
Why Future Belongs To India NOT china


08/06/2009, 04:22:03

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Monday, May 11, 2009

In preparing for a much publicised debate in London on the motion 'The future belongs to India, not China', I was reminded of a conversation with

my mother. She had asked, what is the difference between China growing at a rate of 10% and India at 8%? I replied that the difference was, indeed, very significant. If we were to grow at 10% we could save twenty years. This is almost a generation. We could lift a whole generation into the middle class twenty years sooner. She thought for a while and then said gently, "We have waited 3,000 years for this moment. Why don't we wait another twenty and do it the Indian way?"

She had understood that the cost of democracy is the price the poor pay in the delay of their entry into the middle class. She did not elaborate the 'Indian way' but it must include taking a holiday on half a dozen New Year's Days! It is easy to get mesmerized by China's amazing progress and feel frustrated by India's chaotic democracy, but I think she had expressed the sentiments of most Indians who will not trade off democracy for two per cent higher growth.

In referring to the 'Indian way', my mother meant that a nation must be true to itself. Democracy comes easily to us because India has historically 'accumulated' its diverse groups who retain their distinctiveness while identifying themselves as Indian. China has 'assimilated' its people into a common, homogeneous Confucian society. China is a melting pot in which differences disappear while India is a salad bowl in which the constituents retain their identity. Hence, China has always been governed by a hierarchical, centralized state - a tradition that has carried into the present era of reform communism. China resembles a business corporation today. Each mayor and party secretary has objectives relating to investment, output and growth, which are aligned to national goals. Those who exceed their goals rise quickly. The main problem in running a country as a business is that many people get left out.

India, on the other hand, can only manage itself by accommodating vocal and varied interest groups in its salad bowl. This leads to a million negotiations daily and we call this system 'democracy'. It slows us down - we take five years to build a highway versus one in China. Those who are disgruntled go to court. But our politicians are forced to worry about abuses of human rights, whereas my search on Google on 'human rights abuses in China' yielded 47.8 million entries in 13 seconds! Democracies have a safety valve - it allows the disgruntled to let off steam before slowly co-opting them.

Both India and China have accepted the capitalist road to prosperity. But capitalism is more comfortable in a democracy, which fosters entrepreneurs naturally. A state enterprise can never be as innovative or nimble and this is why the Chinese envy some of our private companies. Democracy respects property rights. As both nations urbanize, peasants in India are able to sell or borrow against their land, but the Chinese peasants are at the mercy of local party bosses. Because India has the rule of law, entrepreneurs can enforce contracts. If someone takes away your property in China, you have no recourse. Hence, it is the party bosses who are accumulating wealth in China. The rule of law slows us down but it also protects us (and our environment, as the NGOs have discovered).

We take freedom for granted in India but it was not always so. When General Reginald Dyer opened fire in 1919 in Jallianwala Bagh, killing 379 people, Indians realised they could only have dignity when they were free from British rule. The massacre at Tiananmen Square in 1989, where 300 students were killed, was China's Jallianwala Bagh. China today may have become richer than India but the poorest Chinese yearns for the same freedom.

Because the Indian state is inefficient, millions of entrepreneurs have stepped into the vacuum. When government schools fail, people start private schools in the slums, and the result is millions of 'slumdog millionaires'. You cannot do this in China. Our free society forces us to solve our own problems, making us self-reliant. Hence, the Indian way is likely to be more enduring because the people have scripted India's success while China's state has crafted its success. This worries China's leaders who ask, if India can become the world's second fastest economy despite the state, what will happen when the Indian state begins to perform? India's path may be slower but it is surer, and the Indian way of life is also more likely to survive. This is why when I am reborn I would prefer it to be in India.

The writer is speaking in a debate in London on May 12, 2009, in support of the motion 'The future belongs to India, not China'

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Google - "Human rights abuses in India" - 51.1 million entries; more than China
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 19:25:20

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I wonder why the author left this out?

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face......forever" 1984, George Orwell

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As usual everything Indians say contradicts with reality
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 10:57:29

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Are the Indians still putting out the hare and tortoise analogy? Remember it was the hare that's always bragging of its advantages. If you've been reading articles that talk about China and the US leading the world out of this financial crisis, you'll notice in the Indian newspapers they always include India in the mix. No article or expert in the West even thinks of India. A truly pathetic people that they 'd rather be told lies than the truth. I guess that's why they're way behind China because they delusionally think they're comfortably ahead of China.

