Indian vs China - Why China has no future??  

Posted by Dragoon R , Fri, Dec 29, 2000, 23:57:56   Archive

I was checking this discussion at the BR forum- They are discussing China in both of their forums. I am copy and pasting R-singhs posts, because they are interesting, not that i agree with them

Ever since India developed nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, India has automatically become a threat to China. It is evident that Chinese do consider the Indians a threat as shown by their concern over India's improving diplomatic, economic and scientific relations with countries like Russia America and Japan. India's expanding and a potential blue water navy could negate the role of the PLAN in the Indian ocean. To my understanding India is also targeting the South China Sea.
Economic and technological growths are something that at best will cause envy, although not bring Indian and Chinese to war. Although India's increasing conventional and nuclear forces could trigger a dangerous arms race in the Asian continent. So therefore India could potentially trigger another cold war in Asia. As India maximises and modernising its forces China may have to react doing the same to ensure that India does not exceed or equalise with it in terms of military power. India's nuclear doctrine that envisions a nuclear triad comprising of air sea and land forces have already provoked a strong reaction from China(and Pakistan). In turn if China maximises and modernises its defence it will provoke strong reaction from Japan and its other potential enemies. Which will either join in the arms race or seek outside assistance. In the case of Japan it is quite likely that they will get the US involved. So having the power to create such a dangerous scene in Asia, India does play a major role in Asia and is a threat to Asian security either directly or indirectly.

We have a far superior government structure, that is world acclaimed, our democratic government gives us more edge in scientific and cultural progress. It gives us more freedom of speech more diverse ideas and secularism. China does not have a future its consistent oppression against its people and the restriction of free thought will always cause great discontent within and bring it to the brink of anarchy. This is evident from a recent survey that shown that only 9% of Chinese were happy with their standard of living, where as the democracies in this world(except for Russia) were the most happiest Communists is a tried and tested model that has failed time after time, it is only a matter of time when it fails in China too. The biggest advantage of a communist mode of government is the excellent productivity and military power, although the disadvantage is the awful progression in scientific research. In this era of scientific growth, China will struggle to succeed with its communist regime and will have to resort once again, to stealing technologies- This time from India.

What do you think?? Are we really at the brink of anarchy?

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O i just love those jellyhead from BR forum...  

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by JimRaynor R , Tue, Jan 02, 2001, 16:47:35 Top of thread Archive
1)India's expanding and a potential blue water navy could negate the role of the PLAN in the Indian ocean.

To my limited understanding, PLAN presence in the indian ocean is like a 30 second commercial break. Its always easy to chase ghosts and phantoms in the high seas...

2)To my understanding India is also targeting the South China Sea.

Yeah with Vietnam...that pretty much sums it up. And unless india can construct more deep water sea port on its eastern coastlines i wont be too worried.

3)We have a far superior government structure, that is world acclaimed, our democratic government gives us more edge in scientific and cultural
progress. It gives us more freedom of speech more diverse ideas and secularism. China does not have a future its consistent oppression against its people and the restriction of free thought will always cause great discontent within and bring it to the brink of anarchy.

I never knew they gave democracy a noble prize for encouraging humanity. In china nowadays, unless you plan to go political or start up a cult, you can do pretty much anything you damn pleases.

4)This is evident from a recent survey that shown that only 9% of Chinese were happy with their standard of living, where as the democracies in this world(except for Russia) were the most happiest.

oh its a "recent survey"...and i guess he speaks on behalf of 500million indians who lives below the poverty line...and whats wrong with the russians?

5)The biggest advantage of a communist mode of government is the excellent productivity and military power, although the disadvantage is the awful progression in scientific research. In this era of scientific growth, China will struggle to succeed with its communist regime and will have to resort once again, to stealing technologies- This time from India.

This guy must be talking to a dummy or is one. Where did india get the majority of its weapons? Answer=the russians. When did they develop them? When the russkies are still commies! And which coutry does it follow in its design of indeginous weapons? the russians! Well if what he says is true than that partly explains why india is so awful in r&d and tech. And india obviously never learnt productivity and military power from the russians well when they still think lenin & castro digs.

As for the rest of the crap hes spewing, he can be on the Jeff Robertson's Hypothetical(its a tv show in oz) and be a one man show.

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Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future??

