The author according to wat I read was a 'harvard professor of economics" and hindu politician
"India’s infrastructure requires about $150 billion to make it world class"
(Maoclone's note: China has about 1.2 billion KW of electricity generation capacity. Not sure about chinese construction cost but the american figure is about $2000/KW for coal fired plants. You can do the rest of the math)
"To become a developed country, therefore, India’s GDP will have to grow at 12 per cent per year for at least a decade. Technically this is within India’s reach"
"Thus, India — by unintended consequences of a relatively unfettered population growth — is now gifted with a young population."
"and the spiritual intelligence to tap into the cosmic energy (Brahmand) that surrounds the earth, we can then develop an intellectually more advanced species of human being"