An out of this world idea for disscuion only, no flame please.
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 06:07:52

Author Profile
What if the Taliban declear that Afgan is now a part of China and that Afgan people are Chinese people and willing to do whatever to abide to PRC rule.

This weird maneuver will garantee to put China into a very tough position and make U.S. sweat.

Given that is already a reality, anyone with a good imagination willing to predict what will happen next?

Modified by alcoholic at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 06:10:34

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But Afghanistan IS part of China!  
Re: An out of this world idea for disscuion only, no flame please. -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: -Corsair- R
11/10/2001, 17:19:29

Author Profile
Taiwan still claims part of Afghanistan as soverign ROC territory, although the PRC has given that claim up.

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Or is that Tajikistan?
Re: But Afghanistan IS part of China! -- -Corsair- Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Henry Yeh R
11/12/2001, 11:28:16

Author Profile
ROC's territorial claim is based on that of Qing dynasty, which I recall did not include any significant portion of Afghanistan. Tang dynasty exercised a good degree of control over Afghanistan (Soghdiana), but during the Battle of Talas, the locals caught the Islamic fever & gave the Arab invaders a decisive advantage. Have that not occured, Afghanistan may now look more like Japan or Korea (if they achieve idenpendence), & Qing dynasty wouldn't have to "start over" on Xinjiang.
Then there's Yuan dynasty, but both Chagatay & Ilkhan Khanates were pretty much independent of Chinese authority.

ROC still claims 1/2 Tajikistan as part of Xinjiang. Of course, nobody dared to poke the Russian Bear, as it would give them the perfect excuse to payback Yuan Tai Zu (Chinggis Khan)'s "favor" to Mother Russia.
Sometime, the Slavic mentality & Estern Orthodox religious doctrines are beyond the grasp of sane people.

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I checked the map  
Re: Or is that Tajikistan? -- Henry Yeh Top of thread Archive
Posted by: -Corsair- R
11/12/2001, 13:40:51

Author Profile
Parts of the Wakhan (sp?) corridor were claimed by the ROC in the sixties and probably still now. That's the skinny part of Badakhshan province that was given to Afghanistan by the Brits a hundred years ago to make a buffer zone between British India and Russian Central Asia. It's really a small piece of land (smaller then Vermont) and with nothing but rocks and ice, but I think there's something in the ROC constitution about not giving up parts of the national territory...

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Re: Afghanistan IS part of China!
Re: But Afghanistan IS part of China! -- -Corsair- Top of thread Archive
Posted by: edisonone R
11/11/2001, 07:27:00

Author Profile

Re: Taiwan still claims part of Afghanistan as soverign ROC territory

Maybe the ROC should take advantage of the situation; take advantage of this alliance they have, and the good relations they've had with the west and stake claims to that land; then send troops from the ROC into that desolated place and try to retrieve the part of Afganistan the ROC has ceded when the British exerted pressure on them to do so. Or was it one of the Dynasties that signed away that land under the barrel of gattling guns? Can't remember exactly anymore.


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Since when? and which part of Afgan that ROC declear as part of China?
Re: But Afghanistan IS part of China! -- -Corsair- Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 18:16:33

Author Profile
Care to give out more details?

Modified by alcoholic at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 18:30:47

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Re: Since when? and which part of Afgan that ROC declear as part of China?
Re: Since when? and which part of Afgan that ROC declear as part of China? -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: edisonone R
11/11/2001, 07:42:24

Author Profile

It's true...

It also include a large portion of Siberia which was the catalyze of the Sino-Soviet hostility in the borders of North East and North West China during the 60s.

That's when the Soviets were hard selling their ideas to the Americans to gang up with them on a proposed preemptive on the then infant Chinese nuke infrastructure soon thereafter. I think the Americans blinked, and they blinked hard, but the Cuban Missile Crises experience must have made them think, and it made them think hard about a partnership with Russians then.

What I thought was the story anyway….


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They would do that only if Allah is proven to be Chinese. A communist one...  
Re: An out of this world idea for disscuion only, no flame please. -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: mopy R [to alcoholic]
11/10/2001, 13:06:45

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Re: They would do that only if Allah is proven to be Chinese. A communist one...
Re: They would do that only if Allah is proven to be Chinese. A communist one... -- mopy Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R [to mopy]
11/10/2001, 13:32:35

Author Profile
The point is if the Taliban flixable to believe that. If they can make this minor chance, this war could be very different. You know Allah is all powerful, He could be anything.

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quesion 2
Re: An out of this world idea for disscuion only, no flame please. -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 06:46:43

Author Profile
What is the likelihood that will happen if the Teliban realize that they will facing immiment defeat?

Modified by alcoholic at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 06:56:45

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R u silly enuf to think Mullah Omar&OBL didn't put their fate in Allah's hands?  
Re: quesion 2 -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 07:22:54

Author Profile
I don't think u understand the mind-sets of those people.

Modified by Mao clone at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 07:30:18

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It's hard to predict when people become desperate.  
Re: R u silly enuf to think Mullah Omar&OBL didn't put their fate in Allah's hands? -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 13:49:48

Author Profile
This could be great for Halloween, but too bad Halloween already passed. Let me make up for that. What if the Taliban suddenly believe that Mao is that the reincarnation of Allah? You know Allah is all powerful and smart and could never be defeated. The fact that Mao dose not believe in God is becasue he want to hide his true idenity!!