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by Shiao Lianng R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 09:53:28 Top of thread Archive
Actually this is quite strange...i have come across many surveys (as much as they are worth) which indicate that the Chinese general public is "generally" or "very" optimistic about their future and China's future. This man, whatever his name is, most definitely is one of those China-bashing Indians who is simply jealous because anyone who can read simple statistics knows that, in all indicators, China leads India, by quite a large margin, I might add. There is no need to fume over someone like him from a country like India, or to go over those tedious details (stats) again...we need to concentrate on catching the "big boys"....don't waste our energy squabbling with a loser (person and/or a country). So quit going to that Indian forum...I have been there too and find it most tiresome. JMHO



Modified by Shiao Lianng at Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 09:53:54

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Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future??

Re: Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Shiao Lianng
Posted by Mohammed Abbasi R , Sun, Dec 31, 2000, 04:37:58 Top of thread Archive
Oh my God!
Why is it these Indians get jealous over every little thing, China is a great nation with a great future!
The Great Chinese people are focused on one thing - the improvement of CHINA!
If you Indians want to get ahead then - stop and think about your own country - first.
Every time oh its China - if not China oh its Pakistan -GROW UP.

In ten years China will probably be the nation most nations look up to and try to copy. India i'm afraid well can't say much on that...

Long Live China.



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Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future??  

Re: Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Shiao Lianng
Posted by Scott Lee R , Sun, Dec 31, 2000, 02:34:13 Top of thread Archive
Right. I also said so. Why does India concern so much about China?
Because China is their "big boy" who they want to catch up with. Let
them look up to China. China should put her eye on US and Japan's economy. If China can surpass them economically, everything will go
well. Look up, don't look down. Does US argue with Iraq or Yugo? No,
they bomb!

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Hmm...I think Cao Cao's right.  

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by SharpSword R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 07:56:28 Top of thread Archive
Leave BR garbage where it belongs - in the BR dumpster. Let the loonies in black rat stew in their own juices. We really don't need their crap in here.

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sharp of tounge and of wit as always...

Re: Hmm...I think Cao Cao's right. -- SharpSword
Posted by Jai Hind R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 17:58:35 Top of thread Archive

Modified by Jai Hind at Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 17:59:28

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Hey hey welcome back Vice-chairman SS...  

Re: Hmm...I think Cao Cao's right. -- SharpSword
Posted by santa R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 15:15:29 Top of thread Archive
No worries comrade, that old potato muncher from up north ain't coming back anytime soon... we've got a good stock of soap to keep it away for a while.

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Thanks. Happy new year Oh Red Overlord!  

Re: Hey hey welcome back Vice-chairman SS... -- santa
Posted by SharpSword R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 15:24:15 Top of thread Archive
j/k. It's good to see that the board is under control. I guess your pet gimp died eh? hehehe.

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Happy new years to you too...  

Re: Thanks. Happy new year Oh Red Overlord! -- SharpSword
Posted by santa R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 15:28:05 Top of thread Archive
nahhh the gimp is still alive and kicking over at the taiwan province board. I'll have to resort to long-distance spanking from now on.

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Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? again

Re: Original message --
Posted by Shiao Lianng R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 10:03:44 Top of thread Archive
Another stupid post which I think deserves to be wiped out...think before you post...and do try, as hard as it may seem, to keep an open mind, read up on some current and past books, and see that the world is not as simple, good/bad, democracy/dictatorship as you think it is....good grief!!!!do try to sound abit more intelligent...



Modified by Shiao Lianng at Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 10:04:00

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That's wonderful...  

Re: Original message --
Posted by SharpSword R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 07:54:19 Top of thread Archive
"Money has nothing to do with success."

Yes it does. Money has a hell of a lot to do with success. When was the last time a poor nation or individual was referred to as successful? Society and people are materialistic and the measure of one's achievment in society usually has a lot to do with how much a person has. You, being american, should know that especially well.

"The Chinese people have always been and forever will be poor."

That's an absolutely brilliant statement to make. Tell me, do you use your amazing powers at predicting the future for good or for evil? How do the other super friends feel about your abilities?

"They will continue to farm the country side or scavage a meager existance in the cities."

Although, China is certainly not rich, it is definitely getting less "meager" day by day. I think China is heading down the path taken by other Chinese entities (such as Hong Kong) who are now quite wealthy.

