly indebted to the wealthier ones see a political reason to achieve a financially expedient result by saying, let’s get out of there. Is that the direction this thing is going to do?

Don Coxe: And the lesions started to open when Greece turned out that they had falsified their financial information with help from Goldman Sachs, was accepted to the union, and then of course got into hopeless trouble because it’s a dysfunctional country economically. I mean, the best things about Greece all happened at least 2,000 years ago. And so to try to compete with Germany and Holland, they couldn’t. So they got into a financial mess, and they were bailed out at great, great cost. This was 2 per cent of the GDP of Europe, and we had a crisis which sent gold up $500 an ounce because of the fear that if Greece exited from Europe, that other countries would also.

So that was the first sign of the fatal flaw within what was a beautiful idea intellectually. So if Greece could cause all that problems, well you say, Britain was never part of the Eurozone. But on the other hand, it’s the second-biggest economy within the European Union, and so what this does is challenge, once again, the concept. And in the meantime, European Central Bank did something else which had never been done before: in order to try to raise money as the countries weren’t functioning correctly, they went to negative interest rates.

Now you may remember a great British film of the 1950s, The Breaking of the Sound Barrier? And it was this film about these British aeronautical scientists who created the first jet plane. And they didn’t know what was going to happen once they reached the sound barrier, and it nearly killed them all, because the plane shook apart when it went through this invisible wall of sound. It turns out that the sound barrier really was there. So they had to change everything around, the structure of planes and so forth, and then we got the jet age.

Well, if what happened here is, when you go through zero – because everybody thought, remember, there has never been a sustained negative interest rate, anywhere. And so they’ve gone through that, and then once you’ve done it, you say there’s no further barriers, so therefore you can keep going deeper and deeper into negative territory, which is catastrophic for pension funds and for elderly people who save through savings accounts and banks and so forth. And this is all being done to keep a currency afloat.

So again, it’s the intellectuals saying ‘we’ve got this great idea of a currency which is going to prevent war, and what we’re going to do is anything we have to, to keep it afloat.’ So we’ve seen them then get into this kind of war with the British people with this rage against the British voters.

Remember it wasn’t the British elites! The majority of Parliament was in favour of staying in. This was done from the ground up, and therefore, and that’s what they’re terrified about, because in France if you do it from the ground up, then you’ve got Marine Le Pen, who’s succeeded to her father of a Fascist party which she’s managed to make into a legitimate political party, and she cheered them on on this, and now she wants to call for an exit for France. Well, if France exits, it’s all over. Game over.

Now she is not an intellectual in the ordinary sense; she’s come up through the political party route, but she created and propagated intellectual concepts which once again challenge the mythos which was created by Jacques Delors and the French elites. The French have always had an intellectual class; they’re very good at it. But on the other hand, they’ve gone through five constitutions, all of which came up with political revolutions, not with getting the done through Parliament. So from time to time, having these intellectuals who are great with their abstract reasoning and so forth, doesn’t work out.

And you say, what are the financial implications of this? Well, the Eurozone is the second-biggest economy in the world, and therefore, what we don’t see is that it falls apart and disappears in a nice fashion. This is a big, big challenge, and so therefore they’re going to do everything they can to try to keep it together, and as I say, Kissinger – I talked about this years ago, and his attitude was just this: how can they believe it will ever work? The Germans are just going to take over the economy! They’re just that much smarter and more efficient, and they’re so disciplined.

So that is why it is, and that, of course, is why it is that we saw the upside breakout in gold. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

James West: Sure does.

Don Coxe: Gold pre-dates all the intellectual traditions.

James West: You bet. So does that mean, is this, then, the endgame for all of the sovereign debt currencies that are over 100 per cent of GDP, and is gold now the best asset in terms of a reference asset for the most stable, safest refuge for investors now going forward?

Don Coxe: Well, yes and no. My father was a country doctor, and one of the things that he taught me when I was young was, he was always being asked to give a prediction when someone who was mortally ill was going to die. And he said he wouldn’t do that, because he tried to and he realized he didn’t know any doctor who was any good at it. He said that the life force can surprise you, and it varies from individual to individual. So you can say flatly we’re all going to die, and then you can certainly say with somebody who’s got cancer, well, they’re going to die quicker. But when you say well, how long have I got to live? That’s a different question.

So we’re dealing here with the fact that there are all sort of reasons for keeping things about functioning. Bill Buckley had a wonderful expression: the wells of regeneration are infinitely deep. So what we’ll see is that there will be a lot of it, because Europe’s got so many great minds, they’ve got so many great companies, they’ve got all sorts of reasons for tourists to come to them, they’ve got reasons for surviving. The problem is that it is one thing to try to keep something sickly and doomed afloat, as opposed to getting down and trying to start all over again.

What’s happened with the British vote was, although the British weren’t part of the Eurozone, they realized that the dynamics of what was being imposed here were driven by the needs of the Eurozone itself. So it was percolating over into the European Union in the form of immigration coming in from countries that weren’t succeeding as well.

So when you have most of the countries in on one currency, and then you have a couple of very successful countries who didn’t join, the countries that are hanging together, going back once again to Benjamin Franklin at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence where he said, ‘Well, gentlemen, we must hang together or most assuredly we will hang separately.’ This is what the Euro was about, okay? And so therefore, it’s going to be a fascinating thing, but I believe that after all, it was the Greeks who gave us the concept of the tragedy as an art form.

James West: That’s true.

Don Coxe: Isn’t it going to be interesting that the first of the countries to be part of what we now see as the European Union, and who created this art form, has been a basic thing of what it was to be mortal as opposed to be immortal. That we’re going to see, I think, a tragedy that the Greeks once again were Act I of this play. Now is is it a three-act play or a five-act play? I don’t know.

James West: So it’s the aversion to immediate pain in favour of eternal agony syndrome?

Don Coxe: Well, that’s another way of putting it, too. Perhaps some of your people may wonder why am I going into all these intellectual concepts. It’s because I am responding to what was, simply, a set of intellectual concepts, and I owe them the respect to say that I can see, using your kinds of ratiocination, why it is you must fail. But what I’m not going to do is stand up like a Donald Trump and just insult them all as a bunch of losers. That isn’t very good.

James West: Well, that’s human regression at its finest.

Don Coxe: Yes.

James West: Okay, Don. That’s a really fascinating conversation, as per usual. We’re going to have to leave it there for now. I’m going to look forward to talking to you again in the near future. Thank you so much for your time today.

Don Coxe: Thank you.

James West: Thank you. Bye-bye.

James West is an investor and the author of the Midas Letter, an investing research report focused on Canadian markets.The views expressed on this podcast — edited for clarity, brevity and compliance with securities laws — are his own and are presented for general informational purposes only. They should not be construed as advice to invest in any securities mentioned.

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