Is India serious?


07/23/2013, 17:01:55

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Calling all NRI to help support its falling rupees.

India to call on millions of non-residents to defend rupee - sources

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Why is the rupee falling?
Replying to: Is India serious? -- youarecorrect Archive


07/23/2013, 18:07:36

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Isn't the Rupee even more undervalued than the Yuan?


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Hindi rupee at 60 to $ is still 17% overvalued.It was 5 rupee to$ in the 60s
Replying to: Why is the rupee falling? -- Khan Archive


07/24/2013, 00:01:04

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But that 5 rupee to $ is a gov rate only for gov sanctioned expenditure or people with connection or 'good causes'

Basiclly u have a lo productivity economy masked by understated unemployment figure, understated inflation figure ,a few yrs of large IT-related foren money inflow and an over-valued currency.

For developing economy, electricity consumption is a very good indicator. China produces(at power plants) 5 times as much elelctricity as india and the GDP is 5 times as big. And hindi transmission power loss(not counting power theft) is something like 25 % while that of china is 5%. So comsumption wise, china is about 6 times that of bharat.So another 20% drop of rupee is reasonable


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It was rubbish from being and it's value was a political manuvering instead
Replying to: Why is the rupee falling? -- Khan Archive


07/23/2013, 18:48:12

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of real value decided by market !  A death wish from their own government of disrupting economy by political will to match up China,now lead india to hell!

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trade deficit, budget deficit, no confidence among foreign investor, etc etc
Replying to: Why is the rupee falling? -- Khan Archive


07/23/2013, 18:15:47

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The rot is deeper.I rather say it's a cultural if not civilisational failure
Replying to: trade deficit, budget deficit, no confidence among foreign investor, etc etc -- swoosh Archive


07/24/2013, 01:36:03

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The average brahmins are more interested in mental or air-conditioned office work than getting their hands dirty managing production in factories and many wealthy hindis are more interested in buying gold than investing in infrastructure. U basically have 100s of millions of growth-stunted, under/unemployed, lo IQ/job-skill, half-starved/anemic australoids with a few % of better educated brown aryans who luv to brag. The beauty is becos of the caste system, they don't like each other. Those who seek radical ways to change are labelled as 'maoists'

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Not true, your Lindsay-inspired biases are showing:
Replying to: The rot is deeper.I rather say it's a cultural if not civilisational failure -- UttarBalderdeshi Archive


07/26/2013, 17:07:43

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Some "brown Aryan" states like Bihar or Uttar Pradesh are quite poor, more so than many "Dravidian" states in the south:

And it's not like Chinese particularly like working hands-on either.

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Comrade,I must tell u I've read india related stuffs for a long time
Replying to: Not true, your Lindsay-inspired biases are showing: -- -Corsair- Archive


07/26/2013, 20:38:14

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and I don't need linday's stuff to form my opinion. The printed magazine I used to read before is the economics and political weekly:

When I said 'brown aryans', I usually mean hi-caste hindis. In bharat, usually the hier the caste, the liter the skin though not always. Unless u claim the 'aryan migration/invasion' is bogus like what the hinduwadis claim, the caste/race divide originate from certain outside races dominating the aborgine races.

BTW, south india states have their share of brahmins. I hope u don't deny this

I read lindsay's site because he's a linguist by education and once an anthropogist by profession as he claimed. He certainly knows more on the  subject than I do.

Now the economics stuff, I can't imagine the economy and currency of nation of 1.25 billion people so dependent on money from outside unless the nation is very poor or quite f""ked up or both(like china in 1976), so pls don't tell me the rot isn't deeper.

One final point on the rupee(currency of 1.25 billion people)dependency on inflow of foren currency: The bulk of hindi popn don't participate in the competitive economy. They're subsistent caste-bound peasants or labourers. A chinese assembly line worker making only simple toys for export might be lowly paid, still particiapte in the competitive global economy

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Lindsay is no scientist, his writing and "logic" bear that out
Replying to: Comrade,I must tell u I've read india related stuffs for a long time -- ChairmanMaohamet Archive


07/27/2013, 10:14:20

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Particularly, there is no way in hell he is an anthropologist by any means. You're an educated man, I tihnk you should have seen that a long time ago, unless you can provide a list of his (no doubt high-quality and much cited?) publications. If Lindsay is an anthropologist, Gavin Menzies is a historian! And I don't think India is that dependent on "inflow of foren currency" since this is not important in a quasi-serfdom economy - "manual scavengers" aren't getting their rupees from foreign tourists.