"This is unless democratic reforms take place within the government. Only then can China can be truely free..."

Well duh.... Whether or not China will be a democracy is not being questioned...that will inevitably happen as political reforms will invariably have to keep pace with economic reform. The question is the speed at which reform will happen. China's political reform should take place after the people are living at a comfortable income level (and with that a commensurate degree of education, etc.) Like many before me have said, the Taiwan province model is a good one to follow. Otherwise, China will end up like russia...a "successful" democracy where the true rulers of the land are pimps and gangsters.

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Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future??  

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by Dragoon R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 06:18:07 Top of thread Archive
Folks R-singh does not have hate for China, I see his other posts. Here some;

I have to say Indians have to be the most negative and pessimistic people on this planet. No where else do you see such low confidence and shame for their country.
Do Brit's ask the question "Why is Britain inferior to USA" or does Pakistani's as the question "Why is Pakistan inferior to India" or contrary to your topic do "Chinese ask the question "Why is India better at IT"

Your minds are still so overwhelmed with the past colonial era that you lack any real confidence. For gods sake!!! stop moaning now. Look at America that was also undo colonial rule, are they still crying about it?? do we see article upon article about their present colonial past. Only in India do we still prolong that colonial past we experienced, only In India do we value the foreigner more than our native's. Change your attitude folks or just give India to the Whiteman, they will take better care of it. Do you know why these primitive Islamic armies are proving heavy against a technologically superior India!! They have love for their own kind, they cherish their mother land and their dreams they are determined and don't give a damn about what others think. Then we have India, who wants to impress others, who does not mind if it loses a few hundred citizens and a few hundred troops. The government is a joke, where they deliberately show India as a poor country to get a few billion dollars in aid.
You're a mess, you, your country and your people. What you need is another messiah that can guide your troubled souls into the light.. In short, you need a miracle.

I have been to India 5-6 times for 4 months or so each time round and no.. It was not a rich mans mansion it was a middle classed family living in a flat that barely could accommodate an entire family.
I saw on the streets, public toilets but no body was willing to use them. I saw trash cans to place litter in but again no body seemed to use them. So whose fault is this, your countries or your peoples!! Its YOU!! yes, you Indians.. Who are always looking for someone to blame but themselves. Its funny how when you see a white man in your country you jaws drop..
You do not buy nappies you let the kids excrete on the floor then you just wipe it off with a towel which you use to wipe the floor clean later, is this the countries fault???
You set fireworks off while holding them in your hand, then you lose an eye, an arm a leg or die, Is this the countries fault??. I use to be sympathetic to these type of people before experiencing it first hand. Then suddenly in those movies where the poor are treated unequal by the rich, made me think. Why is this movie showing the poor as the good side!! Its these poor people that refuse to send their children to school that refuse to use government provided trash can or toilets. Its these people that beg on the streets because they can't bother to work!!!

You are the people that comprise this country, without its people its just territory. Bad people make bad countries.. And what is India.. decide for yourself??

I try to protect you Indians , I fight for you, I go against every negative comment against you, but in my mind I know there is an element of truth in it.

Its funny how you all ridicule yourself, just yesterday I saw a programme on the top A classed films made in India. One was "Jai Santoshi ma" and the director admitted that technically this film was absolutely pathetic(That you could even see the stage curtains moving), but because Indians are so illiterate they accept it. Women were going into the cinema with no shoes on, they were treating it like a pilgrimage. I hate to see my India in this state, you paint a ridiculous picture of your country. Others think you are primates.
All you can say is "Mera desh mahan" and then when its not working out for you, "Mera desh bohat boora hai".
To get into any university there you need to be very intelligent and/or very wealthy. If your not, then you have to settle with whatever you get. Whereas here in UK, you can get into higher careers by even failing. You can be average and find yourself to become a software writer or architect. Indians are not doing other Indians favours, your just making life difficult for each other. You cannot blame everything on your country, you are part of it.

