

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

<1%of hindi Education grads pass tests.It's pathetic way beyond low IQ&PISA rank


01/03/2013, 18:19:33

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A summary:

In 2011,the Indian gov introduced a test for Education grads(B-ed) who wanted a job teaching up to grade 8 (not required of teachers already hired).The passing rate dropped from 9% to less than 1% in the latest round. Those are just tests on basic subject knowledge.

Amazingly the poor result was blamed on the hindi language medium of the aspirants

Note on the table below: ' L' is a hindi numeral for 100,000

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"Bharat: No Rape. India: Rape Rape" - BJP Hindi Minister
Replying to: <1%of hindi Education grads pass tests.It's pathetic way beyond low IQ&PISA rank -- ChairmanMaoHamet Archive

Master Debater

01/04/2013, 04:54:21

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He's 200%correct.it's not rape/sex slavery/human traffic,it's marrying to gods
Replying to: "Bharat: No Rape. India: Rape Rape" - BJP Hindi Minister -- Master Debater Archive


01/04/2013, 17:18:55

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Maybe the questions were printed in China!
Replying to: <1%of hindi Education grads pass tests.It's pathetic way beyond low IQ&PISA rank -- ChairmanMaoHamet Archive


01/04/2013, 03:59:38

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I remember reading so many times that whenever the Chinese scored top on any tests, they tend to comment that the questions were printed in China.  I thing there is some truth in that otherwise how can the indians perform so badly?  Just jokingsmiley

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India did not participate in TIMSS 2011 and dropped out of PISA
Replying to: <1%of hindi Education grads pass tests.It's pathetic way beyond low IQ&PISA rank -- ChairmanMaoHamet Archive

Master Debater

01/03/2013, 21:53:53

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That's one way to avoid terrible scores....just quit....
Replying to: India did not participate in TIMSS 2011 and dropped out of PISA -- Master Debater Archive


01/04/2013, 00:22:19

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And look at the bright side. Now the yindees can claim that they would have ranked first had they only participated in 2011 and 2012. But since they already knew that they would have scored higher than every other nation, there was no need for them to participate. Yeah, that's the ticket. Lol

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