We would not have this if we had Robert Mugabe as our CE
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10/29/2015, 18:17:45

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PUBLISHED : Thursday, 08 October, 2015, 7:31pm
UPDATED : Thursday, 08 October, 2015, 7:31pm

To really shed Hong Kong's colonial mindset, stop putting white people on a pedestal


Yonden Lhatoo says it’s time, nearly two decades after Hong Kong's return to Chinese rule, to confront the unspoken bias here that those from the West are superior, and hire only the best person for the job.


There’s been a lot of heated debate recently about Hong Kong’s colonial roots. The spark was lit by former Beijing official Chen Zuoer, who blamed our political, social and economic problems on the failure to “de-colonise” our city.

Chen, who was a key player on the Chinese side during Hong Kong’s handover, also bemoaned the “revival of de-Sinofication” here, referring to the perceived rejection of Beijing’s influence.

I’m no fan of Chen and his hardline rhetoric, probably provoked by sightings of the clueless, British flag-waving boneheads at every pro-democracy or anti-mainland rally here these days, but he – along with everyone else – is missing the point.

Hong Kong needs to shed its colonial mentality in the context of racial reverence, not the physical trappings or abstract political notions of what should or should not be preserved of our British-era heritage.

Let me substitute political correctness with factual bluntness for the sake of further clarity: we need to stop putting white people on a pedestal so much.  

I remember striking up a conversation with an affable young man from Eastern Europe some years ago. He told me in heavily accented pidgin English that he was earning a living as an English tutor in Kowloon Bay.

I don’t know what kind of English his students were learning, but that’s a typical example of Hong Kong’s colonial mentality. The families who hired him would never have accepted a much more capable tutor from the Indian subcontinent, for example, even if his English was perfect, simply because he wouldn’t have the “advantage” of skin colour deemed necessary for the role.

Hong Kong has a multicultural workforce with no dearth of talent, whether local or from overseas.The truth is uncomfortable, but income disparity based on whether you’re Caucasian or not is too commonplace in this town. No one likes to talk about it on the record, understandably, but it’s time someone brought it out in the open.  

This is not a xenophobic rant against a particular demographic – I’m just saying enough of all the kowtowing. I’ve spoken to so many disgruntled Asian professionals in white-collar jobs complaining about their Caucasian counterparts getting paid more for the same work. I’ve also heard from senior executives in well-known companies that it’s a similar story at the highest levels of business.

As ludicrous as it sounds, almost two decades after Hong Kong’s return to Chinese rule, local talent is often sidelined for high fliers from the West because “it’s good to have a white face”. I’m not kidding – this is a direct quote I’ve heard more than once.

Ex-MTR CEO Jay Walder (left) and ex-Airport Authority CEO Hank Townsend, two highly paid expatriates who were disappointing hires. Photos: Felix Wong, SCMPWhen I was covering the transfer of sovereignty as a reporter back in 1997, there was an enthusiastic “localisation” drive to phase out expatriates in top government positions, even if some of them were more competent than those taking over.

Now, curiously, it seems to be the other way round. Even though we’ve had our share of disappointments in hiring overseas talent for multimillion-dollar jobs, from people like Hank Townsend who managed our airport all the way to its disastrous opening, to railway chief Jay Walder who left us a trainload of unfinished mega projects that are over budget and behind schedule.

Judges and lawyers at the ceremonial opening of Hong Kong's Legal Year. The use of wigs has often been the subject of debate. Photo: Sam TsangIn yet another manifestation of this colonial mentality, former chief justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang recently insisted that Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal must always have overseas judges, in keeping with tradition, from Britain, Australia and New Zealand. Our local judges are not good enough on their own, apparently, and Caucasian faces somehow add more credibility to the bench.

Just appoint the best candidates – black, white, brown or yellow. They can still wear those silly wigs to look as colonial as they like.




PUBLISHED : Thursday, 29 October, 2015, 7:30pm
UPDATED : Thursday, 29 October, 2015, 8:26pm

White worship in Hong Kong: you can't end it if you refuse to acknowledge it even exists


Yonden Lhatoo says our former colonial rulers are light years ahead of us in tackling racism, while we still can't get over colour-coded notions of superiority


I was quite surprised by the amount of feedback I received on an article I wrote in this space recently about the colonial mentality in Hong Kong that continues to put white people on a pedestal even though British rule ended nearly two decades ago.

What was even more surprising was that almost all the negative responses were from Caucasian readers who completely missed the point I was making and ended up calling me a “racist”, “xenophobe” and some other unflattering names that cannot be published in a family newspaper.

Far from singling out the white minority for criticism, my article was actually a gentle admonishment to those among Hong Kong’s Chinese majority who still maintain biases based on epidermal pigmentation when hiring, engaging or interacting with fellow humans who may be black, white, yellow, brown or any shade in between.

I did not say: “White people are no good.” My message was: “Asian people can be just as good – or even better. Give everyone an equal chance.”

Ironically, nearly all the positive feedback came from Hong Kong Chinese people who appreciated my “guts” in bringing such a taboo subject out into the open in the mainstream media. They reaffirmed my conviction that this “slave” mindset is indeed prevalent in our city and it’s high time we consign it to the historical rubbish bin where it belongs.

The Equal Opportunities Commission is the only official agency tasked to tackle racism and discrimination in Hong Kong. It's widely seen as ineffective and powerless. Photo: SCMP PicturesTo those who still have their heads buried in the sand, allow me to draw your attention to an interesting piece of news from the UK this week. Britain’s civil service and major companies such as HSBC have agreed to recruit university graduates without knowing their names in an effort to stop discrimination against ethnic minorities.

“Do you know that in our country today, even if they have exactly the same qualifications, people with white-sounding names are nearly twice as likely to get callbacks for jobs than people with ethnic-sounding names?” British Prime Minister David Cameron said. “One young black girl had to change her name to Elizabeth before she got any calls to interviews. That, in 21st-century Britain, is disgraceful.”

I’m no fan of our former colonial rulers, but let’s give them full credit for facing an ugly truth head-on and actually doing something about it. It’s the kind of enlightenment that you would expect in advanced societies. We in Hong Kong, by contrast, are light years away from that because of people who won’t even acknowledge there is a problem.

Hong Kong is a prosperous and multicultural city, but it has a long way to go in terms of equality and fair treatment.Since I’ve already stirred up a hornet’s nest over this matter, I might as well add another observation that will probably sting a bit. The situation in Hong Kong is actually worse than I had imagined. Some of those emails sent to me in private had shocking anecdotes about the amount of white worship that goes on in this city.

It’s not only limited to hiring and firing people, from waiters to tutors to top executives. It’s prevalent in school children being picked for sports teams and the choice of partners in romantic relations as well.

I had best stop here before I’m accused of fomenting racial hatred and sectarianism, which is certainly not my intention.

But in parting, let me share this message posted by a reader on our website that I found both amusing and encouraging: “Yonden, some pro-colonial slaves are trying to have you silenced for all your previous taboo talk about racism, which they so intelligently correlate with being pro-Beijing. They are desperate and will diss everything you write from now on. So what will you do? Keep writing stuff that p****s them off? Yes, my thoughts exactly.”

Thank you, kind sir. I suppose I will. And to quote just one more gentle reader: “Now bring on the butthurt!”



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