There was once this painter who was working on a portrait of this royal women. Not wanting to disappoint her. He decided to have this portrait displayed in the national art museum with a red marker aside it and a note reading, " Please mark with the red marker provided any part that you think needs improvement" When he returned, he was horrified to see his portrait covered with hundreds of red marks, on the nose, on the eyes, on the cheeks, the hair the whole picture. The poor artist was depressed at this and the next day redisplayed a copy at the museum again with a notepad and pen aside it and a note reading, "Please write down on the notepad provided how I could improve this portrait". At the end of the day when the artist returned he saw that the notepad was completely empty.
The point im making. People are quick to criticise something but cannot give solutions, so instead of complaining about the filth on the road why don't you just pick it up and do yourself, your people and your country a favour.

I unfortunately still disagree with you that China does not consider India a threat. Maybe the people of PRC do not see India as a threat, because they are not informed. They see US as a threat because of the propaganda spread by communist leaders this is the restriction of free thinking, which I believe will bring your country closer to anarchy. (Check the thread "Why is India inferior to China" in the history and current affairs forum *Which I strongly protest against*). On an international power scale India does pose a grave threat even with a significant difference in nuclear weapons which as I have already said may not be common mans knowledge but the government and its entities are well aware of- if they are not, then they are incompetent as a government (Which IMO are ne way).
Why should this difference in nuclear weapons not make a great difference? In the nuclear weapon equation there is a minimum deterrent and anything above that is not necessary. For arguments sake if India has the ability to destroy ½ of China with her minimum deterrent and China has the stockpile to destroy all of India many times over, what will China gain?? There is nothing to gain in such a nuclear war, there is a lot to lose, India is destroyed but in turn China loses all its economic cities, millions and millions of its people and its defence forces and establishments. --- That is theoretical

In reality all these nuclear weapons going off will trigger a nuclear winter and destroy all life on the planet. All can be as little as 7 or 10. It is this minimum deterrent that India is pursuing today and with its acquisition there will be no need to build more nuclear weapons and the fact that PRC has a far greater number will become irrelevant, or even the technology in nuclear weapons because even a 1kt nuclear device can cause drastic damage, we have shown that we can cause 50 times that already and according to Indian scientists we can quadruple that too. So numbers are meaningless in this nuclear weapon equation, its is like Infinity + 1, which is still infinity.

2nd point: It is my understanding that Indian-Russian relations are very intense and that in a case where China would want to acquire military hardware India could leverage Russia into not negotiating with China. As in the past where Russia has provided the Chinese with a few SU-30's at much higher costs than it would for India. In the recent deal where India has acquired the ability to licence produce the Su-30MKIs at HAL (Producing about 140 in 17 years or 8-9 a year) Russia offered us this deal at a very cheap price of $3 billion dollars - that's about $20 million a jet plus give a major boaster to India's ability in developing jets. So If China wanted something from Russia it would be much expensive than it would be for India.

3rd point: PRC will have to wait a long time(will seem long to us) before it can compete with US economically or with conventional military. Will the showdown happen?? Well depends if China even exists then, like I said that with its regime it will always be on the brink of anarchy also it may change its aggressive posture and become friendly then it would not be much of a "showdown". Only time can tell, who will be the powers of the future. But with the present overwhelming lead by US it maybe truth that US will hold on to it for a long long time.

4rth point: Arms races are different from wars but they can result in wars, as it is clearly evident from the last cold war. Where Russia and America almost clashed several times and almost went nuclear. The possibility still exists between India and China.

5th point: If India and China continue this zero sum game then its better for both, although it is probably inevitable that either will want to exercise their power in the Indian ocean. With India's expanding and potential blue water navy China will either have to admit defeat in that arena and allow India to control the Indian ocean and the South China sea. Or contend with India with a possibility of a clash, a limited battle, a full fledged war and when nothing is working for either side, a nuclear war - Then this world may see Armageddon.

*He not sound like he hate China, he jus providing - analysis*

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Re: india has a superior form of government? ha!  