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It means lindsay is not a research anthropologist
Replying to: Lindsay is no scientist, his writing and "logic" bear that out -- -Corsair- Archive


07/27/2013, 12:31:10

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Just like I don't have any publication in math but I've studied math more serious than most engineers did and I can judge in most circumstances

You might be rite that the rupee depreciation might not affect peasants who live off the land but the competitive portion of the hindi economy like the IT and urban consumer sectors are sure affected. It's the competitive/globalised sectors that have the most effcts on the exchange rates. I actually quoted sayings of hindi economic columnists that the rupee is dependent on inflow of foren money(from foren investors, export earnings and overseas hindi remittance). As I said there's another way to look at it:Inflation rate is quite hi in india but the depreciating pressure on rupee was cushioned by inflow of foren money.But when the inflow of foren money slows down, u have sudden drop of rupee value.That I think is exactly wat's happening

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Lindsay appears to have had little higher education
Replying to: It means lindsay is not a research anthropologist -- ChairmanMaohamet Archive


07/27/2013, 17:37:58

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You can tell by the quality of his writing and logic. He claims to have an MA in linguistics from Fresno State, but his profile at lists what appears to be his blog material under his publications. Moreover, by reading his (semilucid at best) posts on the Bigfoot DNA debacle he has little understanding of either the scientific publication process (even if he is not a "research anthropologist", anyone with a graduate degree should know about this) or molecular biology, genetics, and any other knowledge necessary for his interest in racial classifications (or Bigfoot).

Lindsay also boasts often of his sexual prowess, which doesn't exactly give him an air of trustworthiness.

I have no idea what this man does for a living (his Linkedin profile claims he owns an IT company and was a linguist-anthropologist who made an alphabet for the Chukchansi Yokuts language, though I suspect he may be actually on welfare since he has waaaaaaaay too much time on his hands) but it's highly unlikely he has an academic background at all. I don't know why you think he does. I think he's fringe, at the very best. CMF has more and broader talent than Lindsay and his entire flock of commenters combined, and that includes the trolls.

As for remittances, India isn't the Philippines and NRIs are a very small percentage of the population. Exports certainly would play a bigger role but what do you see made in India?

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Lindsay is not a scientist,agreed.Anthropology has many disciplines
Replying to: Lindsay appears to have had little higher education -- -Corsair- Archive


07/28/2013, 06:07:57

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I read and u don't need to be a 'scientist' to study anthropology. Like the limey prins charles also studied anthropology and he is no scientists. Regarding his bigfoot stuff,I couldn't care less.

About the small amount of indian export, u raised a good point.Why?

My only conclusion is the traditional hindu elite, the brahmins aren't interesting in getting their hand dirty managing production lines in factory and many BRs had bragged on frogleaping into 'post-industrial' age thro IT bypassing the chicom 'sweatshop' stage. The bottom line is that, apart from their usual hallucination,the brahmins couldn't care less about the most serious problems that afflicts the poor indian mass:Unemployment and inflation

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Well, he didn't even study it
Replying to: Lindsay is not a scientist,agreed.Anthropology has many disciplines -- ChairmanMaoHamet Archive


07/28/2013, 17:15:40

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Not only does he lack a degree in anthro but he lacks a basic understanding of the very anthropological topics he most likes to blog about.

As for the Indian economic issues, the vast majority of them aren't unique to India. However, certain socio-cultural factors endemic to India make things a lot worse there.

I don't think entrepreneurship is lacking amongst Indians as Indian owned shops, hotels, and other small businesses are widespread around the world. Granted these business owners are unlikely to be Brahmins, but they probably don't give much thought to Brahmins themselves and the percentage of Brahmins in India is relatively small anyways. Brahmins can't possibly have such a huge impact on the Indian economy (same goes for the IT hallucinators, but they are quite a different bunch compared to small business owners).

Regarding Indian unemployment, this is a difficult thing to measure as evidenced by the situation in the US. A street vendor in any country would probably still be considered employed even if his sales drop to the point where he gets no return on his investment.

A slight digression but Indian love for gold is perfectly rational considering the theat of inflation.

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How much sciene lindsay knows is a far-stretched&largely unrelated pt
Replying to: Well, he didn't even study it -- -Corsair- Archive


07/28/2013, 21:29:42

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but he does understand indian social conditions and mentality very well and he counters the hinduwadis 'out-of -india' crap(india is the ancestral birth place of the caucasian/white race) effectively.

I think u misjudge the impact of the uppercaste(of which the brahmins form the core) on hindu society. They're really the people who runs the show. Not that lo/out caste people from the bottom have zero chance reaching the top; those who made it are the exception.

Of course a nation of 1,25 billion wouldn't lack entrepeneurs, it's the bottom 2/3 that got stuck. My description of '100s of millions of lo IQ/job-skilled, half-starved/anemic, under/unemployed australoids' is very valid. Just a few days ago, the hindi gov passed a bill to provide 5kg of grain/month at 1-3 ruppe/kg to 65% of the popn to the discomfort of the fiscal conservatives. I think that speaks volume on the state of the hindi poor. I could show u more if I could dig up some more links from my old HDs

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No, it's very relevant
Replying to: How much sciene lindsay knows is a far-stretched&largely unrelated pt -- ChairmanMaoHamet Archive


08/02/2013, 18:28:45

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because his unprofessional style, willingly to credulously repeat baseless hearsay, extreme racism, and dabbling in fringe areas make him appear less credible to say the least. He's like the Richard Que of Indology, only slightly more articulate! Do you really think some raving Bigfoot fanatic can really "effectively" counter Hindutva BS? His carnival-sideshow only makes THEM look like the sane ones in the eyes of any random ignorant Americans who might happen upon his blog.