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Talking out of his "arse" Holy cows wll fly too!!
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 10:22:23

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Two Rupees extra in his hand, and look at the bullsh1t that is comming out of his cakehole!

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The truth is you are obssessed w/ China, but China doesn't give a fvck about you
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08/06/2009, 09:42:13

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That in itself speaks volumes.

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yeah the truth hurts, Hindu retard, that's why you are
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 09:37:44

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constantly trying to compare yourselves to China while China doesn't even give a rat's ass about you. That's why you have to come up with these idiotic self-stroking feel-good pieces on why democracy is better 'in the long run' because it has given you SH1T so far. What makes you think that in the future building a bridge in India will take any less time than it does now? Or building anything else for that matter? The lack of cohesion in Indian society is far from a virtue. It's certainly not an asset to India just because a halfwit like you claim it is.

Not to mention that democracy in India is almost a joke. You have over 130 million Dalits which you almost ritually punish just for being alive. Your so-called laws to protect them amount to nothing as they are disgracefully enforced. You have more racist terms for people in your own country than you do for foreigners. Your politicians buy their votes with offers of food (and maybe even the promise of a free toilet).

I've got one word for you, you mental midget: SCOREBOARD.

Look at it, and despair.

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Re: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 08:40:19

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May the dalits take over the reigns of power in Delhi and pave the way to a browner and darker India back to mother Africa!

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Controversy creates some cash. Ignore it.
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08/06/2009, 08:17:46

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LOL.. Typical Indian. They claim they can send man into moon in 2013.
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lin dan

08/06/2009, 07:55:40

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Can u believe what they say? lol..

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India is superpower, because of slumdog millionaires. Harharharharha!!!
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 07:55:32

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Because India is the largest democracy, it automatically becomes the greatest superpower in the world!!! The poor living in the slums will become the next Bill Gates, a society that will become largely Middle Class no matter if 40% of our people cannot read or write.

Our "ultra-modern" Indian navy rivals that of the United States and the air force is uncontested in the skies of Asia. This century and the entire world belongs to India!!! If reality does not give us what we want, we have glitzy Bollywood films and our cultural superiority to escape from reality! Hahahahahahaha!

"Winning victory through elite troops" - The PLA's Warfighting Doctrine

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Just look at the surrounding nations with similar race for clues.
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 07:39:52

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As both China and India progresses, they will most likely settle to the model closest to their racial and cultural siblings.

India: Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and overseas Indians with significant populations such as Fiji and Myanmar. What do all these places have in common? Lower standard of living, lack of economic and political stability. (UK Indians can't be use as an indicator as their higher standard of living is not the result of their own doing but rather the result of living in a western nation. Just like we can't use Nigerians living in UK as prove of Nigeria's potential.)

China: Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and nations with significant overseas Chinese minority such as Malaysia and Thailand. What do all these places have in common? Western Europe-like standard of living, modern, in the forefront of global developments, clean, efficient and great place to live. Malaysia and Thailand, although not as high of a standard of living(still better than India and surrounding region by leaps and bound) have overseas Chinese living with western Europe like per capita income and controls more than half the their host nations' economy).

All that BS about India this and that and the main rub of salt into the wound of insult is the audacity of Indians to put India and China in the same breadth of conversation. It is not even close.

India was independent in 1947 with intact infrastructure, good economic reserves, plenty of British trained elite to run the country and 62 years later it is begrudgingly putting down a neighboring nation's achievement that even after WW2, left in ashes, no usable infrastructure left intact, politically torn to pieces and later hastily consolidated into a less than practical communistic political model, zero national reserve and brain drain like no country seen before and still it took only 20 years to surpass many of the so called developing countries who took forever to develop. These 3rd world nations, India included, still in delusion and think that they are capable of developing into the western type of economic strength. Non-Mainland Chinese nations took even less time to develop because of the lesser complexity of their respective nations.

So India, if you can't do it in 62 years with intact infrastructure, reserve, system of governance and leadership what made you think that India has so much potential in the next decades or so? What ever potential you guys had already been proven by the past 62 years of moving back and forth the BS ladder.

Formerly Alecto. Truce Bro.....