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by mr.unknown R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 05:30:26 Top of thread Archive
what a joke! there are so many people that are not represented or mistreated by the majority indian population just because of their race/beliefs. the dalits are a good example, they're abused (and driven towards violent tendencies terrorist bombings in the name of communism) and treated as second class citizens simply because the hindu religion says they're inferior. the musliums & christians are another good example. there are numerous complaints of human rights abuses against musliums in kashmir, and christian churches are always under the threat of bombings. if the indian government is so democratic and superior, they certainly should've redressed these grivances. how can you expect the indian minority to be a force of progression of free thought and ideas when their basic needs & rights are constantly under the threat of being violated and taken away (or simply being violated)? its no surprise that some of these abused groups are driven towards violence and separatist movements.

now i admit the PRC has some of the same human rights problems and we need some dramatic changes as well. but it would be safe to assume that in theory, democracy is better than totalitarianism, but so far, i don't think the indian government (who supposedly embrace democracy) have done any better than one that embraces (supposedly) communist dictatorship.

by the way, its laughable that this indian author still thinks that we believe in communism, frankly, i think neither the government nor the people of the PRC still holds much faith in that belief. and our economic structure cannot be considered a conventional communist system by any standards.

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caste et al.  

Re: Re: india has a superior form of government? ha! -- mr.unknown
Posted by Jai Hind R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 17:14:01 Top of thread Archive
Let me get that clear. Frankly, mr.unknown, I expected better of you. I had decided to leave myself out of this thread, because these tend to degenerate into mere jingoistic ranting, get nowhere and lead to me getting banned and having all my posts deleted... But christ.

I am Dalit. I am an "untouchable" (if you like quoting from Christian fundamentalist articles or are fluent in 18 century Portuguese epigrams)- the "lowest of the lowest", as Pastor John Q Christian would put it. I've been in a hell of a lot of caste-related discussions in a variety of boards, and they all seem to follow the same pattern...

before I start YET ANOTHER discussion on caste, I will present my credentials on the subject, as I know that someone will now question them (every caste-elated discussion usually follows this formula) I will save you the trouble: I am head of the local chapter of the American Student Dalit Assoc. and also a office-holding member of a local chapter of the Hindu Students Council. And am vehemently committed to supporting Dalit rights. However... I do not much like it when people start censuring about caste, basing their so called knowledge about the subject on 19th century Christian-based condemnations, "little red books" or mere hearsay.

[[there are so many people that are not represented or mistreated by the majority indian population just because of their race/beliefs]]

I would _love_ (incl. hugs and kisses*) for you to point those minorities out who are 'oppressed' on purpose by the government. Dalits? Moslems? Hindus? Indians? Sino-Indians? Tamils? Who?

Let's do some middle-school compare-and-contrasting now. Lets look at china, where "there are so many people that are not represented or mistreated by the PRC government just because of their religion/beliefs/political likings."

*not to be taken literally

[[the dalits are a good example, they're abused (and driven towards violent tendencies terrorist bombings in the name of communism) and treated as second class citizens simply because the hindu religion says they're inferior]]

Bull frickin sh1t. Those so-called 'caste-killings' that CNN loves to rant about follow this pattern:

1. Militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc groups note and worry about the continuing plunge of local support of their atrocities and of continuing police crackdowns

2. Militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc groups play the caste boogey man and take it upon their revolutionary socialist selves to "liberate" the "oppressed" dalits.

3. Militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc groups storm a local Brahmin village/Hindu temple/random neighborhood/rival militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc group in rural, backward Bihar state and appease the great spirit of red flags and revolution by indulging in massacres of all those who reside therein. Including cases where the militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc groups storm a Dalit residence and kill them to further the cause of Dalit rights in a socialist utopian paradise.

4. Local Brahmin village/Hindu temple/random neighborhood/rival militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc group form vigilante group to make sure that Militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc groups refrain from murdering them in the future.

5. Police/Army crack down on militant Naxalite/ULFA/etc groups

6. CNN prints a "tell all" story of caste violence ripping apart all of India from "head to toe", blames "Hindu fundamentalists", blames BJP, relates the story to Kashmir and Pakistan, uses the phrase "nuclear tinderbox" at least once, finishes with paragraph about how India and Pakistan tested nuclear weapons.

7. Return to '1.' Repeat.

Woo fricking hoo.

And do explain about how Hinduism regards us Dalits as "inferior"

[[example. there are numerous complaints of human rights abuses against musliums in kashmir, and christian churches are always under the threat of bombings]]

The first is true in any such flashpoint/insurgury/war in the world. Vietnam, Tibet, Korea. Hardly spectacular in Kashmir. Hardly the fault of the GoI - highly on the contrary.