Who cares if Brahmins are on the top, they likely aren't the ones trying to start businesses and those (lower middle-class at best, you know what that means by Hindi standards) entrepreneurs mostly don't aspire to "run the show", they just want to make some money.

Socially/politically repressing people on the bottom of the caste system doesn't preclude a nation's economy from booming. Look at black people in the US for an example. I think India can indeed become an economic powerhouse even if a majority of the population is a malnourished, lynching-prone underclass. It's big enough for a small "core of excellence" to simply bypass the rest.

It's extremely dangerous to underestimate country which aspires to be a potential advesary.

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I can't see Y u're fixated on how much science lindsay knows
Replying to: No, it's very relevant -- -Corsair- Archive


08/02/2013, 22:54:16

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As I said, I read stuffs on  india long b4 there's a lindsay blog. Just wat has lindsay to do with this thread?

Comparing blacks to hindi poor is grossly inappropriate. Brahmins only constitute 6% of hindu popn and historically whites are the US majority. Didn't u tell us the blacks,12% of US popn,are still victimised by racism?

>>It's extremely dangerous to underestimate country which aspires to be a potential advesary<<

No,I don't. I'm informed on the matter well enuff. Also I don't think the average hindis are hostile to chinese. It's the 1962 war scar on upper-caste hindu butt that hurt in rainy days like right now on aug3rd, the rupee drops to 61 to one greenback

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Lindsay tries to set himself up as an authority, that's why
Replying to: I can't see Y u're fixated on how much science lindsay knows -- ChairmanMaoHamet Archive


08/03/2013, 18:09:08

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It's quite possible for a minority to persecute a majority. Many parts of the US South were and are actually majority black and the whites were still on top (19th-century slave plantations could operate with a few masters controlling lots of slaves). Same with Mexicans in California, or the Spanish-descended upper classes versus the indigenous in most of Latin America. As for your last paragraph, you yourself a few posts ago said the butthurt upper-caste Indians were the ones running the country. If these people still have that chip on their shoulder once they actually get their act together, there will be problems.

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CMF is not lindsay blog period
Replying to: Lindsay tries to set himself up as an authority, that's why -- -Corsair- Archive

Dalai BinShaitan

08/03/2013, 20:57:47

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Jow many times have u seen me posting there?

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As a matter of fact, quite a few times
Replying to: CMF is not lindsay blog period -- Dalai BinShaitan Archive


08/03/2013, 21:25:33

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I remember I linked to lindsay's blog at the very most twice
Replying to: As a matter of fact, quite a few times -- -Corsair- Archive

Dalai BinShaitan

08/04/2013, 08:45:59

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I can't  even remember the last time I posted there

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I do think you posted there more than you're willing to admit
Replying to: I remember I linked to lindsay's blog at the very most twice -- Dalai BinShaitan Archive


08/04/2013, 17:28:28

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I think u're getting too far. So far I used only Halal butcher of Lhasa there
Replying to: I do think you posted there more than you're willing to admit -- -Corsair- Archive

Dalai BinShaitan

08/05/2013, 09:13:05

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Massive Ranbaxy Fraud story by Fortune
Replying to: The rot is deeper.I rather say it's a cultural if not civilisational failure -- UttarBalderdeshi Archive

Master Debater

07/24/2013, 12:46:53

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Re: The rot is deeper.I rather say it's a cultural if not civilisational failure
Replying to: The rot is deeper.I rather say it's a cultural if not civilisational failure -- UttarBalderdeshi Archive


07/24/2013, 03:29:14

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You are correct.  I think caste is the main reason which is dragging India down.  The lowest class is so badly exploited and miss-treated that there is no incentive for them to work hard.   Those from the higher caste feel that it is their god given rights to use the lowest caste as their slave and therfore have no reason to change the system.  Everyone just pretend to work just like a communist country. 

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Re: Indian just need to copy every system China uses and they will succeed like.
Replying to: Re: The rot is deeper.I rather say it's a cultural if not civilisational failure -- youarecorrect Archive

Lin dan

07/24/2013, 05:01:11

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Building up a labour intensive manufacturing sector to allow large number of people to get employ. But they just refuse to admit China economic model is superior and they come out with a outsource or IT service model which benefit only a small group of Indians and do nothing to India. Face matter is what stopping India progress. That's why they like to brag.

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I suspect it's a bit too late.The world is on the verge of massive robotisation
Replying to: Re: Indian just need to copy every system China uses and they will succeed like. -- Lin dan Archive


07/24/2013, 06:53:56

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China has accumulated enuff wealth/capital and has a diminishing work force to go for such a new wave.

The majority of hindis I suspect will remain lo IQ/job-skilled, under/unemployed and poorly fed

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indeed, robotic tech has become cheaper and affordable
Replying to: I suspect it's a bit too late.The world is on the verge of massive robotisation -- UttarBalderdeshi Archive


07/24/2013, 19:09:59

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Not to mention the Indian population is uncontrollable. I predicted their future will be bleak. China need to seriously consider to build walls along its border with india. I suspect

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