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Excellent post. I totally agree.
Replying to: Just look at the surrounding nations with similar race for clues. -- Sinbad Archive


08/06/2009, 09:49:19

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Of course; indian democracy and curry are the ultimate winning combo
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 07:21:48

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"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face......forever" 1984, George Orwell

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This BS. With China's continous infrastructure development, new auto
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08/06/2009, 06:08:45

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power will mobilize majority of the pop with just a small amount increase gas consumption.

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If the hindis can adapt my bio-mass vehicle idea,they can have mass mobility
Replying to: This BS. With China's continous infrastructure development, new auto -- Predator Archive


08/06/2009, 06:40:53

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with NO extra gas consuomtion and solve their sewage and public defecation problem with a single stroke.

Related link:

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I am not kidding.
Replying to: If the hindis can adapt my bio-mass vehicle idea,they can have mass mobility -- ChairmanMAOhamet Archive


08/06/2009, 07:21:56

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If the cost of production for solid state device can be brought down, we will soon see solar power cars on the road. Given China's rapid infrastructure dev, majority of the pop can be on the move over night. Goods and services will be moving much faster from Guangzhou to Harbin and Shanghai to Urumqi.

Related link: Harness 500 times the light of a traditional solar cell

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A piece of garbage Hindu trash not even worth the paper it written on!
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 05:32:01

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If this so called Indian Democracy is so valued and trued, then there would not be 600 millions Indian living on the street of India, giving birth to kids on the street, crapping and sleeping on the street.

These stupid Westerner who continue to drum-up about Democracy will solves world problems while ignoring the human suffering through out the world are complete fools and morons.

Given India is 1/3 the land size of China, with an unlimited population growth limited water resources; these Hindu are racing to be a dying race distincted to be extinction.

There are daily protest, armed insurgency, rice farmer failure, high pollutions, religion intorrent and freaking Hindu's wetdream of Global Super Trip. There are so much suffering and backwardless inside dirty India, it is not even funny to talking about their 8% growth.

Just their unchecked population growth already eating up great deal of her economic growth and then you coupled with massive corruption from the lowest of petty policeman to the highest of offical, majority of these Indian are as dirty as they come and will take petty money under the table.

Yeah, rigth! All you Westerner and these Hindu can daily wet dream about India's democracy; while hundred of millions of these Hindu die.

Only wealthy Hollywood Jews can day dreaming and barking about democracy for these dirty Hollywood Jews have full stomach and living a good lives in the West. For the down and out Indian living in the street of Mumbai, it is a daily life struggle for few rupies for survival. Democracy is the last thing on any poor Indian living on the street who is worry about the next meals and the roof over their head.

When are these dirty Hollywood Jews ever visited the slum of Mumbai? Hey, Richard Gere and the rest of you Hollywood Jews, please come to feel the hungry people in the slum of India, they are all waiting for your kind heart and to open up your wallets to save them.

Since when is the empty promise of Democracy will fill the empty stomach of the poor? Dirty India already have their largest Democracy fof the last 60+ years, yet, these Indian still amount to nothing! If these so call Democracy is so great, then India today should be the envy of the world instead of the dirty dump of the world?

Sorry to tell you Hindu wetdreamer, you lots been fool by the West; and you dirty poor Indian is going to suffer and you will suffer greatly.

Moderator Message: "Moonlight" aka "PLA88" is a useless little troll, please do not feed him.

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Why is it that every nutjob conspiracy theorist is also
Replying to: A piece of garbage Hindu trash not even worth the paper it written on! -- Moonlight Archive


08/06/2009, 09:45:09

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1. utterly stupid, and

2. virulently anti-Semitic?

I think it must be some genetic flaw which predisposes fvcking losers like you to the triad of stupidity, racism and paranoid personality disorder.

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Obviously the writer is a Hindu Fanatic.
Replying to: Why Future Belongs To India NOT china -- TurthHurts Archive


08/06/2009, 04:42:26

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And an ignorant one at that because he/she is unwilling to take off the blind-fold to realize that India+China+World is the future. The future is a multi-polar world where everyone matters!

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Re: Obviously the writer is a Hindu Fanatic.
Replying to: Obviously the writer is a Hindu Fanatic. -- lightningfast Archive


08/06/2009, 05:53:04

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You got it right! It does not matter for me whether India, China or EU, as long as nations don't have to use I.O.U's to buy commodities. The guy may be a future citizen of British Raj.

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