Regarding the latter. The same could be said of China with the trailer that, when applied to China, it is true. If some churches get blown up in the two-thousand year stint of Christianity in India... woo hoo *waves hands in air*

Why, pray tell of silence of the Hindu temple destroyed in Assam just recently? What of the routine oppression of Hindu pandits in Kashmir by Moslem militants? Why the double standard?

[[if the indian government is so democratic and superior, they certainly should've redressed these grivances.]]

IMHO they are doing a damn fine job of uniting the country the ideals of basic freedoms and democracy - a country which more racially, culturally, religiously politically and ethnically diverse then Africa and Europe combined. A country where one needn't watch ones back for fear of upsetting big brother. A country where for every one instance of ethnic tension there is 1 trillion instances of ethnic harmony. A pluralistic harmony not enforced under a despotic, tyrannical regime.

[[can you expect the indian minority to be a force of progression of free thought and ideas when their basic needs & rights are constantly under the threat of being violated and taken away (or simply being violated)?]]

In what way, do tell. How can you expect Chinese minorities (in ethnicity, philosophy and political theory) where free thoughts and ideals are restricted and basic rights are only applicable if one subscribes to governmental-decided propriety?

[[now i admit the PRC has some of the same human rights problems and we need some dramatic changes as well]]

I understand you understand that. And my points stating that are meant to those out there who have repeatedly chosen to ignore that.

[[by the way, its laughable that this indian author still thinks that we believe in communism, frankly, i think neither the government nor the people of the PRC still holds much faith in that belief. and our economic structure cannot be considered a conventional communist system by any standards]]

I agree wholeheartedly. Fascism is more applicable.


Modified by Jai Hind at Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 17:29:33

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Re: it wasn't my intention to conduct random indian bashing:  

Re: caste et al. -- Jai Hind
Posted by mr.unknown R , Sun, Dec 31, 2000, 09:13:59 Top of thread Archive
i apologize if i gave you the impretion that i was degenerating into random indian bashing. however, there seem to be a couple of things we need to clarify:

1. oppression: i did not state that the indian government have INTENTIONALLY oppressed any particular ethnic group. however, there does seem to be instances where a minority population is persecuted by angry mobs, (IE dalits' rights are limited, violence against christians, etc), and it APPEARS that the indian government has not done enough to STOP this behavior (a situation similiar to that in Indonesia) since we constantly hear of it happening again & again. we could blame that on the western media (exaggeration of the facts), however, there can be no smoke without fire, they must have SOME basis, SOME incident to build upon. now i would go as far as to admit that there are probably instances where the PRC government has went as far as making it a POLICY to persecute certain groups (IE closing down unregistered christian churches & jailing dissidents), however, whether its government policy or not, the results are the same: when minorities (whether ethnical or political) are allowed to be unjustly persecuted, the whole of society suffers. and that brings us back to the original post that started this discussion...

2. comparisons of government: the original post which started this thread consisted of a piece of commentary which was supposedly posted by a BR forum member claims that India has a superior form of government when compared to the PRC. he made this judgement on that basis that india is a democracy, it supports and protects the freedoms of the people. while the PRC is a dictatorship where minorities & those with unpopular views are persecuted. thus, he claimed, that india's open society will allow it to progress further economically & scientifically than the PRC. to a certain degree, i actually AGREE with him. i do think that it would be practical for the PRC to eventually adopt a form of government with democratic practices. however, i attempted to point out that the same situations and incidents (human rights abuses, persecutions) where india has suffered from the same problems that PRC has. and it resulted in the same consequences: peoples' rights are violated, unjust violence has occurred, the development and progress of the society is hindered.

therefore, if he's going to compare governments solely by that standard, then india isn't much better than the PRC, as he have claimed.

3. the use of media: this isn't a very revelent or widely discussed issue on this thread, but i noticed that whenever an organization (such as amnesty int.) denounces india or the PRC concerning human rights abuses, we both try to discredit that particular source of information. however, i think its very hypocritical of both of us to use these sources (AI, human rights watch, etc) as evidence to denounce each other.

IMHO, i guess we should stop talking about "who's worse off" and start discussing how both of us can IMPROVE the situation we're in.

i guess went too far on that last post of my & i take the responsibility for it, i imagine it would've started quite a big flame war if it was posted in BR. thank you for your involvement and providing us a balanced point of view.

one last thing, i don't know that much about the indian government, but i'll take your word for it that the GOI has done a fine job of keeping the diverse country together, but let's hope that this is not the BEST they can do...

