Background: A no. of euro countries are getting increasingly islamised
I see it the possible cause of 'GJ1' (First Global jehad) between the sunni kaliphah and a kufir alliance. The possible stages:
1)The muslims in certain parts of england or france reach popn majority and tried to impose shariah law and wide spreaded violence broke out between muslims and white nationalists and secularists. Terrorist bombing esculated with the blessings of the kaliphate.
2) An uranium bomb(not a fission nor fusion bomb) exploded in paris or London. Full scale war broke out. US and EU tried to pre-empt by taking over gulf arab oil fields. White nationalists bombed the Kaaba mosque.
3)To prevent western complete control of ME oil field, China send the PLA to protect iran via pakistan. 'Herectic' Iran and shiites tried to distant from the salafis
Fill in the gaps here if u could...
massive expulsion of euro salafis and wahhabis back to their home countries
Major powers divide the ME oil field war spoils among themselves
But the kufir alliance did not attempt to occupy the ME except the oil fields and the Kaliphate did not collapse. Internal power struggle followed inside the kaliphate, blaming the kaleef being too soft on the kufirs and lost the war
( The 10% muslim inside me can’t help but end the jehad like this…….
The LAH be praised!!! The LAH finally sent MAOd’Dib and his angelic legions to fight the kufir-shiite alliance. In the great battle of Ulan bator, righteousness triumphed, Archangel gibreel manifested in the sky and with his 600 pairs of wings, swept all the zendiqs(herectics) and kufirs into the pit of Jahannam(hell)…)