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Stop ur blasphemy. Muslim don't believe in reincarnation....  
Re: It's hard to predict when people become desperate. -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 18:01:10

Author Profile
except for prophets I guess. And Chairman Mao was no prophet of Islam

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Okay, maybe you are right, but how about this one.  
Re: Stop ur blasphemy. Muslim don't believe in reincarnation.... -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 18:11:40

Author Profile
Lets say that the Teliban suddenly believe that Mao is the son of Allah. Something simliar to Jesus( but a Western's version.)

Modified by alcoholic at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 18:13:09

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Blasphemy again.  
Re: Okay, maybe you are right, but how about this one. -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 18:27:12

Author Profile
During the formative years of Islam, Prophet Mohammad(Peace be upon Him)
had crushed a 'daughter of Allah' cult.

Modified by Mao clone at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 18:32:27

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If Mullah Omar declared that u r part of Taliban, will u go to A'stan to fight?  
Re: An out of this world idea for disscuion only, no flame please. -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 06:44:36

Author Profile
Or worse, kick ur alcoholic habit?

Modified by Mao clone at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 06:45:19

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Yes, on one condition only  
Re: If Mullah Omar declared that u r part of Taliban, will u go to A'stan to fight? -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 06:54:44

Author Profile
If there is solid evidence that prove Allah exist, that he is the most powerful of all Gods, a supporter of the Taliban, and he garantee that I will have 75 virgins when I go to heaven.

Modified by alcoholic at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 07:02:34

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I personally guarantee that u will have 72 virgins after u go to heaven..  
Re: Yes, on one condition only -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 07:13:23

Author Profile
as promised in the Koran upon the condition that u accept that there are no deities but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet. But still u must quit alcohol in heaven.

Modified by Mao clone at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 07:14:53

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Are you sure about that?  
Re: I personally guarantee that u will have 72 virgins after u go to heaven.. -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: -Corsair- R
11/10/2001, 17:17:11

Author Profile
I mean, he'd have to give up the boozin' on Earth but I believe they provide rivers of wine in Heaven.

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Only non alcoholic/toxicating wine  
Re: Are you sure about that? -- -Corsair- Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 18:04:53

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Where dat hell is the other 3 virgins, you took it for commision?  
Re: I personally guarantee that u will have 72 virgins after u go to heaven.. -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 07:22:19

Author Profile
and you don't have to fighter for the Talibans?

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Did u get the figure of 75 from Shaitan?  
Re: Where dat hell is the other 3 virgins, you took it for commision? -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 07:27:19

Author Profile
I think the Koran only mentioned 72 virgins. Correct me if I were wrong.

Modified by Mao clone at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 07:28:25

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I have no idea, maybe your are right, but when I say 75 I mean 75  
Re: Did u get the figure of 75 from Shaitan? -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 07:33:42

Author Profile
I am sure Allah is flexible enough.

Modified by alcoholic at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 07:35:08

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Allah is just.Could u make do with 3 blow-up dolls??  
Re: I have no idea, maybe your are right, but when I say 75 I mean 75 -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 11:22:41

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Reminds me of a joke  
Re: Allah is just.Could u make do with 3 blow-up dolls?? -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Henry Yeh R
11/10/2001, 22:28:41

Author Profile
Había una vez tres borrachos que habían estado chupando desde temprano, luego se van a un burdel a buscar putas, y llaman a la madame:
- Madame!, traiga tres putas pa´nosotros.
- Bueno, pero por lo tarde que es, sólo puedo ofrecerles 2, y una mujer de plástico.
Uno de los borrachos estaba prácticamente destruido, entonces los otros dos deciden darle la mujer de plástico, pensando que no notaría la diferencia. A los días se encuentran los tres sobrios y comienzan a contarse las travesías de esa noche:
- A mí me tocó una leona, era rubia, excelente, no pudo haber sido mejor!.
- No pudo haber sido mejor que la mía, porque la mía era rubia y además era una salvaje.
- En cambio a mi me mandaron a una bruja; dice el tercero.
- ¿Una bruja?... ¿por qué?
- Porque cuando le mordí una teta, salió volando por la ventana...

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Re: Reminds me of a joke -- Henry Yeh Top of thread Archive
Posted by: -Corsair- R
11/12/2001, 13:44:16

Author Profile
First time I've heard this joke en español before. An english version has the unfortunate guy who got the "bruja de plástico" saying later, "I got a little rough with her, and she gave me a raspberry and jumped out the window!"

Heard the one about the singing blowjob?

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Blow-up dolls in heaven?  
Re: Allah is just.Could u make do with 3 blow-up dolls?? -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: -Corsair- R
11/10/2001, 17:15:35

Author Profile
Allah would surely not ahve such demonic creations gracing the halls of paradise!

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That sucks, what do I do with 3 blow-up dolls?  
Re: Allah is just.Could u make do with 3 blow-up dolls?? -- Mao clone Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 13:40:14

Author Profile
You can't compare that with real flesh and bone. Maybe I can give that to kids on Halloween. Unfortunately that will have to pospone till next year.

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Oh I forgot, those 75 have to be young, cute, and 36, 24, and 36  
Re: Yes, on one condition only -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: alcoholic R
11/10/2001, 07:08:16

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Modified by alcoholic at Sat, Nov 10, 2001, 07:11:42

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U doubt Allah's Omnipotence??  
Re: Oh I forgot, those 75 have to be young, cute, and 36, 24, and 36 -- alcoholic Top of thread Archive
Posted by: Mao clone R
11/10/2001, 07:18:32

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