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Now U know how a Chinese feel?  

Re: caste et al. -- Jai Hind
Posted by Yu The Great R , Sun, Dec 31, 2000, 05:05:53 Top of thread Archive
Every time you all (not you) indians can say China is not free, China is a AUTHORITARIAN country, ppl can't express their ideas freely...etc
For your INFO, China has changed a lot in this few decades... if u say in the 50s maybe yes but now everybody has their own freedom to pursue their own goal and they can express their political ideas(not anarchist ideas) through the local ppls congresses. Do u think China could have advanced in her econ if the people were not living happily? And if Chinese couldn't express their ideas, do u think China could carry out reforms?

Does India protect her own citizens rights? U may say yes b'coz you are DEMOCRATIC.... but I would say NO... India cannot even provide enough food for its ppl!!(Is this human rights? By not providng and ensuring enough food for ya ppl, U yourself have violated human rights!!)

This is just food! What about a place to stay? If U all check the current life quality indexes(sorry i forogt the link) China is one times higher than india by comparison. Does Inida provide a place safe and good enough for its ppl to stay( this is already violating the basic human right s of its ppl... shelter, food and clothing.)

Lastly although China is not as good as the US but it always ensures that its ppl have enpough to eat and stay in a productive enviromen6t.
Everything on top is a comparison of human rights in India and China

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Re: india has a superior form of government? ha!  

Re: Re: india has a superior form of government? ha! -- mr.unknown
Posted by Dongfang R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 06:19:59 Top of thread Archive
You're right. Just a few hours ago, CNN reported the human right violation in India, including that the christians were burned to death.

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Re: could you provide a link to that CNN article?  

Re: Re: india has a superior form of government? ha! -- Dongfang
Posted by mr.unknown R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 06:44:08 Top of thread Archive
its not that i don't believe you, but it would make your claim appear more convincing. >;-]

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Re: could you provide a link to that CNN article?

Re: Re: could you provide a link to that CNN article? -- mr.unknown
Posted by Dongfang R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 08:45:06 Top of thread Archive
It was on Headline News between 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm (eastern time) 12/30/00. There were other related stories on India in this piece of news. You may find this at, select South Asia, but I am not sure. If you really want to find out, you have to order a video from CNN.

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ATTENTION ALL: any more posts from BR will be deleted in the future!

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by Cao Cao R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 04:55:16 Top of thread Archive
ok man, i love to have a free atmosphere for discussion ok, but this whole bharat-rakshak/i hate china/china will fall/communism leads to anarchy CRAP is just a b****! That's the reason why BR is branded a crap forum! They are a monotonous forum where all they say are about their superiority over all other nations, yet they never have any discussions about their own flaws and problems.

But to be fair, this is going to be the last time that I'll refute BR forum posts' arguments point by point.

1) Superiority of Indian democracy: rampant corruption, partisan warfare, continued discrimination of racial, religious, and caste minorities.

2) Superiority of democracy in progress:

a) Economy: PRC's economy is at least 3 times larger than that of India. PRC has a 200 billion foreign trade reserve, India, almost to zilch.

b) backwardness of Indian defense/research programs. Examples, a 20+ yrs old Arjun MBT program that has yet to produce any results, hence the reliance on Russian T-90s; LCA; ATV; ADS; etc.

You can have your so call 'democratic freedom' for all i care, but I doubt a nation where half of the population is illiterate and that every year there's not enough food to feed its population shows that this nation is not as superior as it is claimed.

On the other hand, PRC has its flaws too; all nations do.

In short, I think we should not use this forum to talk about India's 'democratic superiority,' but rather China's problems and solutions.

Santa, bomberman, if you dont think that I should delete BR posts in this forum, please let me know.

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Is 'it' worth it?

Re: ATTENTION ALL: any more posts from BR will be deleted in the future! -- Cao Cao
Posted by Jai Hind R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 17:13:25 Top of thread Archive
Freedom as a poor man, material riches as a Chinese "dalit" (lit. "oppressed").

I, sir, choose the former.


