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Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Type 055 Destroyer (all views):

Canis Majoris

11/09/2014, 23:03:24

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Replying to: Type 055 Destroyer (all views): -- Canis Majoris Archive

cyber horse

11/10/2014, 14:16:29

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Wow, such a masterpiece from you
Replying to: Type 055 Destroyer (all views): -- Canis Majoris Archive


11/10/2014, 12:49:53

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And he did it all in Paint-Brush... amazing.
Replying to: Wow, such a masterpiece from you -- superblaser Archive


11/11/2014, 05:39:06

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Nice. Is there a way to make those jagged lines smoother?
Replying to: Type 055 Destroyer (all views): -- Canis Majoris Archive


11/10/2014, 09:01:47

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That is the limit of resolution for MS Paint for an illustration of that size.
Replying to: Nice. Is there a way to make those jagged lines smoother? -- bangbangbigelow Archive

Canis Majoris

11/10/2014, 10:29:15

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That's some mad skill you've got there. MS paint is pathetic for this sort
Replying to: That is the limit of resolution for MS Paint for an illustration of that size. -- Canis Majoris Archive


11/10/2014, 14:10:53

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Dassault is offering 2D CAD for free

Should try it http://www.3ds.com/products-services/draftsight/overview/


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I have DesignCAD 3D but have been too lazy to learn it proficiently.
Replying to: That's some mad skill you've got there. MS paint is pathetic for this sort -- bangbangbigelow Archive

Canis Majoris

11/10/2014, 15:00:17

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Awesome! Planeman would be proud (if you're familiar with his work).
Replying to: Type 055 Destroyer (all views): -- Canis Majoris Archive


11/10/2014, 04:00:25

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Definitely worthy of a Bluffer's Guide.

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Love planeman's work. I don't think he has been active lately though.
Replying to: Awesome! Planeman would be proud (if you're familiar with his work). -- CrackaAssQuacka Archive

Canis Majoris

11/10/2014, 07:37:35

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Doc,great work.Ever posted by anyone at chinese mil sites? I wonder.
Replying to: Type 055 Destroyer (all views): -- Canis Majoris Archive


11/10/2014, 02:51:22

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I don't read enough Chinese to post on those sites.
Replying to: Doc,great work.Ever posted by anyone at chinese mil sites? I wonder. -- ChairmanMaoHamet Archive

Canis Majoris

11/10/2014, 07:21:24

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Nice work, doc
Replying to: Type 055 Destroyer (all views): -- Canis Majoris Archive


11/10/2014, 01:11:13

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Thanks. It took a while, but once I got started, I just couldn't stop doing it.
Replying to: Nice work, doc -- motif Archive

Canis Majoris

11/10/2014, 07:38:35

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