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The poor man has freedom but not the means to enjoy it. You obviously never made

Re: Is 'it' worth it? -- Jai Hind
Posted by JimRaynor R , Tue, Jan 02, 2001, 16:53:07 Top of thread Archive
the choice.

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Be as poor as you want and as your freedom allows.

Re: Is 'it' worth it? -- Jai Hind
Posted by CP R , Tue, Jan 02, 2001, 11:32:49 Top of thread Archive
I will grab the rich and material wealth. Call me "money worshipper" as much and as hatefully as you want.

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i think u got it the other way around

Re: Is 'it' worth it? -- Jai Hind
Posted by Cao Cao R , Mon, Jan 01, 2001, 06:06:54 Top of thread Archive
i dont think the indian option is 'freedom as a poor man,' because as much as india's a democracy, the only freedom that the majority of the people have is the freedom of poverty, freedom of oppression (by other castes, economic elites, corrupt local bureaucrats, or just local gangsters).

According to your definition of the 'superior notion of indian democracy,' people have the freedom to live under an unfair, predestined caste system because the government's afraid that things change too fast; women still have the freedom to be subordinated under the caste system again; poor kids still have the freedom of illiteracy so that for the rest of their lives they can be abused and subjugated by others; people still have the freedom to be discriminated because they're not Hindu, etc.......

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for clarifications.....

Re: ATTENTION ALL: any more posts from BR will be deleted in the future! -- Cao Cao
Posted by Cao Cao R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 04:58:25 Top of thread Archive
i dont mean to delete ALL bharat rakshak posts, I mean the ones that are politically incorrect and idiotic, and ones that try to flame people with political/racial dogma, that crap.

Other than that, BR posts such as discussion on armed forces, economic aspects, geopolitical details, facts material type of stuff and analyzes that are not propaganda would be welcomed.

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Yip sure, no problems here.  

Re: for clarifications..... -- Cao Cao
Posted by santa R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 15:08:26 Top of thread Archive

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Something From BR  

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by Dongfang R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 04:01:16 Top of thread Archive
"China/Singapore etc on the other hand, have complete order and control, no disorder is tolerated. Such societies
will progress in a controlled manner copying selected items from the west, but dont expect anything creative or
original from them."

The above statement is not quite right. Any country can be creative, including India and China. Like or not, the
following are from the book: The Genius of China, 3,000 Years of Science, Discovery and Invention, by Robert Temple,

"Francis Bacon had selected three inventions, paper and printing, gunpowder, and the magnetic compass, which
had done more, he thought, than any religious conviction, or any astrological influence, or any conqueror's
achievements, to transform completely the modern world and mark it off from antiquity and the Middle Ages. He
regarded the origins of these inventions as 'obscure and inglorious' and he died without ever knowing that all of
them were Chinese." Great British Scientist and Author Dr. Joseph Needham

"One of the greatest untold secrets of history is that the 'modern world' in which we live is a unique synthesis of
Chinese and Western ingredients. Possibly more than half of the basic inventions and discoveries upon which the
'modern world' rests come from China" Robert Temple

My friend, one or two hundred years is only a small period in human history. Who knows which country will be at the
top of the world at the end of new century.

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Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future??  

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by Scott Lee R pilot , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 01:27:05 Top of thread Archive
Something advanced about India:

(1)Freedom: Legal prostitution. Next time you go there, enjoy.
Men can rape women or disfigure them without punishment.
Did you watch Operah show on ABC?

(2)Religious zest and endurance: It's a glory for a girl to become a
nun, and all her hair will be removed manually---nobody
can endure this kind of pain except Indians.

(3)Believes in fate not science: About half of them are illiterate.

(4)Dream workers: Those who have dream got the future.


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U r darn right that we have no future but I hope u could tell us...  

Re: Indian vs China - Why China has no future?? -- Dragoon
Posted by Mao clone R , Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 00:22:29 Top of thread Archive
---how superior India is in the realm of scientific progress.
---Only 9% of Chinese are happy? Great, it means we got to increase our GDP 10 fold. Regarding happiness, even prosperious HKers are much less happy than the philipino maids they hire(based on stats)

Dragoon bhai, if u r not tire of such India-China comparision which have become a BR addiction, I am. Well, how about a thread on Indira Gandhi(my favorite Indian heroine)

Modified by Mao clone at Sat, Dec 30, 2000, 02:25:00

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